Student Assistance Program
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- school and community cooperative program
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Displaying 1 - 145 of 145
Title: The 60-minute screen: a student assistance tool.Year: 1988Journal: Student Assistance Journal 1 (No. 1): 29-32,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: The adolescent counselor's partner: student assistance programsYear: 2004Journal: Counselor 5(2): 59-60ISSN: 1047-7314
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Title: Alcohol and drug abuse prevention in Wisconsin public schools.Year: 1989Journal: Journal of School Health 59: 21-24,ISSN: 0022-4391
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Title: Alcohol industry influence: two views.Year: 1990Journal: Student Assistance Journal 3 (No. 2): 26-32, 47-50,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: An analysis of student assistance programs: Connecticut, New Jersey, and New YorkYear: 1998Journal: Journal of Drug Education 28(2): 107-116ISSN: 0047-2379
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Title: ASAP: an empowerment education model for native American and Hispanic adolescents.Publisher: Rockville, MD * National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug InformationSource: Pp. 185-194. In: Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety. 196 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Assessing the impact of a student assistance program.Publisher: New Brunswick, NJ * Rutgers Continuing EducationSource: [Pp. 98-104] In: Smithers, R. Brinkley, Institute for Alcoholism Prevention and Workplace Problems. First annual symposium on the prevention of alcohol and other drug problems. varying pages.Year: 1988
Title: The assistance package: EAP & SAP.Year: 1994Journal: Student Assistance Journal 7 (No. 3): 10-11,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Bouncing back: SAPs that build resiliency.Year: 1996Journal: Student Assistance Journal 8 (No. 4): 16-19,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Can your SAP survive school reform?Year: 1994Journal: Student Assistance Journal 7 (No. 1): 20-23,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: The CARE program: a team effort.Year: 1988Journal: Student Assistance Journal 1 (No. 1): 19-22,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: The CARE team model: how to get everyone involved in your student assistance program for secondary schools; grades 7-12Publisher: Minneapolis * Johnson Institute;Format: Manual. 2 and 4.Source: 141 pp.Year: 1993
Title: The challenge of reentry.Year: 1992Journal: Student Assistance Journal 4 (No. 4): 24-27, 52-53,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Classroom strategies for children and adolescents.Publisher: Baltimore * Paul H. Brookes Publ. Co.;Source: Chap. 6, pp. 155-181. In: Smith, G. H., Coles, C. D., Poulsen, M. K. and Cole, C. K. Children, families, and substance abuse: challenges for changing educational and social outcomes. xxxv + 268 pp.Year: 1995
Title: The classroom teacher's role in using the student assistant program (SAP).Year: 2006Journal: Student Assistance Journal 18(2): 14-16ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Coaches guide to drugs and sportPublisher: Champaign, IL * Human KineticsFormat: Manual. 4.Source: xvi + 188 pp.Year: 1996
Title: The Commissioner's annual report to the Governor and Legislature on the effectiveness of drug and alcohol programs administered by the Department of Education 1990-1991.Publisher: Trenton, NJSource: 68 pp.Year: 1992
Title: The Commissioner's annual report to the Governor and Legislature on the effectiveness of drug and alcohol programs administered by the Department of Education 1990-1991.Publisher: Trenton, NJSource: 68 pp.Year: 1992
Title: The complete guide to elementary student assistance programs: strategy, policy, and procedure.Publisher: Center City, MN * Hazelden;Source: vi + 154 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Comprehensive Systems Collaboration: a model for coordinating services for alcohol- and drug- affected students.Year: 1991Journal: Social Work in Education 13 (No. 2): 105-117,ISSN: 0162-7961
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Title: Conducting support groups for students affected by chemical dependence: a guide for educators and other professionals.Publisher: Minneapolis, MN * Johnson Institute;Format: Manual. 4.Source: 152 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Confidentiality and communication: a guide to the federal drug and alcohol confidentiality law and HIPAAPublisher: New York * Legal Action CenterSource: 5th ed.Year: 2003
Title: The core team referral process: how students are identified, screened and intervened.Year: 2006Journal: Student Assistance Journal 18(2): 19-23ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Counseling the adolescent substance abuser: school-based intervention and prevention.Publisher: Thousand Oaks, CA * Sage Publications;Source: xi + 217 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Creating drug-free schools and communities: a comprehensive approach.Publisher: New York * HarperCollins Publishers;Source: xvii + 344 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Critical incidents: ethical issues in substance abuse prevention and treatment.Publisher: Bloomington, IL * Lighthouse Training InstituteSource: 276 pp. + appendix.Year: 1993
Title: Cultural diversity in elementary SAPs.Year: 1995Journal: Student Assistance Journal 8 (No. 1): 12-16,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Depression revealed.Year: 2004Journal: Student Assistance Journal 16(2): 14-15ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Developing a crisis intervention plan.Year: 1991Journal: Student Assistance Journal 4 (No. 1): 25-29, 52,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Door no. 1, door no. 2, or door no. 3?Year: 1990Journal: Student Assistance Journal 2 (No. 4): 14-15,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Drug education: a scholastic resource guide for teachers.Year: 1989Journal: Scholastic, pp. 1-8,
Title: Drugs in school: now what?Year: 2007Journal: Student Assistance Journal 19(1): 19, 21-22ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Early intervention programs.Publisher: San Francisco, CA * Center for Human Development, Youth Services Technical Assistance ProjectSource: 15 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Early onset of substance abuse: implications for student assistance programs.Year: 2003Journal: Student Assistance Journal 16(1): 22-25ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Effective AIDS policies for schools.Year: 1990Journal: Student Assistance Journal 3 (No. 2): 34-38,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Enabling in the school setting.Publisher: Minneapolis, MN * Johnson InstituteSource: 40 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Evaluating school-based prevention strategies: alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.Publisher: La Jolla, CA * University of California;Source: Proceedings of a conference, San Diego, 30 March-1 April 1989. vii + 63 pp. + appendices.Year: 1989
Title: An evaluation of the Peer Support program.Publisher: Rozelle, NSW * CEIDASource: iii + 47 pp. + appendices.Year: 1988
Title: An evaluation of student assistance programs in Pennsylvania.Year: 1993Journal: Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education 39 (No. 1): 1-18,ISSN: 0090-1482
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Title: Evaluation tools for student assistance programs.Publisher: Boulder, CO * National Organization of Student Assistance Programs and Professionals;Source: 164 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Exploring an effective strategy for prevention & early intervention.Year: 1989Journal: Adolescent Counselor 2 (No. 2): 53-56,ISSN: 1042-7589
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Title: Facing chemical dependency in the classroom: with student assistance programs.Publisher: Deerfield Beach, FL * Health Communications;Source: xvi + 105 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Family systems theory and adolescent substance abuse: a proposal for expanding the role of the school.Year: 1990Journal: Journal of Adolescent Chemical Dependency 1 (No. 2): 57-76,ISSN: 0896-7768
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Title: Federal confidentiality regulations.Year: 1989Journal: Student Assistance Journal 1 (No. 5): 18, 56-57,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: The funding fallout: can student assistance survive the nuking of government funds?Year: 1995Journal: Student Assistance Journal 8 (No. 2): 32-36,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Getting back to basics through intervention.Year: 1988Journal: Student Assistance Journal 1 (No. 2): 17, 37-38,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: The gray area.Year: 1989Journal: Student Assistance Journal 2 (No. 1): 15-18,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Groups do it better.Year: 1992Journal: Adolescent Counselor 5 (No. 1): 32-34, 60,ISSN: 1042-7589
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Title: Groups do it better.Year: 1992Journal: Adolescent Counselor 5 (No. 1): 32-35, 60,ISSN: 1042-7589
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Title: A guide to expanding school-based prevention.Publisher: Portland, OR * Northwest Regional Educational LaboratorySource: 12 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Hampton Intervention and Prevention Project (HIPP): an effective approach to school age substance abuse. A manual for developing a comprehensive school-based substance abuse program.Publisher: Hampton, VA * Alternatives, Inc.;Source: 148 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Help for hurting teens.Year: 1992Journal: Student Assistance Journal 5 (No. 2): 27-29,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: HIPP: a comprehensive school-based substance abuse program with cooperative community involvement.Year: 1990Journal: J. primary Prev. 10: 289-302,
Title: How to start a school group counseling program.Year: 1994Journal: Student Assistance Journal 7 (No. 2): 26-28,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Impact of a Student Assistance Program.Year: 1989Journal: Journal of Drug Education 19: 327-335,ISSN: 0047-2379
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Title: Implementing school-based substance abuse interventions: methodological dilemmas and recommended solutions.Year: 2004Journal: Addiction 99(Suppl.2): 106-119.ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: In retrospect: insights for a strong SAP.Year: 1994Journal: Student Assistance Journal 7 (No. 1): 30-33,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Insight classes: a major tool for preassessment.Year: 1988Journal: Student Assistance Journal 1 (No. 2): 32-40,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Intervening with parents of students who abuse alcohol or other drugs.Publisher: Milwaukee, WI * Community Recovery Press;Source: vii + 115 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Intervention and student assistance: the Pennsylvania Model.Year: 1989Journal: Journal of Chemical Dependency Treatment 2 (No. 1): 145-162,ISSN: 0885-4734
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Title: The intervention guidebook: a guidebook for intervening and redirecting student behavior.Publisher: Round Rock, TX * Rising Tide Consultants;Source: 58 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Legal ease: an excerpt from Counseling the Adolescent Substance Abuser that examines legal issues affecting student assistance specialists.Year: 1995Journal: Student Assistance Journal 8 (No. 3): 22-25,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Legal ease II.Year: 1996Journal: Student Assistance Journal 8 (No. 4): 20-21,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Letting the spirit soar.Year: 1990Journal: Student Assistance Journal 3 (No. 1): 26-30,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: A life-skills approach.Year: 1990Journal: Student Assistance Journal 3 (No. 1): 32-34, 51-52,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Making contact: the value of support groups.Year: 1988Journal: Student Assistance Journal 1 (No. 2): 19-21, 56,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Making the grade: student assistance programs rehabilitate rather than punish students with problems.Year: 1989Journal: Employee Assistance 1 (No. 10): 12-14,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: The means to a winning endYear: 2004Journal: Student Assistance Journal 16(4): 20-24ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Meeting special needs: a holistic approach to chemical abuse.Year: 1988Journal: Student Assistance Journal 1 (No. 3): 25-29,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Mobilizing resources.Year: 1989Journal: Student Assistance Journal 1 (No. 5): 59-52,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: The most difficult test of all.Year: 1995Journal: Student Assistance Journal 8 (No. 2): 22-25,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Moving up: the k-12 student assistance program model can go to collegeYear: 2004Journal: Student Assistance Journal 16(3): 22-24ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: A necessary partnership.Year: 1991Journal: Student Assistance Journal 4 (No. 2): 24-25,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Networking schools: you don't have to go it alone.Year: 1992Journal: Student Assistance Journal 5 (No. 2): 23-26,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: The New Holstein student assistance program.Year: 1988Journal: Student Assistance Journal 1 (No. 1): 23-26,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Peer helping programs.Year: 1990Journal: Student Assistance Journal 3 (No. 2): 22-25,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: The peer support programme.Publisher: Canberra, Australia * Alcohol and Drug FoundationSource: Pp. 397-400. In: International Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations for the Prevention of Drug and Substance Abuse. Proceedings of 8th Conference. Health for all: its implications for prevention and control of inappropriate drug use. xviii + 428 pp.Year: 1987
Title: The Pennsylvania model for implementing SAPs.Year: 1989Journal: Student Assistance Journal 1 (No. 4): 19-22, 39-41,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Perils, payoffs of technology transfer: SAPs have adapted the concepts and core technology of EAPs from the workplace to the schoolplace.Year: 1989Journal: Employee Assistance 1 (No. 10): 16-17,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: Portrait of a recovery high school.Year: 2004Journal: Student Assistance Journal 17(1): 22-25ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Post-identification support for substance dependent students in school-based programs: the weakest link.Year: 2005Journal: Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse 14(4): 77-92ISSN: 1067-828X
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Title: A preliminary evaluation of the effectiveness of a standardized student assistance program.Year: 1999Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 34(11): 1571-5184,ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: Promising strategies to reduce substance abusePublisher: WashingtonSource: xi + 83 pp.Year: 2000
Title: Promoting early intervention in North Carolina schools.Year: 1988Journal: Student Assistance Journal 1 (No. 2): 30, 45-46,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Promoting student health and success: designing comprehensive student assistance programs for today's school systems.Year: 1991Journal: Employee Assistance 3 (No. 8): 46-47,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: Proof positive: a student assistance program evaluation.Year: 1996Journal: Student Assistance Journal 8 (No. 4): 14-18,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Prospects for preventing drug use among young adolescents.Publisher: Santa Monica, CA * RAND Corporation;Source: xiv + 64 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Reaching at-risk students through a school mentorship program.Year: 1992Journal: Student Assistance Journal 4 (No. 4): 30-34,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Reaching elementary students: Woodrow Wilson evaluates its SAP.Year: 1994Journal: Student Assistance Journal 7 (No. 1): 24-29,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: 'Reaching out': an Illinois high school provides comprehensive support for recovering teens--starting right in the hospital.Year: 1990Journal: Adolescent Counselor 3 (No. 3): 32-36,ISSN: 1042-7589
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Title: Reaching out: SAPs offer hope for solutions to many students' problems.Year: 1990Journal: Employee Assistance 3 (No. 3): 30-31, 45,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: The real story! Parents' guide: 7 steps to protect your family from alcohol & other drugs.Publisher: Troy, MIN * Performance Resource Press;Source: 14 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Relapse and SAP recovery groups.Year: 1989Journal: Student Assistance Journal 1 (No. 3): 19-23,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Role issues for SAP team members.Year: 1990Journal: Adolescent Counselor 2 (No. 5): 32-36,ISSN: 1042-7589
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Title: The role of guidance counselors.Year: 1989Journal: Student Assistance Journal 1 (No. 5): 22-24,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Room for growth.Year: 1997Journal: Student Assistance Journal 9 (No. 5): 20-23,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: SAFE: student assistance and family education program; a dynamic model for elementary schools.Publisher: Minneapolis * Johnson Institute;Format: Manual. 4.Source: 207 pp.Year: 1993
Title: SAP organizational models.Year: 1988Journal: Student Assistance Journal 1 (No. 3): 31-33,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: SAPs and the community connection.Year: 1992Journal: Student Assistance Journal 5 (No. 1): 31-32,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: SAPS get down to business.Year: 1996Journal: Student Assistance Journal 9 (No. 2): 12-15,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: SAPs: a source of help, hope, and healing for students challenged by family addiction.Year: 2006Journal: Student Assistance Journal 18(5): 15-17ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: The school nurse: an integral component of an SAP.Year: 1991Journal: Student Assistance Journal 3 (No. 5): 26-28,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: School reform can pay off for SAPS.Year: 1997Journal: Student Assistance Journal 10 (No. 1): 18-19,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Schools reaching out for help.Year: 1993Journal: Adolescence 6 (No. 2): 25-27, 51,
Title: Solving alcohol/drug problems in your school: why student assistance programs work.Publisher: Minneapolis, MN; * Johnson InstituteSource: 32 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Street-wise drug prevention: a realistic approach to prevent and intervene in adolescent drug usePublisher: Reading, PA * No More DrugsFormat: Manual. 5.Source: 136 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Student assistance: the big picture.Year: 1990Journal: Student Assistance Journal 3 (No. 1): 19-24,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: A student assistance philosophy.Year: 1988Journal: Student Assistance Journal 1 (No. 1): 33-36,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Student assistance program Core Team guidebook.Publisher: Round Rock, TX * Rising Tide Consultants;Source: 66 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Student assistance program demonstration project evaluation: final report.Publisher: Los Alamitos, CA * California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs, Southwest Regional Laboratory;Source: iii + 60 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Student assistance program handbook.Publisher: West Nyak, NY * The Center for Applied Research in Education;Source: xxii + 373 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Student assistance programming: a community partnership.Year: 1988Journal: Student Assistance Journal 1 (No. 1): 11-15,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Student assistance programs: assessment screening.Year: 1990Journal: Adolescent Counselor 2 (No. 6): 44-45,ISSN: 1042-7589
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Title: Student assistance programs: do they make a difference?Year: 1994Journal: Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse 4(No. 1): 1-16,ISSN: 1067-828X
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Title: Student assistance programs: educators and addiction counselors have become partners in the war on adolescent drug and alcohol abuse and dependence.Year: 1989Journal: Alcoholism and Addiction 9 (No. 5): 36-27,ISSN: 0884-1403
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Title: Student assistance programs: it's elementary. Part 1: setting and stage.Year: 1991Journal: Adolescent Counselor 4 (No. 1): 33-38, 43,ISSN: 1042-7589
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Title: Student assistance programs: it's elementary. Part 1: setting the stage.Year: 1991Journal: Adolescent Counselor 4 (No. 1): 33-38, 43,ISSN: 1042-7589
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Title: Student assistance programs: a valuable resource for substance-involved adolescents.Year: 2006Journal: Counselor 7(2): 66-70ISSN: 1047-7314
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Title: The student assistance program: a way to make a difference.Year: 1988Journal: Adolescent Counselor 1 (No. 3): 32-33, 48-50,ISSN: 1042-7589
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Title: Students in recovery from chemical addiction: continuing care within the public school.Publisher: Newtonville, MA * Newton Youth Drug/Alcohol ProgramSource: mimeogr. 10 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Substance use, academic performance and the village school. (Commentary.)Year: 2006Journal: Addiction 101(12): 1685-1688ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: The success of student assistance programsYear: 2002Journal: Counselor 3(5): 41-46ISSN: 1047-7314
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Title: A success story: SAP development in Pennsylvania.Year: 1990Journal: Student Assistance Journal 2 (No. 4): 25-29,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Suggestions for evaluating programs.Year: 1988Journal: Student Assistance Journal 1 (N. 1): 16-18,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Summer youth programs: what's needed, what's available.Year: 1990Journal: Adolescent Counselor 3 (No. 1): 31-33,ISSN: 1042-7589
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Title: Support staff colleagues: key elements in student assistance teamsYear: 2002Journal: Student Assistance Journal 14(4): 20-22ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Sustaining SAPs through revitalization.Year: 1991Journal: Student Assistance Journal 3 (No. 5): 30-33,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Talking with kids about alcohol and other drugs.Year: 2004Journal: Student Assistance Journal 16(2): 24-27ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: The Teen Intervention Project: a school-based intervention for adolescents with substance use problemsPublisher: Amsterdam * PergamonSource: Chap. 9, pp. 189-203. In: Wagner, E. F. and Waldron, H. B., eds. Innovations in adolescent substance abuse interventions. xii + 394 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Teens helping teens.Year: 1992Journal: Adolescence 5 (No. 3): 39-41,
Title: Teens helping teens.Year: 1992Journal: Adolescence 5 (No. 3): 39-41,
Title: The tide is turning: an SAP at work.Year: 1989Journal: Employee Assistance 1 (No. 10: 13,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: To test or not to drug test?Year: 2004Journal: Student Assistance Journal 16(2): 16-18ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Treating the high risk adolescent: a survey of effective programs and interventions.Year: 1991Journal: Journal of Adolescent Chemical Dependency 1 (No. 3): 55-75,ISSN: 0896-7768
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Title: Treating opiate dependency.Publisher: Center City, MN * HazeldenSource: 113 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Treatment of chemically dependent adolescents in an alternative high school setting.Year: 1995Journal: Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 12 (No. 3): 111-120,ISSN: 0734-7324
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Title: Turning troubled kids around: the complete student assistance program for secondary schools; an easy-to-use manual for busy educatorsPublisher: Minneapolis, MN * Johnson Institute;Format: Manual. 2 and 4.Source: 155 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Unlocking the potential: random drug testing works for this New Jersey high school--along with a strong student assistance program for referralsYear: 2003Journal: Student Assistance Journal 15(3): 16-19ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: The Upper Peninsular Teen Leadership Program: Marquette-Alger intermediate school district.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 11-23. In: Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Rural issues in alcohol and other drug abuse treatment. (Technical Assistance Publ. Series 10.) v + 68 pp.Year: 1994
Title: When chemicals come to school: the core team model of student assistance programs.Publisher: Greenfield, WI * Community Recovery Press;Format: Manual. 4, 1, and 2.Source: xii + 452 pp.Year: 1993
Title: When do we intervene?Year: 2004Journal: Student Assistance Journal 16(2): 20-22ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: The working together model: the SAP as a whole-school effort.Year: 1991Journal: Student Assistance Journal 4 (No. 1): 35-40,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Working together through school-based probation.Year: 1993Journal: Student Assistance Journal 6 (No. 1): 26-27,ISSN: 1042-6388
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Title: Your choice, our chance. Tape, A, B, and C. (Community).Publisher: Bloomington, IN * Agency for Instructional Technology;Format: Audiovisual.Year: 1990Length: 1/2: video cassette (28 min): includes community handbook.
Title: Zeroing in on prevention (ZIP): a descriptive study of a comprehensive prevention continuum program for secondary studentsYear: 2005Journal: Student Assistance Journal 17(3): 14-18ISSN: 1042-6388
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