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The Memoirs series changed names frequently, paralleling the subtle name changes that the Center of Alcohol Studies underwent in the 1940s. Starting out as Memoirs of the School of Alcohol Studies, it later changed to Memoirs of the Section on Alcohol Studies, and finally Memoirs of the Section of Studies on Alcohol

These names cover a series of six monographs designed to serve as another medium for disseminating the same or similar information that was published in the Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol (QJSA). 

From the Digital Alcohol Studies Archives

List of Memoirs

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No. 1 - Sociology and the problems of alcohol. Foundations for a sociological study of drinking behavior. By Selden D. Bacon, PhD 

No. 2 - Inebriety, social integration, and marriage. By Selden D. Bacon, PhD 

No. 3 - Adult adjustment of foster children of alcoholic and psychotic parentage and the influence of the foster home. By Anne Roe, PhD and Barbara Burks, PhD, with a chapter on sibling adjustment in collaboration with Bela Mittelmann, MD 

No. 4 - Some economic aspects of alcohol problems. By Benson Y. Landis, PhD 

No. 5 - Phases in the drinking history of alcoholics. Analysis of a survey conducted by the Grapevine, official organ of Alcoholics Anonymous. By E. M. Jellinek, ScD 

No. 6 A Rorschach study on the psychological characteristics of alcoholics. By Charlotte Buhler, PhD and D. Welty Lefever, PhD 

Bonus* - Alcohol and creative work, part 1: Painters. By Anne Roe, PhD *The title "Alcohol and creative work" was listed as 'In preparation' to be included among the Memoirs series, but was apparently never added. However, in 1946, Dr. Roe published "Alcohol and creative work, part 1: Painters," in the Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, which may have been the result of that study. No further installments in this series were published.