Diagnosis of Drug Abuse
Use For
- brief interventions
- diagnostic criteria
- screening
The above terms should instead be replaced for the preferred term above "Diagnosis of Drug Abuse".
Displaying 1 - 500 of 861
Title: The 12-month prevalence of substance use and ICD-10 substance use disorders in Australian adults: findings from the National Survey of Mental Health and Well-BeingYear: 1999Journal: Addiction 94(10): 1541-1550ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Ability of drug abusers to avoid detection of substance abuse on the MCMI-II.Year: 1994Journal: Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 9 (No. 1):ISSN: 0886-1641
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Title: Achievement and addiction: a guide to the treatment of professionals.Publisher: New York * Brunner/Mazel;Source: xv + 245 pp.Year: 1995
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Title: Assessment and intervention with drug and alcohol abusers in psychiatric settings.Publisher: New York * Guilford Press;Source: Chap. 3, pp. 50-68. In: Straussner, S. L. A., ed. Clinical work with substance-abusing clients. xvi + 381 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Assessment and outpatient counselling for adolescents and young adults.Publisher: Toronto * Addiction Research Roundation;Source: Chap. 17, pp. 319-350. In: Harrison, S. and Carver, V., eds. Alcohol and drug problems: a practical guide for counsellors. 2d ed. viii-584pp.Year: 1997
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Title: Assessment of substance abuse: an intergrated approach.Publisher: New York * Greenwood PressSource: Chap. 4, pp. 61-82. In: Stout, C. E., Levitt, J. L. and Ruben, D. H., eds. Handbook for assessing and treating addictive disorders. xx + 371 pp.Year: 1992
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