The New Jersey Alcohol/Drugs Resource Center and Clearinghouse Fact Sheet Series, published at the Center of Alcohol Studies beginning in 1988, provided useful information on a variety of alcohol and drugs in a concise, two-page format. The thirty fact sheets served institutions of higher education, state agencies, communities, and school districts throughout the state of New Jersey by providing technical assistance, training, and resources in alcohol and other drug abuse education and prevention.
Authored by recognized experts in the fields of alcohol and other drug prevention, education, interÂvention, treatment, and research, ClearingÂhouse fact sheets were allowed to be reproduced in quantity without prior approval if reproduced in their entirety and used solely for non-profit and educational purposes. Guidelines to authors suggested texts of 1000 to 1500 words in length and simple language tailored to the broadest audiences.
More information about the Center of Alcohol Studies and the development of New Jersey Alcohol/Drug Resource Center and Clearinghouse is available from Catherine Weglarz's article Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies Library: A Brief History, published in The Journal of the Rutgers University Libraries. An excerpt is available below:
The Library and the Center's Division of Education and Training worked together with the State of New Jersey's Department of Higher Education to design the New Jersey Alcohol/Drug Resource Center and Clearinghouse [...] Two Clearinghouse goals are to develop core collections of alcohol/drug education, treatment,and prevention materials and to disseminate information on those topics to residents of the State of New Jersey.

From the Digital Alcohol Studies Archives
New Jersey Alcohol/Drugs Resource Center and Clearinghouse Fact Sheet Series
Click title where applicable to download pdf from RUcore, the Rutgers University Community Repository.
Click link PDF on ERIC to download the document from ERIC, the Education Resources Information Center.
These fact sheets are for research purposes only. The information might be outdated.
- Bakker, R. (1992). The Coach's Role in Alcohol/Drug Prevention.
- Bates, M. E. (1992). Alcohol Impairment and Social Drinking. PDF on ERIC.
- Battle, J. S. (1994). Facts On: Adolescent Substance Abuse.
- Battle, J. S. (1994). Facts on 12 Step Programs.
- Brick, J. (1994). Facts On: Cocaine and Crack.
- Brick, J. (1991). Driving While Intoxicated. PDF on ERIC
- Brick, J. (1994). Facts On: Marijuana and Hashish.
- Brick, J. & Langenbucher, J. (1994). Facts on Health Care Costs of Addiction.
- Desmond, T. C. (1992). Facts on Employee Assistance Programs. PDF on ERIC
- Drietlein, R. (1994). Facts on Counselor Burnout and Renewal.
- Fiorentino, N. & Reilly, P. (1992). Facts on Mentally Ill Chemical Abusers.
- Fiorentino, N. & Regan, K. (1994). Facts On: Food Addiction.
- Gomberg, E. S. L. (1992). Facts on Alcohol, Drugs and the Elderly.
- Gomberg, E. S. L. (1991). Facts on Women and Alcohol.
- Griffin, T. & Svendsen, R. (1993). Promising Prevention Strategies for the 90's.
- Hadge, C. (1991). Assessing Adolescent Treatment Programs. PDF on ERIC
- Hadge, C. (1992). School-Based Prevention and Intervention Programs. PDF on ERIC
- Hamilton, G. (1994). Facts on the Genetics of Addiction.
- Hill, D. S. (1992). Facts on College Alcohol/Drug Education Programming.
- Mackey, R. (1992). Facts on Alcohol, Drugs, and Domestic Violence.
- Mead, V. (1994). Facts on Lesbian and Gay Substance Abuse.
- Milgram, G. G. (1994). Facts On: The Effects of Alcohol.
- Page, P. B. (1992). Facts on Adult Children of Alcoholics.
- Page, P. B. (1994). Facts on Grant Funding for Alcohol/Drug Prevention. PDF on ERIC
- Pohl, M. I. (1992). AIDS and Chemical Dependency.
- Rotgers, F. (1991). Early Intervention with Problem Drinkers.
- Shaver, M. (1991). Get the Facts: Alcohol and Other Drugs.
- Slade, J. (1992). Facts on Nicotine and Tobacco.
- Weglarz, C. (1992). Facts on Anabolic Steroids.
- Wexler, A. & Wexler, S. (1992). Facts on Compulsive Gambling.
Later on the updated fact sheets were available online too. See sample pages from the Internet Archive: