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Special Collections

The former Special Collections at the Information Services Division are now housed in the Rutgers University Annex, with the exception of the Ralph G. Connor Alcohol Research Reference Files (CARRF).

Contains over 2000 ads, sorted by type and brand of beverage, that were published in the New Yorker and the New York Times Magazine from the late 1970s to mid-2004. These materials demonstrate changing trends in marketing techniques and beverage preferences.

Contain records of institutions in the alcohol field. Materials are arranged by state or country of origin, by public or private organization, and by subject (including some Temperance-related documents).

A collection of approximately 20,000 abstracts printed on edge-notched cards for manual subject retrieval. Publication of CAAAL ceased in 1978.

A collection of more than 500 questionnaires and survey instruments used in alcohol-related research. Contact JSAD for copies.

Contains the full text of all original documents abstracted by the Center staff (through 1982), along with recently indexed publications of significant research value

  • New Jersey Alcohol/Drug Resource Center and Clearinghouse (integrated in the general collection )

The Alcohol library used to maintain a separate collection of educational materials, including print and audiovisual resources, designed for students, educators, community workers, and the general public. This collection included textbooks, manuals, curricula, pamphlets, and videotapes related to all aspects of alcohol or other drug use. Integrated in the collection of Rutgers University Libraries, many of these titles are available for research.

From the Digital Alcohol Studies Archives

Special Collections

Materials digitized from Special Collections can be browsed and accessed in RUcore, the Rutgers University Community Repository.