Updated annually, the Center of Alcohol Studies Bibliographies were extensive printed lists of references to the international scientific literature on specific alcohol subjects. Journal articles, books, technical reports, dissertations and conference proceedings were covered. Cited items were limited to the English language.
Organized by popular topics, most lists included all documents in the Center’s information system collected since 1982 including bibliographic references arranged alphabetically by author.
Updates were available separately for persons who already had bibliographies. For subjects where material was collected prior to 1982, retrospective bibliographies were available.
The Alcohol Bibliographies followed the best traditions of disseminating scholarly information in the literature, established by the editors of the Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, such as the Bibliography on Alcohol Problems compiled by Mark Keller and Vera Efron in 1955, Alcohol Education Materials edited by Gail Milgram, and the International Bibliography of Studies on Alcohol, also edited by Mark Keller.
To learn more about their methods, read the Introduction to the three-volume publication.
From the Digital Alcohol Studies Archives
- Browse the Bibliography on Alcohol Problems
- See samples of the Alcohol Bibliography Series from 1988 and 1998