The Alcohol Beverage Advertisement Collection contains over 2000 ads, sorted by type and brand of beverage, that were published in the New Yorker and the New York Times Magazine from the late 1970s to mid-2004. These materials demonstrate changing trends in marketing techniques and beverage preferences.
The collection was donated by Phyllis Marstellar, a former member of the editorial staff for the Journal of Studies on Alcohol.

The collection is housed in nine archival clamshell boxes in the Rutgers University Libraries Annex. Contents are organized as follows:
Box 1: Gin
Box 2: Scotch
Box 3: Single malt scotch and whiskeys
Box 4: Vodka
Box 5: Brandy, cognac, and liquers
Box 6: Aperitifs, tequila, and rum
Box 7: Ads for specific holidays
Box 8: Wine, beer, ale, "low carb" beverages and special ad supplements
Box 9: Ads for contests, rebates, and special offers; ads (for other products or services) that include alcoholic beverages; miscellaneous ads including women; and ads promoting responsible drinking.
There is a printed index (in looseleaf binder) containing contents lists for each box, as well as an index by brand names). There is no comprehensive digital version of this collection. Select items have been digitized for a prototype digital library as a Digital Library Technologies class project at SC&I.