Native Americans and Drugs
Use For
- North American Indians
- South American Indians
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Displaying 1 - 268 of 268
Title: Addiction and aboriginal healing.Publisher: Toronto * Centre for Addiction and Mental HealthSource: Ch. 20, pp. 455-481. In: Harrison, S. and Carver, V., eds. Alcohol and drug problems: a practical guide for counsellors. 3d ed. xvi + 768 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Addictive behaviors and "minority populations" in the United States: American Indian drug use as a cultural case-study.Publisher: Norwood, NJ * AblexSource: Chap. 14, pp. 339-351. In: Nirenberg, T. D. and Maisto, S. A., eds. Developments in the assessment and treatment of addictive behaviors. vii + 417 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Addressing trauma in substance abuse treatment with American Indian adolescents.Year: 1998Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 15: 393-399,ISSN: 0740-5472 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Adolescent substance abuse: assessment, prevention, and treatment.Publisher: New York * John Wiley & SonsSource: xi + 260 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Adolescent substance use and violence: a cross-cultural comparison.Publisher: Colorado State UniversitySource: 130 pp., Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 2003
Title: Advanced methodological issues in culturally competent evaluation for substance abuse prevention.Publisher: Rockville, MDSource: Other Populations and Alcohol * (CSAP Cultural Competence Series 6.) xiv + 266 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Adverse reactions to drugs and metabolic problems perceived in Northern Canadian Indians and Eskimos.Year: 1986Journal: Progr. clin. biol. Res. 214: 77-83,
Title: Adverse reactions to drugs and metabolic problems perceived in Northern Canadian Indians and Eskimos.Publisher: New York * Alan R. LissSource: Pp. 77-83. In: Kalow, W., Goedde, H. W. and Agarwal, D. P., eds. Ethnic differences in reactions to drugs and xenobiotics. (Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, Vol. 214.) xv + 583 pp.Year: 1986
Title: Age of onset, periods of risk, and patterns of progression in drug use among American Indian high school students.Year: 1987Journal: International Journal of the Addictions 22: 1269-1276,ISSN: 0020-773X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Alcohol and drug addiction in Native land.Publisher: Toronto * Canadian Scholars' PressSource: Chap. 15, pp. 215-225. In Csiernik, R. and Rowe, W.S., eds. Responding to the oppression of addiction: Canadian social work perspectives. xv + 352 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Alcohol and drug prevention among American Indian families: the Family Circles programPublisher: New York * Haworth PressSource: Pp. 53-60. In: Valentine, J., DeJong, J. A. and Kennedy, N. J., eds. Substance abuse prevention in multicultural communities. (Drugs and Society, Vol. 12, Nos. 1/2) xiv + 171 pp.Year: 1998
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Title: Alcohol and drug use among American minorities.Source: Other Populations and AlcoholYear: 1992Journal: Drugs and Society 6 (Nos. 1/2): 23-57,ISSN: 8756-8233 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Alcohol and other drug addictions among Native Americans: the movement toward tribal-centric treatment programsYear: 2004Journal: Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 22(1): 81-91ISSN: 0734-7324 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Alcoholism and substance abuse among selected Southern Cheyenne Indians.Year: 1993Journal: Cult. Med. Psychiat. 16: 531-542,
Title: American Indian adolescent drug use and socialization characteristics: a cross-cultural comparison.Year: 1993Journal: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 24: 53-70,ISSN: 0022-0221 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: American Indian adolescents in substance abuse treatment: diagnostic status.Year: 2006Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 30(4): 275-284ISSN: 0740-5472 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: American Indians and chemical dependencyPublisher: Iowa State UniversitySource: 141 pp., Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 2003
Title: American Indian youth and drugs, 1976-87: a continuing problem.Year: 1989Journal: American Journal of Public Health 79: 634-636,ISSN: 0090-0036 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Approaches to treatment of substance abuse.Publisher: GenevaSource: Other Populations and Alcohol * vi + 194 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Art therapy as emotional and spiritual medicine for Native Americans living with HIV/AIDS.Year: 2005Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 37(3): 281-292ISSN: 0279-1072 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Assessment of addictive behaviors in ethnic-minority culturesPublisher: New York * Guilford PressSource: Chap. 2, pp. 49-70. In: Donovan, D.M. and Marlatt, G.A., eds. Assessment of addictive behaviors. 2d ed. xvi + 480 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Attitudes about drugs and the drug use of Indian youth.Year: 1992Journal: American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research 5 (No. 1): 38-42,ISSN: 0893-5394 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Behind bars: substance abuse and America's prison populationsPublisher: New YorkSource: ix + 281 pp.Year: 1998
Title: BIA and IHS Inspector General reports on Indian alcohol and drug abuse programs.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Hearing, 102d Congress, 2d session, 30 July 1992. iii + 115 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Black stereotype of teen alcohol, drug use shown in error.Year: 1991Journal: Bottom Line on Alcohol in Society 11 (No. 4): 39-43,ISSN: 0891-6950 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Boozing, sniffing, and toking: an overview of the past, present, and future of substance use by American Indians.Year: 1993Journal: American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research 5 (No. 2): 1-33,ISSN: 0893-5394 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Brain lateralization and implications for substance abuse prevention among Indian youth.Publisher: Gaithersburg, MD * Aspen Publishers;Source: Chap. 35, pp. 501-506. In: Lawson, G. W. and Lawson, A. W., eds. Adolescent substance abuse: etiology, treatment, and prevention. xviii + 532 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Canadian profile: alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.Publisher: Ottawa * Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse;Source: viii + 368 pp.Year: 1997
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Title: Canadian profile: alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.Publisher: Toronto * Addiction Research Foundation;Source: 414 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Canadian profile: alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, 1999Publisher: Ottawa * Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse with the Centre for Addiction and Mental HealthSource: xi + 399 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Care of HIV infected native American substance abusers.Publisher: Binghamton, NY * Harrington Park PressSource: Pp. 91-103. In: Shernoff, M., ed. Counseling chemically dependent people with HIV illness. (Journal of Chemical Dependency Treatment; Vol. 4, No. 2.) 172 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Care of infected Native American substance abusers.Year: 1991Journal: Journal of Chemical Dependency Treatment 4 (No. 2): 91-103,ISSN: 0885-4734 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: The changing face of HIV/AIDS among Native populations.Year: 2005Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 37(3): 247-255ISSN: 0279-1072 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Characteristics of American-Indian clients seeking inpatient treatment for substance abuseYear: 2000Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 61(4): 541-547ISSN: 0096-882X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Characteristics of Indian youth and drug use.Year: 1992Journal: American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research 5 (No. 1): 51-67,ISSN: 0893-5394 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Chemical dependence: diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.Publisher: New York * Springer-VerlagSource: xi + 370 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Chemical dependency: a systems approach.Publisher: Boston * Allyn and BaconSource: xvi + 462 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Chemical dependency: a systems approach.Publisher: Boston * Pearson EducationSource: 3d ed. xv + 571 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Chemical dependency: a systems approach.Publisher: Englewood Cliffs, NJ * Prentice Hall;Source: Other Populations and Alcohol * xiv + 413 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Childhood physical and sexual abuse and subsequent alcohol and drug use disorders in two American-Indian tribes.Year: 2004Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 65(1): 74-83ISSN: 0096-882X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Coca use in Bolivia: a tradition of thousands of yearsPublisher: London * Free Association BooksSource: Chap. 3, pp. 46-64. In: Coomber, R. and South, N., eds. Drug use and cultural contexts "beyond the West": tradition, change and post-colonialism. 219 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Common predictors of cigarette smoking, alcohol use, aggression, and delinquency among inner-city minority youthYear: 2003Journal: Addictive Behaviors 28(6): 1141-1148ISSN: 0306-4603 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Community and treatment program challenges for chemically dependent American Indian and Alaska Native women.Year: 1998Journal: Contemporary Drug Problems 25(No. 2): 347-371,ISSN: 0091-4509 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: A community approach for Native American drug and alcohol prevention programs: a logic model framework.Year: 1995Journal: Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 13 (No. 2): 43-62,ISSN: 0734-7324 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Co-morbid alcohol/other drug abuse/dependence and psychiatric disorders in adolescent American Indian and Alaksa natives.Year: 2006Journal: Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 24(4): 3-21ISSN: 0734-7324 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Co-morbidity of select anxiety, affective, and psychotic disorders with cannabis dependence in Southwest California Indians.Year: 2006Journal: Journal of Addictive Diseases 25(4): 67-79ISSN: 1055-0887 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Comparison of drug use rates for reservation Indian, non-reservation Indian and Anglo youth.Year: 1992Journal: American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research 5 (No. 1): 13-31,ISSN: 0893-5394 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Comparison of mortality and trauma rate among Alaska Native women with and without substance use historyPublisher: University of Alaska, AnchorageSource: 66 pp. M.S. thesis,Year: 1998
Title: The consequences of drug and alcohol use for Indian youth.Year: 1992Journal: American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research 5 (No. 1): 32-37,ISSN: 0893-5394 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Consideration of special populations in the drug treatment system of a large metropolitan area.Year: 1998Journal: Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research 25(No.): 7-21,ISSN: 1094-3412 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Correlates of cigarette smoking among selected Southwest and Northern Plains tribal groups: The AI-SUPERPFP StudyYear: 2005Journal: American Journal of Public Health 95(5): 867-872ISSN: 0090-0036 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: A critical perspective on cross-cultural contexts for addiction and multiculturalism: their meanings and implications in the substance use fieldYear: 2002Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 37(8-10): 853-900ISSN: 1082-6084 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Cultural aspects of substance abuse and alcoholismYear: 1995Journal: Psychiatric Clinics of North America 18(3): 589-605
Title: Cultural diversity as a positive force in the treatment of Native American alcohol and other drug abuse.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 49-55. In: Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Rural issues in alcohol and other drug abuse treatment. (Technical Assistance Publ. Series 10.) v + 68 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Cultural investment: providing opportunities to reduce risky behavior among gay American Indian males.Year: 2005Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 37(3): 293-298ISSN: 0279-1072 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Culturally appropriate HIV/AIDS and substance abuse prevention programs for urban Native youth.Year: 2005Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 37(3): 299-304ISSN: 0279-1072 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Culturally competent substance abuse prevention research among rural native American communities.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 459-483. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Rural substance abuse: state of knowledge and issues. (NIDA Research Monogr. No. 168.) iv + 544 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Culturally competent substance abuse treatment for American Indian and Alaska native youthsPublisher: New York * Haworth PressSource: Chap. 7, pp. 155-182. In: Stevens, S. J. and Morral, A. R., eds. Adolescent substance abuse treatment in the United States: exemplary models from a national evaluation study. xix + 296 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Cultural perspectives on substance abuse.Publisher: Baltimore * Williams and Wilkins;Source: Chap. 3, pp. 41-56. In: Friedman, L., Fleming, N. F., Roberts, D. H. and Hyman, S. E., eds. Source book of substance abuse and addiction. xviii + 348 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Culture, society, and drugs: the social science approach to drug use.Publisher: Prospect Heights, IL * Waveland Press;Source: xix + 486 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Demographic differentials in the demand for alcohol and illicit drugs.Publisher: Chicago * University of Chicago PressSource: Chap. 7, pp. 187-211. In: Chaloupka, F. J., Grossman, M., Bickel, W. K. and Saffer, H., eds. The economic analysis of substance use and abuse: an integration of econometric and behavioral economic research. xi + 385 pp.Year: 1999
Title: A description of alcohol/drug use and family history of alcoholism among urban American Indians.Year: 1997Journal: American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research 8 (No. 1): 41-52,ISSN: 0893-5394 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Diverse drug abusing populations.Publisher: Mahwah, NJ * Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.;Source: Chap. 6, pp. 129-147. In: Coombs, R.H., ed. Addiction counseling review: preparing for comprehensive, certification and licensing examinations. xxiii + 648 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Do school-based drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs work in American Indian communities?Publisher: Rockville, MDSource: Chap. 7, pp. 203-214. In: Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. Health promotion and substance abuse prevention among American Indian and Alaska Native communities: issues in cultural competence. (CSAP Cultural Competance Series 9.) viii + 214 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Driving under the influence (DUI) among U.S. ethnic groupsYear: 2005Journal: Accident Analysis and Prevention 37(2): 217-224ISSN: 0001-4575 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Drug abuse among ethnic minorities. (DHHS Publ. No. ADM 87-1474.)Publisher: Govt Print. Off.;Source: ix + 45 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Drug abuse in Alaska: myths versus reality.Year: 1990Journal: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 4: 2-5,ISSN: 0893-164X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Drug addiction research and the health of women. Executive summary.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: viii + 142 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Drugged drivingPublisher: Detroit * OmnigraphicsSource: Chap. 57, pp. 417-421. In: Ginther, C., ed. Drug abuse sourcebook. 2d ed. xiii + 607 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Drug prevention in Zuni, New Mexico: creation of a teen center as an alternative to alcohol and drug use.Year: 1994Journal: Journal of Community Health 19: 343-359,ISSN: 0094-5145 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Drugs and behavior: a sourcebook for the helping professions.Publisher: Newbury Park, CA * SAGE PublicationsSource: viii + 356 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Drugs and Native-American youth.Year: 1988Journal: Drugs and Society 3 (Nos. 1/2): 1-34,ISSN: 8756-8233 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Drug treatment and ethnicity: a comparative study in the metropolitan areas of Frankfurt, Tel Aviv and San Francisco.Publisher: San francisco, CA * Haight-Ashbury Publications;Source: 289 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Drug use among racial/ethnic minorities.Publisher: Washington, DC * National Institute on Drug Abuse;Source: ix + 98 pp. + appendix.Year: 1995
Title: Drug use among racial/ethnic minorities.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: ix + 114 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Drug use among racial/ethnic minorities.Publisher: Rockville, MDSource: ix + 98 pp. + appendix.Year: 1995
Title: Drug use among racial/ethnic minorities. Rev. ed.Publisher: Bethesda, MD;Source: ix + 172 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Drug use among two American Indian populations: prevalence of lifetime use and DSM-IV substance use disordersYear: 2003Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 69(1): 29-41ISSN: 0376-8716 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Drug use and ethnicity in early adolescence.Publisher: New York * Plenum Press;Source: xviii + 234 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Drug use of friends: a comparison of reservation and non-reservation Indian youth.Year: 1992Journal: American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research 5 (No. 1): 43-50,ISSN: 0893-5394 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: An eagle's view: sharing successful American Indian/Alaska native alcohol and other drug prevention programs.Publisher: Portland, OR * Northwest Regional Education Laboratory;Source: Vol. 2. v + 59 pp.Year: 1994
Title: An eagle's view: sharing successful American Indian/Alaska native alcohol and other drug prevention programs.Publisher: Portland, OR * Northwest Regional Education Laboratory;Source: Vol. 1. v + 79 pp.Year: 1993
Title: An eagle's view: sharing successful American Indian/Alaska Native alcohol and other drug prevention programs.Publisher: Portland, OR * Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory;Source: Vol. 2. v + 59 pp.Year: 1994
Title: An eagle's view: sharing successful American Indian/Alaska Native alcohol and other drug prevention programs.Publisher: Portland, Or * Northwest Regional Education Laboratory;Source: Vol. 1. v + 79 pp.Year: 1993
Title: An ecological assessment of drug-related problem situations for American Indian adolescents of the Southwest.Year: 2004Journal: Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions 4(3): 47-63ISSN: 1533-256X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Editors' introduction: faces of HIV/AIDS and substance abuse in Native American communities.Year: 2005Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 37(3): 241-246ISSN: 0279-1072 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: The effectiveness of alcohol and drug abuse prevention among American-Indian youthPublisher: New York * Kluwer Academic/Plenum PublishersSource: Chap. 20, pp. 393-410. In: Sloboda, Z. and Bukoski, W. J., eds. Handbook of drug abuse prevention: theory, science, and practice. xxviii + 692 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Effective therapies for minorities: meeting the needs of racially and culturally different clients in substance-abuse treatmentYear: 2000Journal: Counselor 1(1): 37-41ISSN: 1047-7314 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Effects of primary prevention on attitudes and alcohol and other drug use with at-risk American-Indian youth.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 164-173. In: Office for Substance Abuse Prevention. Working with youth in high-risk environments: experiences in prevention. (OSAP Prevention Monogr.-12.) vi + 210 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Emergency department trends from the Drug Abuse Warning Network, preliminary estimates January-June 2001 with revised estimates 1994-2000. (Drug Abuse Warning Network Series: D-20.)Publisher: Rockville, MD;Source: 451 pp. + tables.Year: 2002
Title: Epidemiological trends in drug abuse. Vol. II: proceedingsPublisher: Bethesda, MDSource: vii + 452 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Epidemiologic trends in drug abuse. Volume II: proceedings of the Community Epidemiology Work Group, June 2004Publisher: Bethesda, MDSource: vii + 346 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Epidemiology of alcohol and drug abuse.Publisher: Baltimore * Williams & Wilkins;Source: Chap. 2, pp. 15-29. In: Lowinson, J. H., Ruiz, P. and Millman, R. B., eds. Substance abuse: a comprehensive textbook. 2d ed. xxvi + 1110 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Ethnic and cultural factors in substance abuse: diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.Publisher: Philadelphia * Hanley & Belfus;Source: Other Populations and Alcohol * Pp. 263-276. In: Schydlower, M. and Rogers, P. D., eds. Adolescent substance abuse and addictions. (Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews, Vol. 4, No. 2.) ix + 477 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Ethnicity and drug-taking behavior.Source: Other Populations and AlcoholYear: 1992Journal: Drugs and Society 6 (Nos. 3/4): 269-312,ISSN: 8756-8233 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Ethnicity and ethnic identity as predictors of drug norms and drug use among preadolescents in the US Southwest.Year: 2004Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 39(7): 1061-1094ISSN: 1082-6084 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Ethnicity and family factors in adolescent substance abuse.Year: 1992Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 4 (No. 2): 53-58,ISSN: 0899-9112 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Ethnicity and sex similarities and differences in drug resistance.Year: 1997Journal: J. Appl. Commun. Res. 25: 75-97,
Title: Ethnicity versus ethnic identity: what predicts substance use norms and behaviors?Year: 2006Journal: Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions 6(3): 53-79ISSN: 1533-256X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Ethnocultural issues in substance abuse treatment: an overviewPublisher: New York * Guilford PressSource: Chap. 1, pp. 3-28. In: Straussner, S. L. A., ed. Ethnocultural factors in substance abuse treatment. xv + 447 pp.Year: 2001
Title: The ethos of power: Navajo religious healing of alcohol and substance abusePublisher: Case Western Reserve UniversitySource: 255 pp. Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 1998
Title: Examining conceptual models for understanding drug use behavior among American Indian youth.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 129-143. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drug abuse among minority youth: methodological issues and recent research advances. (NIDA Research Monogr. No. 130.) v + 348 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Examining conceptual models for understanding drug use behavior among American Indian youth.Year: 1997Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 32: 1937-1942,ISSN: 1082-6084 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Explaining racial/ethnic differences in adolescent drug use: the impact of background and lifestyle.Year: 1991Journal: Social Problems 38: 333-357,ISSN: 0037-7791 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Explaining racial/ethnic differences in adolescent drug use: the impact of background and lifestyle.Publisher: Lanham, MD * Rowman and Littlefield Publishers;Source: Chap. 7, pp. 123-151. In: Orcutt, J.D. and Rudy, D.R., eds. Drugs, alcohol, and social problems. viii + 289 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Exploring culturally-based drug resistance strategies used by American Indian adolescents of the SouthwestYear: 2001Journal: Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education 47(1): 45-59ISSN: 0090-1482 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Family- and peer-related risk and protective factors for tobacco use among American Indian adolescents in CaliforniaYear: 2004Journal: Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 3(4): 1-15ISSN: 1533-2640 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: A functionally deficient DRD2 variant [Ser311Cys] is not linked to alcoholism and substance abuse.Year: 1998Journal: Alcohol 16: 47-52,ISSN: 0741-8329 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Gangs, violence and drugs. (Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology, vol. 24, No. 2)Publisher: Stillwater * Oklahoma State UniversitySource: Pp. 97-207Year: 1996
Title: Gathering of Native Americans (GONA): substance abuse prevention curriculumPublisher: Rockville, MDFormat: Curriculum. 5.Source: 64 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Gender and ethnic patterns in drug use among high school seniors.Year: 2003Journal: NIDA Notes 18(2): 15ISSN: 1535-7325 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: A gendered analysis of Canadian aboriginal individuals admitted to inpatient substance abuse detoxification: a three-year medical chart review.Year: 2006Journal: American Journal on Addictions 15(5): 380-386ISSN: 1055-0496 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Guidelines for replication of a comprehensive community based program for the prevention of substance abuse among high-risk rural youth.Publisher: Elkins, WV * Youth Health Service, Inc.;Source: varying pages and appendices.Year: 1994
Title: Healing the soul wound: the retraditionalization of Native Americans in substance abuse treatmentPublisher: California Institute of Integral StudiesSource: 432 pp. Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 2002
Title: Health disparities and their impact on HIV prevention among an ethnically diverse sample of drug-using women living north of the U.S./Mexico borderPublisher: Bethesda, MDSource: Pp. 150-154. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Proceedings of the NIDA-sponsored satellite sessions in association with the XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 7-11, 2002. viii + 190 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Health services usage by Alaskan injection drug usersYear: 2006Journal: Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 5(2): 23-34ISSN: 1533-2640 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Healthy Nations: reducing substance abuse in American Indian and Alaska Native communitiesYear: 2003Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 35(1): 15-25ISSN: 0279-1072 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: HIV/AIDS and alcohol and other drug abuse prevention in American Indian communities: behavioral and community effects.Publisher: Bethesda, MDSource: Chap. 12, pp. 295-319. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol use among American Indians and Alaska natives: multiple perspectives on a complex problem. (NIAAA Research Monograph 37.) xv + 486 pp.Year: 2002
Title: HIV/AIDS and Native Americans: the health departments' response.Year: 2005Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 37(3): 267-272ISSN: 0279-1072 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: HIV/AIDS risks among Native American drug users: key findings from focus group interviews and implications for intervention strategiesYear: 1999Journal: AIDS Education and Prevention 11(4): 279-292
Title: Holistic Native Network: integrated HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, and mental health services for Native Americans in San Francisco.Year: 2005Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 37(3): 257-264ISSN: 0279-1072 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: A holistic system of care for Native Americans in an urban environmentYear: 2003Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 35(1): 43-52ISSN: 0279-1072 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Illicit peyote use among American Indian adolescents in substance abuse treatment: a preliminary investigation.Year: 2006Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 41(8): 1139-1154ISSN: 1082-6084 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Impact of fitness training on Native adolescents' self-evaluations and substance use.Year: 1988Journal: Canadian Journal of Public Health 79: 424-429,
Title: Implementation of the Omnibus Drug Act. Hearing...100th Congress, 1st session, 5 November 1987.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: iii + 197 pp.Year: 1988
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Title: The influence of ethnic identity on drug use among ethnic minority adolescentsYear: 2000Journal: Journal of Drug Education 30 (3): 265-280ISSN: 0047-2379 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: In the presence of the divine: the use of hallucinogens in religious practice.Publisher: New York * Peter LangSource: Chap. 5, pp. 111-144. In: Robertson, C.K., ed. Religion and alcohol: sobering thoughts. vii + 262 pp.Year: 2004
Title: In search of the divine: Wixarika (Huichol) peyote traditions in MexicoPublisher: London * Free Association BooksSource: Chap. 9, pp. 158-176. In: Coomber, R. and South, N., eds. Drug use and cultural contexts "beyond the West": tradition, change and post-colonialism. 219 pp.Year: 2004
Title: An integrated model for prevention and treatment of drug abuse among American Indian youth.Year: 1992Journal: Journal of Addictive Diseases 11 (No. 3): 63-80,ISSN: 1055-0887 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Interactional theory: its utility in explaining drug use behavior among African-American and Puerto Rican youth.Year: 1997Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 32: 1925-1930,ISSN: 1082-6084 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Juvenile alcohol and other drug abuse: a guide to federal initiatives for prevention, treatment, and control.Publisher: WashingtonSource: xv + 175 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Learning to smoke: tobacco use in the westPublisher: Chicago * University of Chicago PressSource: xiii + 201 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Legal attitudes, permissive norm qualities, and substance use: a comparison of American Indian and non-Indian youth.Year: 1993Journal: Journal of Drug Issues 23: 493-513,ISSN: 0022-0426 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Life stressors, anger and internalization, and substance abuse among American Indian adolescents in the Midwest: an empirical test of general strain theory.Publisher: Iowa State UniversitySource: 133 pp., Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 2003
Title: A matched-group comparison of drug use and problem behavior among Canadian Indian and White adolescents.Year: 1994Journal: J. Early Adolesc. 14 (No. 1): 24-28,
Title: Mending the broken circle: treatment of substance dependence among Native AmericansYear: 2000Journal: Journal of Counseling and Development 78: 379-388ISSN: 0748-9633 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Methodological issues in conducting substance abuse research on ethnic minority populations.Year: 1992Journal: Drugs and Society 6 (Nos. 1/2): 59-77,ISSN: 8756-8233 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: The missing component in substance prevention efforts: a Native American example.Year: 1990Journal: Contemporary Drug Problems 17: 251-270,ISSN: 0091-4509 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Multiple substance dependence and course of alcoholism among Alaska native men and womenYear: 2006Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 41(5): 729-741ISSN: 1082-6084 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: National admissions to substance abuse treatment services: the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 1992-1995. (Advance Rep. No. 12, Treatment Episode Data Set.)Publisher: Rockville, MD * Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Office of Applied Studies;Source: 91 pp.Year: 1997
Title: National admissions to substance abuse treatment services: the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 1992-1996. (Drug and Alcohol Services Information System Series: S-5.)Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: vi + 93 pp.Year: 1998
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