Workplace and Drug Use
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- drug testing
- employee assistance programs
- employees
- industry
- work performance
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Displaying 1 - 500 of 822
Title: 1990 state substance laws.Publisher: Washington * Intergovernmental Health Policy Project, The George Washington University;Source: 162 pp.Year: 1991
Title: 800-cocaine.Publisher: New York * Bantam BooksSource: x + 98 pp.Year: 1984
Title: Absenteeism and business costs: does substance abuse matter?Year: 2005Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 28(1): 27-33ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Achieving a drug-free workplace. (Participant's manual.)Publisher: Washington, DC * U.S. Department of the Interior;Format: Manual. 4.Source: 137 pp. + appendix.Year: 1986
Title: Addiction and responsibilityYear: 2001Journal: Social Reasearch 68(3): 813-834
Title: Addiction and women in the workplacePublisher: San Francisco * Jossey-BassSource: Chap. 17, pp. 377-398. In: Straussner, S. L. A. and Brown, S., eds. The handbook of addiction treatment for women: theory and practice. xvii + 620 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Addiction in the workplace.Year: 2004Journal: Behavioral Health Management 24(5): 27-29ISSN: 1075-6701
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Title: Addictions in industrialized society.Publisher: New York * St. Martin's Press;Source: Chap. 2, pp. 13-25. In: Bonner, A. and Waterhouse, J., eds. Addictive behaviour: molecules to mankind. xvii + 312 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Addictions in the workplacePublisher: New York * Guilford PressSource: Chap. 15, pp. 340-353. In: Frances, R.J., Miller, S.I. and Mack, A.H., eds. Clinical textbook of addictive disorders. 3d ed. xix + 684 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Addiction treatment: theory and practicePublisher: Thousand Oaks, CA * Sage PublicationsFormat: Manual. 4.Source: xii + 435 pp.Year: 2000
Title: The addictive organization.Publisher: New York * Harper & RowSource: iv + 232 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Addressing persistent and intractable employment problems in individuals with histories of drug addiction.Year: 2004Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 39(13-14): 2621-2623ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: Addressing psychosocial problems at work - SOLVE.Publisher: Aldershot, UK * Gower PublishingSource: Chap. 11, pp. 127-137. In: Ghodse, H., ed. Addiction at work: tackling drug use and misuse in the workplace. xviii + 260 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Addressing workplace safety and drug abuse.Year: 1991Journal: Employee Assistance 3 (No. 12): 17-18,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: Adolescents in transition: the role of workplace alcohol and other drug policies as a prevention strategyYear: 2006Journal: Drug - Education, Prevention and Policy 13(4): 353-365ISSN: 0968-7637
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Title: AIDS/HIV infection and the workplace.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: viii + 36 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace: the complete resource guide.Publisher: Washington * The Bureau of National AffairsSource: varying pages.Year: 1988
Title: Alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace in broad perspective.Year: 1989Journal: Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 65: 173-184,
Title: Alcohol and drug abuse training program. (Includes trainer's guide, abbreviated substance abuse sheets, substance abuse data sheets and 1/2" video cassette entitled "Mainline".)Publisher: Washington, DC;Format: Manual. 5.Source: varying pages.Year: 1990
Title: Alcohol and drug abuse training program. (Includes trainer's guide, participant's manual, data sheets, drug category profiles, and 1/2" video cassette.)Publisher: Washington;Source: varying pages.Year: 1990
Title: Alcohol and drug effects on performance.Publisher: WashingtonSource: Appendix D3, pp. 49-60. In: Transportation Research Board. Alcohol and other drugs in transportation: research needs for the next decade. (Transportation Research Circular 408.) 114 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Alcohol and drug prevention at the workplace (the WHO/ILO project in Poland).Publisher: Lausanne * International Council on Alcohol and Addiction;Source: Other Populations and Alcohol * Pp. 15-20. In: Von Vietinghoff-Scheel, K. and Bijl, D. Alcohol and drug prevention in the workplace: experiences from central European and western countries. 94 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Alcohol and drug prevention in the workplace: experiences from central European and western countries.Publisher: Lausanne * International Council on Alcohol and Addiction;Source: Other Populations and Alcohol * 94 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Alcohol and drug problems at work: the shift to prevention.Publisher: Geneva * International Labour Office;Source: xvii + 119 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Alcohol and drugs and you and me.Publisher: Minneapolis, MN * CompCare;Source: 49 pp.Year: 1985
Title: Alcohol and drugs: DOT compliance manualPublisher: Neenah, WI * J. J. Keller and Assoc.;Format: Manual. 4.Source: varying pages.Year: 2000
Title: Alcohol and drugs in the workplace.Publisher: New York * Guilford Press;Source: Chap. 4, pp. 69-87. In: Straussner, S. L. A., ed. Clinical work with substance-abusing clients. xvi + 381 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Alcohol and drugs in the workplace.Publisher: Toronto * Butterworths;Source: xiv + 284 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Alcohol and drugs in the workplace: attitudes, policies, and programmes in Denmark.Publisher: Aarhus, Denmark * Skrifter FRA Center for Rusmiddelforskning;Source: viii + 91 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Alcohol and drug use in the workplace: issues, controversies, and directions for future research.Year: 1992Journal: J. Manage. 18: 239-266,
Title: Alcohol and mental health programs in the workplace.Year: 1990Journal: Res. community mental Hlth 6: 351-378,
Title: Alcohol and other drug problems at the workplace: is drug testing an appropriate solution?Year: 1994Journal: Journal of Occupational Health and Safety Aust. N. Z. 10 (No. 2): 95-106,
Title: Alcohol and other drug problems increase as labor pool shrinksYear: 2000Journal: Bottom Line on Alcohol in Society 21(1): 83-84ISSN: 0891-6950
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Title: Alcohol and other drug problems within the U.S. work force: what surveys say.Publisher: La Jolla, CA * Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Studies, University of California, San DiegoSource: Pp. 5-16. In: Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug problems in the workplace: incentives for prevention. Proceedings of a conference held in San Diego, California, May 12-14, 1994. vii + 158 pp. + appendices.Year: 1995
Title: Alcohol and other drugs: issues in arbitration.Publisher: Washington * Bureau of National AffairsSource: xvii + 387 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Alcohol and other drug use in occupational fatalities.Year: 1991Journal: Journal of Occupational Medicine 33: 496-500,
Title: Alcohol and substance abuse counseling.Publisher: New York * AMACOM;Source: Chap. 5, pp. 116-154. In: Masi, D. A, ed. The AMA handbook for developing employee assistance and counseling programs. xvi + 366 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Alcohol, drugs and the workplace: some considerations for counsellors.Publisher: Toronto * Addiction Research Foundation;Source: Pp. 439-453. In: Howard, B-A. M., Harrison, S., Carver, V. and Lightfoot, L. Alcohol and drug problems: a practical guide for counsellors. 461 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Alcoholism and drug abuse in the workplace. 2d ed.Publisher: New York * PraegerSource: xvi + 189 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Alcoholism and drug abuse--some legal issues for employers.Year: 1990Journal: British Journal of Addiction 85: 593-603,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Alcoholism, drug addiction, and the road to recovery: life on the edgePublisher: New York * Haworth Medical PressSource: xvii + 414 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Alcohol, other drugs, and fatal work-related injuries.Year: 1989Journal: Journal of Occupational Medicine 31: 23-28,
Title: The alignment of EAP and business unit goalsPublisher: New York * John Wiley and SonsSource: Chap. 22, pp. 421-438. In: Oher, J. M., ed. The employee assistance handbook. xvii + 544 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Alternative solutions to the workplace drug problem: results of a survey of personnel managers.Year: 1990Journal: J. Employ. Counsel. 27: 60-75,
Title: Alternatives to drug testing: employee assistance and health promotion programs.Publisher: New York * Plenum Publishing Corp.;Source: Chap. 12, pp. 257-277. In: Macdonald, S. and Roman, P., eds. Research advances in alcohol and drug problems. Volume 11: drug testing in the workplace. xiv + 341 pp.Year: 1994
Title: America in jeopardy: the young employee and drugs in the workplace.Publisher: Rockville, MD * National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug InformationFormat: Audiovisual.Year: 1992Length: 1/2" video cassette (20 min)
Title: The Americans with Disabilities Act: a practical guide to cost-effective compliance.Publisher: New York * Panel Publishers;Source: rev. ed. varying pages.Year: 1994
Title: Analyses of substance abuse and treatment need issues. (Analytic Series: A-7)Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: 145 pp.Year: 1998
Title: An analysis of worker drug use and workplace policies and programs. (Analytic Series: A-2.)Publisher: Rockville, MD * Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Office of Applied StudiesSource: vi + 68 pp.Year: 1997
Title: An anaylsis of substance abuse patterns, medical expenses and effectiveness of treatment in the workplace.Year: 1991Journal: Employee Benefits Journal 16 (No. 3): 26-30,
Title: Answering the tough questions about alcoholism and substance abuse under the ADA and FMLAYear: 2000Journal: Employee Relations Law Journal 25(4): 43-77ISSN: 0098-8898
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Title: Antecedents and consequences of employee drug use with organizations.Publisher: La Jolla, CA * Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Studies, University of California, San DiegoSource: Pp. 17-25. In: Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug problems in the workplace: incentives for prevention. Proceedings of a conference held in San Diego, California, May 12-14, 1994. vii + 158 pp. + appendices.Year: 1995
Title: Antidrug rules and regulations. Toward a drug-free workplace: federal initiatives.Year: 1989Journal: EAP Digest 9 (No. 6): 19-24,ISSN: 0273-8910
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Title: Appendix A: Capua v. City of Plainfield, 643 F. Supp. 1507.Publisher: University Park, PA * Pennsylvania State University, Department of Labor and Industrial RelationsSource: Pp. 195-209. In: Hogler, R. L., ed. Substance abuse in the workplace: readings in the labor-management issues. v + 209 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Applying needs-assessment skills in the implementation of EAP structures: an examination of how to promote the growth of underdeveloped EAPs in Korean corporationsYear: 2006Journal: Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health 21(2): 45-58ISSN: 1555-5240
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Title: The approaching train: drug testing in treatment lays a new track to accountability.Year: 1994Journal: Employee Assistance 7 (No. 1): 21-22, 24-25,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: Arbitral standards in public sector and private sector substance abuse discharge cases: a comparison.Year: 1995Journal: J. Collect. Negotiat. 24: 55-61,
Title: Arbitration of drug testing disputes.Publisher: New York * Plenum Publishing Corp.;Source: Chap. 10, pp. 205-229. In: Macdonald, S. and Roman, P., eds. Research advances in alcohol and drug problems. Volume 11: drug testing in the workplace. xiv + 341 pp.Year: 1994
Title: The arbitration of employee substance abuse rehabilitation issues.Year: 1991Journal: Arbitrat. J. 46: 17-33,
Title: Arbitration standards in drug discharge cases.Publisher: University Park, PA * Pennsylvania State University, Department of Labor and Industrial RelationsSource: Pp. 147-166. In: Hogler, R. L., ed. Substance abuse in the workplace: readings in the labor-management issues. v + 209 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Are Americans receptive to smokefree bars?Year: 2006Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 38(2): 133-141ISSN: 0279-1072
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Title: Are you positive? The relationship of minority composition to workplace drug and alcohol testingYear: 2005Journal: Journal of Drug Issues 35(4): 755-778ISSN: 0022-0426
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Title: Assessing the utility of the Drug Abuse Screening Test in the workplaceYear: 1997Journal: Research on Social Work Practice 7(1): 99-114ISSN: 1049-7315
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Title: An assessment of drug testing within the construction industryYear: 2002Journal: Journal of Drug Education 32(1): 53-68ISSN: 0047-2379
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Title: As workplace drug testing increases: effectiveness is questioned.Year: 1994Journal: Bottom Line on Alcohol in Society 15 (No. 1): 43-51,ISSN: 0891-6950
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Title: Attitudes of personnel managers toward substance abuse policies.Year: 1991Journal: Journal of Drug Issues 21: 493-503,ISSN: 0022-0426
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Title: Barbarians at the gates.Year: 1993Journal: Journal of Addictive Diseases 12 (No. 2): 9-21,ISSN: 1055-0887
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Title: Barriers to employability among substance dependent and nonsubstance-affected women on federal welfare: implications for program designYear: 2003Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 64(2): 239-246ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Behavioral risk management: the pathway to a new generation of workplace servicesPublisher: New York * John Wiley and SonsSource: Chap. 10, pp. 179-207. In: Oher, J. M., ed. The employee assistance handbook. xvii + 544 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Behavioral tests to assess performance.Publisher: New York * Plenum Publishing Corp.;Source: Chap. 11, pp. 231-255. In: Macdonald, S. and Roman, P., eds. Research advances in alcohol and drug problems. Volume 11: drug testing in the workplace. xiv + 341 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Behind open doors: constitutional implications of Government employee drug testing.Publisher: Ft. Lauderdale;Source: Pp. 307-370. In: Testing for drug use in the American workplace: a symposium. (Nova Law Review, Vol. 11, No. 2.) Pp. 291-889.Year: 1987
Title: Benchmarks and performance measures for employee assistance programsPublisher: New York * John Wiley and SonsSource: Chap. 9, pp. 151-178. In: Oher, J. M., ed. The employee assistance handbook. xvii + 544 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Beyond testing: coping with drugs at work.Year: 1988Journal: EAP Digest 9 (No. 1): 55-63,ISSN: 0273-8910
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Title: Boarding the testing train: with treatment and aftercare, drug screening can be an effective support.Year: 1989Journal: Employee Assistance 2 (No. 3): 26, 60,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: The bottom line: employment and barriers to work among former SSI DA&A beneficiariesYear: 2003Journal: Contemporary Drug Problems 30(1-2): 195-240ISSN: 0091-4509
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Title: Breaking the cycle of drug abuse: 1993 interim National Drug Control Strategy.Publisher: WashingtonSource: 31 pp.Year: 1993
Title: British Airways: drug and alcohol policy.Publisher: Aldershot, UK * Gower PublishingSource: Appendix 2, pp. 249-251. In: Ghodse, H., ed. Addiction at work: tackling drug use and misuse in the workplace. xviii + 260 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Building a cumulative knowledge base about drugs and the workplace.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.Source: Pp. 319-333. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drugs in the workplace: research and evaluation data. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 91.) (DHHS Publ. ADM 8-91612.) vi + 340 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Business involvement in community prevention coalitions.Publisher: La Jolla, CA * Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Studies, University of California, San DiegoSource: Pp. 47-50. In: Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug problems in the workplace: incentives for prevention. Proceedings of a conference held in San Diego, California, May 12-14, 1994. vii + 158 pp. + appendices.Year: 1995
Title: Campbell's tactics questioned in dismissal of employees for use of illegal drugs, alcohol on company property.Year: 1994Journal: Bottom Line on Alcohol in Society 15 (No. 1): 33-35,ISSN: 0891-6950
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Title: Canadian profile: alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, 1999Publisher: Ottawa * Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse with the Centre for Addiction and Mental HealthSource: xi + 399 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Can employee assistance programs have a prevention effect? Findings from two large-scale multi-year studies.Publisher: La Jolla, CA * Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Studies, University of California, San DiegoSource: Pp. 85-94. In: Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug problems in the workplace: incentives for prevention. Proceedings of a conference held in San Diego, California, May 12-14, 1994. vii + 158 pp. + appendices.Year: 1995
Title: The case against drug testing.Year: 1988Journal: Psychology Today 21 (No. 6): 34-35, 38,ISSN: 0033-3107
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Title: A case for a common language in employee assistance programsYear: 2005Journal: Employee Assistance Quarterly 19(3): 59-73ISSN: 0749-0003
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Title: Cautious optimism and recommendations: a call for more research from applied psychologyPublisher: Washington * American Psychological AssociationSource: Chap. 8, pp. 239-258. In: Bennett, J. B. and Lehman, W. E. K., eds. Preventing workplace substance abuse: beyond drug testing to wellness. xv + 272 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Certification guide for employee assistance professionals. 3r ed.Publisher: Arlington, VA * Employee Assistance Professionals' Association, Inc.;Year: 1991
Title: Characteristics of firms with drug testing programs.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 219-226. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drugs in the workplace: research and evaluation data. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 91.) (DHHS Publ. ADM 89-1612.) vi + 340 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Chemical abuse in the workplace.Year: 1988Journal: Employee Assistance 1 (No. 2): 23-24,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: Chemical balance: Employee Assistance professionals have been forced to alter their perceptions about drug testing, which is swiftly becoming a corporate fact of life.Year: 1989Journal: Employee Assistance 2 (No. 3): 12-15, 17, 52,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: Chemical dependency and drug testing in the workplace.Year: 1990Journal: West. J. Med. 152: 506-513,
Title: Chemical dependency and drug testing in the workplace.Year: 1990Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 22: 407-417,ISSN: 0279-1072
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Title: Citizen attitudes toward drug testing: value conflict or consensus?Publisher: Hillsdale, NJ * Lawrence ErlbaumSource: Chap. 8, pp. 81-95. In: Shoemaker, P. J., ed. Communication about drugs: government, media, and the public.Year: 1989
Title: Civil rights and the "war" on alcohol and drugs.Publisher: Metuchen, NJ * Women's Action Alliance and the Scarecrow PressSource: Chap. 6, 48-53. In: Roth, P., ed. Alcohol and drugs are women's issues. Volume 1: a review of the issues. x + 192 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Clinical practices and proceduresPublisher: New York * John Wiley and SonsSource: Chap. 1, pp. 3-13. In: Oher, J. M., ed. The employee assistance handbook. xvii + 544 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Cocaine addiction: ramifications for treatment.Year: 1991Journal: EAP Digest 11 (No. 2): 26,ISSN: 0273-8910
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Title: Cocaine in the workplace: the ticking time bomb.Publisher: New York * Guilford PressSource: Chap. 14, pp. 192-201. In: Washton, A. M. and Gold, M. S., eds. Cocaine: a clinician's handbook. xviii + 269 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Code of professional conduct for certified employee assistance professionals (CEAP).Publisher: Arlington, VA * Employee Assistance Professionals' Association, Inc.;Source: 7 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Coerced treatment for substance abuse problems detected through workplace urine surveillance: is it effective.Year: 1996Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse 8: 115-128,ISSN: 0899-3289
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Title: Combating alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace.Year: 1988Journal: Hospitals 62: 58,
Title: Combatting drug abuse in the workplace: effective intervention strategies and techniques.Year: 1991Journal: Employee Assistance Quarterly 7 (No. 1): 45-56,ISSN: 0749-0003
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Title: Combatting drugs at work.Year: 1988Journal: Train Dev. J. 42 (No. 10): 56-60,
Title: Combining stepped-care approaches with behavioral reinforcement to motivate employment in opioid-dependent outpatients.Year: 2004Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 39(13-14): 2215-2238ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: A commentary on urine testing of some workers employed as athletes.Year: 1989Journal: Calif. Soc. Treat. Alcsm & Drug Depend. News 16 (No. 1): 1-4,
Title: Comments on D. Blaze-Temple's "Drug testing in the Australian workplace: an overview of the issues."Source: Other Populations and AlcoholYear: 1993Journal: Drug and Alcohol Review 12: 323-326,ISSN: 0959-5236
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Title: Community referral sources and entry of treatment-naive clients into outpatient addiction treatmentYear: 2003Journal: American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 29(1): 105-115ISSN: 0095-2990
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Title: Complete handbook for combating substance abuse in the workplace: medical facts, legal issues, and practical solutions.Publisher: Lexington, MA * LexingtonSource: xxvi + 592 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Comprehensive procedures for drug testing in the workplace.Publisher: Rockville, MDSource: v + 15 pp. + appendixes.Year: 1991
Title: Concerns associated with drug screening of employees and athletes.Source: Other Populations and AlcoholYear: 1987Journal: Journal of Medical Technology 4: 112-115,
Title: Concise guide to treatment of alcoholism and addictionsPublisher: Washington * American Psychiatric PublishingSource: 2d ed. xvi + 213 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Confidentiality and communication: a guide to the federal drug and alcohol confidentiality law and HIPAAPublisher: New York * Legal Action CenterSource: 5th ed.Year: 2003
Title: Constitutional and statutory treatment of drug testing in the United States.Publisher: New York * Plenum Publishing Corp.;Source: Chap. 9, pp. 185-204. In: Macdonald, S. and Roman, P., eds. Research advances in alcohol and drug problems. Volume 11: drug testing in the workplace. xiv + 341 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Contextual and systems factors that support treatmentPublisher: New York * Guilford PressSource: Chap. 8, pp. 249-276. In: Abrams, D. B., Niaura, R., Brown, R. A., Emmons, K. M., Goldstein, M. G. and Monti, P. M. The tobacco dependence treatment handbook: a guide to best practices. xviii + 365 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Contrasting organizational responses to alcohol and illegal drug abuse among employees.Year: 1989Journal: Journal of Drug Issues 19: 451-471,ISSN: 0022-0426
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Title: Controlled substances & alcohol use and testing: information for employeesPublisher: Neenah, WI * J. J. Keller & Associates;Source: 22 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Controlling drugs and alcohol in the workplace.Year: 1986Journal: Barrister 13: 31-36,
Title: Control of drug abuse in the workplace: individual expectations, private contracts, and constitutional values.Publisher: Rockville, MDSource: Pp. 21-37. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Workplace drug abuse policy: considerations and experience in the business community. iv + 122 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Corporate experiences with drug testing programs.Publisher: New York * Conference BoardSource: ix + 37 pp.Year: 1990
Title: The corporate function in the prevention and control of alcohol and drug abuse--choices for executives and managers.Publisher: Canberra, Australia * Alcohol and Drug FoundationSource: Pp. 147-149. In: International Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations for the Prevention of Drug and Substance Abuse. Proceedings of 8th Conference. Health for all: its implications for prevention and control of inappropriate drug use. xviii + 428 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Corporate initiatives for a drug free workplace.Publisher: Nutley, NJ * Hoffmann-LaRocheSource: viii + 113 pp. + appendices.Year: 1989
Title: Corporate responsibilities to the addicted employee: a look at practical, legal, and ethical issues.Year: 1990Journal: Labor Law Journal 41: 214-221,ISSN: 0023-6586
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Title: Corporate vice presidents: the California constitution and San Francisco's worker privacy ordinance.Publisher: Ft. Lauderdale;Source: Pp. 669-684. In: Testing for drug use in the American workplace: a symposium. (Nova Law Review, Vol. 11, No. 2.) Pp. 291-889.Year: 1987
Title: Cost of addictive and mental disorders and effectiveness of treatment.Publisher: Rockville, MD;Source: [41 pp]Year: 1994
Title: Counseling addicted women; a practical guidePublisher: Thousand Oaks, CA * SAGE PublicationsFormat: Manual.4.Source: x + 251 pp.Year: 2000
Title: Creating and maintaining the drug-free workforce.Publisher: New York * McGraw-Hill;Source: xxiv + 229 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Criminal justice practitioners.Publisher: Springfield, IL * Charles C. Thomas;Source: Chap. 32, pp. 396-408. In: Hutchison, W. S., Jr. and Emener, W. G., eds. Employee assisstance programs: a basic text. 2d ed. xxx + 440 pp.Year: 1997
Title: A critical evaluation of the Utah Power and Light Company's substance abuse management program: absenteeism, accidents and costs.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 169-193. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drugs in the workplace: research and evaluation data. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 91.) (DHHS Publ. ADM 89-1612.) vi + 340 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Critical incidents: ethical issues in substance abuse prevention and treatment.Publisher: Bloomington, IL * Lighthouse Training InstituteSource: 276 pp. + appendix.Year: 1993
Title: Cultural diversity and employee assistance programsPublisher: New York * John Wiley and SonsSource: Chap. 5, pp. 71-89. In: Oher, J. M., ed. The employee assistance handbook. xvii + 544 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Current status of prevention strategies.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 2, pp. 17-82. In: Office for Substance Abuse Prevention. A promising future: alcohol and other drug problem prevention services improvement. (OSAP Prevent. Monogr.-10.) vi + 127 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Defining the public interest in workplace drug abuse policy.Publisher: Rockville, MDSource: Pp. 106-122. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Background papers on drug abuse financing and services research. (Drug Abuse Services Research Series No. 1.) viii + 144 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Demonstrating the value of EAP services: a focus on clinical outcomesYear: 2005Journal: Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health 21(1):1-10ISSN: 1555-5240
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Title: Detection and deterrence of drug and alcohol abuse in the transportation workplace.Publisher: WashingtonSource: Appendix D2, pp. 30-48. In: Transportation Research Board. Alcohol and other drugs in transportation: research needs for the next decade. (Transportation Research Circular 408.) 114 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Determining demand for EAP servicesYear: 2002Journal: Employee Assistance Quarterly 18(1): 1-15ISSN: 0749-0003
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Title: Deterring damage: what to keep in mind when developing a drug testing policy for the workplace.Year: 1989Journal: Employee Assistance 2 (No. 3): 29-30, 53,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: Developing clinical tools for the workplace: ORBITPublisher: New York * John Wiley and SonsSource: Chap. 13, pp. 247-265. In: Oher, J. M., ed. The employee assistance handbook. xvii + 544 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Developing employment services for criminal justice clients enrolled in drug user treatment programs.Year: 2004Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 39(13-14): 2491-2511ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: Developing standards for accreditation.Year: 2004Journal: Employee Assistance Quarterly 19(1): 27-34ISSN: 0749-0003
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Title: Development of a comprehensive response to prevention and treatment of substance abuse in the workplace.Publisher: Toronto * Addiction Research Foundation LibrarySource: 6 pp. In: Monkman, D. and Stanley, C., compls. Guide to Canadian information and resources on substance abuse. varying pages.Year: 1990
Title: Development of an employee assistance program at Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.Publisher: Rockville, MDSource: Pp. 89-96. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Workplace drug abuse policy: considerations and experience in the business community. iv + 122 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Development of a substance abuse policy: constitutional and other legal considerations.Publisher: Rockville, MDSource: Pp. 61-64. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Workplace drug abuse policy: considerations and experience in the business community. iv + 122 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Diagnostic laboratory: screening for drug abuse.Publisher: Philadelphia * Lippincott Williams and WilkinsSource: Chap. 34, pp. 564-577. In: Lowinson, J.H., Ruiz, P., Millman, R.B. and Langrod, J.G., eds. Substance abuse: a comprehensive textbook. 4th ed. xxiv + 1421 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Dimensions and characteristics of personnel manager perceptions of effective drug-testing programs.Year: 1987Journal: Personnel Psychology 40: 745-763,ISSN: 0031-5826
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Title: Do college students still prefer companies without employment drug testing?Year: 1997Journal: J. Bus. Psychol. 11: 325-337,
Title: Does drug use lower wages?Year: 1992Journal: Industrial and Labor Relations Review 45: 419-434,ISSN: 0019-7939
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Title: Does pre-employment drug use predict on-the-job suitability?Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.Source: Pp. 151-167. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drugs in the workplace: research and evaluation data. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 91.) (DHHS Publ. ADM 89-1612.) vi + 340 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Does shift work lead to poorer health habits? A comparison between women who had always done shift work with those who had never done shift workYear: 2001Journal: Work and Stress 15(1): 3-13ISSN: 0267-8373
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Title: Drug abuse among workers and employee assistance programs.Publisher: Rockville, MDSource: Pp. 82-105. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Background papers on drug abuse financing and services research. (Drug Abuse Services Research Series No. 1.) viii + 144 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Drug abuse among working adults: prevalence rates and recommended strategies.Year: 1987Journal: Health Education Research 2: 353-359,ISSN: 0268-1153
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Title: Drug abuse and drug abuse research: the third triennial report to Congress from the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services.Publisher: Rockville, MDSource: (DHHS Publ. ADM 91-1704.) vi + 281 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Drug abuse and its control: glossary of selected terms. Report, 101st Congress, 2d session.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: vii + 87 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Drug abuse and small business.Publisher: Rockville, MDSource: Pp. 55-59. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Workplace drug abuse policy: considerations and experience in the business community. iv + 122 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Drug abuse education and prevention amendments of 1988. (Report with additional views to accompany H.R. 4872. Hearing...100th Congress, 2d session, July 14, 1988.)Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: 39 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Drug abuse handbookPublisher: Boca Raton, FL * CRC PressSource: 1138pp.Year: 1998
Title: Drug abuse in society: a reference handbook.Publisher: Santa Barbara, CA * ABC-CLIO;Source: xi + 269 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Drug abuse in the workplace: issues, policy decisions, and corporate response.Publisher: New York * Thieme MedicalSource: Pp. 237-241. In: Jackson, G. W., guest ed. Substance abuse. Pp. 223-306.Year: 1986
Title: Drug abuse: opposing viewpointsPublisher: San Diego * Greenhaven PressSource: 176 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Drug abuse. (Opposing Viewpoints series.)Publisher: San Diego, CA * Greenhaven Press;Source: 212 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Drug abuse prevention at the workplace.Year: 1988Journal: Employee Assistance Quarterly 4 (No. 2): 83-90,ISSN: 0749-0003
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Title: Drug abuse prevention in the workplacePublisher: New York * Kluwer Academic/Plenum PublishersSource: Chap. 8, pp. 157-172. In: Sloboda, Z. and Bukoski, W. J., eds. Handbook of drug abuse prevention: theory, science, and practice. xxviii + 692 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Drug abuse programs in professional sports: lessons for industry.Source: Other Populations and AlcoholYear: 1987Journal: Personnel 64 (No. 10): 44-50,
Title: Drug abuse services and EAPs: preliminary report on a national study.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 227-243. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drugs in the workplace: research and evaluation data. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 91.) (DHHS Publ. ADM 89-1612.) vi + 340 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Drug abuse services in the workplace.Year: 1991Journal: EAP Digest 11 (No. 5): 23-27, 62-65,ISSN: 0273-8910
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Title: Drug abuse: a Westinghouse corporate perspective.Publisher: Rockville, MDSource: Pp. 79-88. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Workplace drug abuse policy: considerations and experience in the business community. iv + 122 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Drug & alcohol testing on the job: safety with personal dignity.Publisher: WashingtonSource: 16 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Drug-analysis technology--pitfalls and problems of drug testing.Publisher: Washington * American Association for Clinical ChemistrySource: Pp. 33B-40B. In: Drug abuse in the workplace: prevention and control. 112 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Drug and alcohol abuse in the work place: balancing employer and employee rights.Publisher: University Park, PA * Pennsylvania State University, Department of Labor and Industrial RelationsSource: Pp. 95-114. In: Hogler, R. L., ed. Substance abuse in the workplace: readings in the labor-management issues. v + 209 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Drug and alcohol abuse prevention programmes in the maritime industry (a manual for planners). Rev. ed.Publisher: GenevaFormat: Manual. 4Source: vi + 61 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Drug and alcohol dependence policies, legislation and programmes for treatment and rehabilitationPublisher: Geneva * World Health OrganizationSource: vii + 726 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Drug and alcohol issues in the workplace: an arbitrator's perspective.Year: 1984Journal: Arbitrat. J. 39: 19-24,
Title: Drug and alcohol policies: a review.Publisher: Aldershot, UK * Gower Publishing;Source: Chap. 8, pp. 89-95. In: Ghodse, H., ed. Addiction at work: tackling drug use and misuse in the workplace. xviii + 260 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Drug and alcohol problems in the workplace in Italy.Source: Other Populations and AlcoholYear: 1994Journal: Journal of Drug Issues 24: 697-713,ISSN: 0022-0426
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Title: Drug and alcohol screening in the workplace.Year: 1995Journal: Occupational Health47 (No. 2): 51-54,ISSN: 0029-7917
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Title: Drug and alcohol testing for local government transportation employees: the public employer's guidePublisher: Washington * International City/County Management Assoc.;Format: Manual. 4.Source: xii + 377 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Drug and alcohol testing in the workplace--objectives, pitfalls, and guidelines.Year: 1989Journal: American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 15: 413-427,ISSN: 0095-2990
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Title: Drug and alcohol testing - a survey of labor-management relationsPublisher: Washington * Transportation Research BoardSource: 61 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Drug and alcohol use at work: a survey of young workers.Year: 1991Journal: Monthly Labor Review 114: 3-7,ISSN: 0098-1818
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Title: Drug and alcohol use in the military workplace: findings from the 1988 worldwide survey.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 25-43. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drugs in the workplace: research and evaluation data, volume II. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 100.) iv + 247 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Drug-free families, schools, and workplaces.Publisher: Washington * Office of National Drug Control Policy;Source: xi + 319 pp.Year: 1993
Title: The drug-free workplace.Year: 1991Journal: Prevention File 6 (No. 3): 4-8,ISSN: 1065-3961
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Title: Drug-free workplace act of 1988.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: H.R. 5210, subtitle D. 5 pp.Year: 1988
Title: The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988: government intent and employer response.Publisher: Arlington, VASource: Pp. 101-113. In: Employee Assistance Professionals Association. EAPA annual conference, 19th. Research presentations. 131 pp.Year: 1990
Title: The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988: government intent and employer response.Year: 1991Journal: Employee Assistance Quarterly 7 (No. 2): 15-40,ISSN: 0749-0003
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Title: Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. H.R. 5210, subtitle D, November 1988.Publisher: Washington * U.S. Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 124-128.Year: 1989
Title: The drug-free workplace: EAPs and drug testingYear: 2004Journal: EAP Digest 25(1): 24-25, 27ISSN: 0273-8910
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Title: The drug-free workplace: EAPs and drug testingYear: 2004Journal: EAP Digest 25(1): 24-25, 27ISSN: 0273-8910
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Title: Drug free workplace: a guide for supervisors.Publisher: Washington * Buraff PublicationsSource: 213 pp.Year: 1987
Title: The drug free workplace in rural ArizonaPublisher: New York * Haworth PressSource: Pp. 133-145. In: Delgado, M., ed. Alcohol use/abuse among Latinos: issues and examples of culturally competent services. (Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, Vol. 16, Nos. 1/2) 208 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Drug-free workplace: it's more than testing.Year: 1992Journal: EAP Digest 12 (No. 6): 36-42,ISSN: 0273-8910
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Title: Drug-free workplace requirements: notice and final rules.Year: 1990Journal: Federal Register, pp. 21678-21709, MayISSN: 0097-6326
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Title: Drug-free workplace requirements; notice and final rules: part II.Year: 1990Journal: Federal Register 55 (No. 102, 25 May 1990): 21679-21709,ISSN: 0097-6326
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Title: Drug hysteria causing use of useless urine tests.Publisher: Ft. Lauderdale;Source: Pp. 815-823. In: Testing for drug use in the American workplace: a symposium. (Nova Law Review, Vol. 11, No. 2.) Pp. 291-889.Year: 1987
Title: Drug-impaired professionalsPublisher: Cambridge, MA * Harvard University PressSource: x + 351 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Drug-induced impairment: implications for employers.Year: 1990Journal: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 4: 97-99,ISSN: 0893-164X
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Title: Drug misuse and the work culture.Publisher: Aldershot, UK * Gower PublishingSource: Chap. 4, pp. 33-40. In: Ghodse, H., ed. Addiction at work: tackling drug use and misuse in the workplace. xviii + 260 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Drug monitoring in the workplace: results from the California commercial Laboratory Drug Test Project.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 81-96. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drugs in the workplace: research and evaluation data. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 91.) (DHHS Publ. ADM 89-1612.) vi + 340 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Drug policy in the federal workforce. Hearing, 104th Congress, 2d session, 20 Sept., 1996Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: iii + 118 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Drugs, addiction, and the law: policy, politics, and public health.Publisher: Durham, NC * Carolina Academic PressSource: xxix + 375 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Drugs, alcohol and the ADA.Year: 1993Journal: EAP Digest 13 (No. 3): 31-35,ISSN: 0273-8910
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Title: Drugs, alcohol, and society: social structure, process, and policy.Publisher: Belmont, CA * Wadsworth Publishing Co.;Source: xv + 304 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Drugs and alcohol in the workplace.Publisher: Aldershot, UK * Gower PublishingSource: Chap. 1, pp. 3-9. In: Ghodse, H., ed. Addiction at work: tackling drug use and misuse in the workplace. xviii + 260 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Drugs and alcohol in the workplace: legal developments and management strategies.Publisher: New York * Executive EnterprisesSource: 125 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Drugs and alcohol in the workplace: testing and privacy.Publisher: Wilmette, IL * Callaghan & Co.;Source: xiv + 397 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Drugs and the athlete.Publisher: Philadelphia, PA * F. A. DavisSource: xxii + 353 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Drugs and the athlete.Publisher: Philadelphia * F. A. Davis Company;Source: xxii + 353 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Drugs and drug abuse: government organization and employees.Publisher: Washington * U.S. Govt Print. Off.;Source: Public law 100-71, title V.Year: 1987
Title: Drugs and societyPublisher: Sudbury, MA * Jones and Bartlett PublishersSource: 6th ed. xii + 530 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Drugs and societyPublisher: Sudbury, MA * Jones and BartlettSource: 7th ed. xvi + 540 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Drugs and society. 5th ed.Publisher: Sudbury, MA * Jones and BartlettSource: xii + 516pp.Year: 1998
Title: Drugs and society to the year 2000. Proceedings of the XIV World Conference of Therapeutic Communities.Publisher: Montreal * Portage Program for Drug Dependencies Inc.;Source: Volume II, pp. 676-1381.Year: 1992
Title: Drugs and the workplace: to drug test or not to test?Year: 1987Journal: Publ. Personnel Mgmt 16: 313-322,
Title: Drugs at work. (Employee version.)Publisher: Capital Heights, MD * National AudioVisual Center;Format: Audiovisual.Year: 1989Length: 1/2" video cassette (24 min.)
Title: Drug screening and detection.Publisher: Aldershot, UK * Gower PublishingSource: Chap. 13, pp. 151-169. In: Ghodse, H., ed. Addiction at work: tackling drug use and misuse in the workplace. xviii + 260 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Drug screening at work.Publisher: Canberra, Australia * Alcohol and Drug FoundationSource: Pp. 142-146. In: International Federation on Non-Governmental Organizations for the Prevention of Drug and Substance Abuse. Proceedings of 8th Conference. Health for all: its implications for prevention and control of inappropriate drug use. xvii + 428 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Drug screening in the workplace: pros and cons.Publisher: New York * Thieme MedicalSource: Pp. 243-251. In: Jackson, G. W., guest ed. Substance abuse. Pp. 223-306.Year: 1986
Title: Drug screening in the workplace: use, abuse and implications.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 225-231. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Problems of drug dependence 1989. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 95.) xxiii + 727 pp.Year: 1990
Title: A drug-screening policy that safeguards employees' rights.Year: 1989Journal: EAP Digest 9 (No. 3): 70, 68,ISSN: 0273-8910
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Title: Drugs, crime, and the justice system: a national report.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: iv + 224 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Drugs in trucking: let the testing begin.Year: 1989Journal: Heavy Duty Trucking 68 (No. 12): 50-59,
Title: Drugs in the workplace manual--1990 edition.Publisher: New York * Business Research Publications, Inc.Source: Varying pages.Year: 1991
Title: Drugs in the workplace: overstating the problems and the cures.Year: 1992Journal: Journal of Drug Issues 22: 923-937,ISSN: 0022-0426
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Title: Drugs in the workplace: research and evaluation data.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.Source: (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 91.) (DHHS Publ. ADM 89-1612.) vi + 340 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Drugs in the workplace: research and evaluation data, volume II. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 100.) (DHHS Publ. ADM 91-1730.)Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: iv + 247 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Drugs in the workplace: setting Harris straight.Year: 1993Journal: Journal of Drug Issues 23: 733-738,ISSN: 0022-0426
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Title: Drugs in the workplace: setting the record straight.Year: 1993Journal: Journal of Drug Issues 23: 727-732,ISSN: 0022-0426
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Title: Drugs in the workplace: the Supreme Court, Congress, and the Federal agencies declare war.Year: 1989Journal: Employee Relations Law Journal 15: 125-134,ISSN: 0098-8898
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Title: Drugs in the workplace: today's approaches to prevention.Publisher: Greenvale, NY * Panel PublishersSource: Pp. 141-199. In: Work and health: strategies for maintaining a vital workforce. vi + 300 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Drugs, the workplace, and employee-oriented programming.Publisher: Washington * National Academy Press;Source: Pp. 197-243. In: Institute of Medicine. Treating drug problems. Volume 2. vii + 320 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Drugs, the workplace, and employee-oriented programming.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 135-167. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Extent and adequacy of insurance coverage for substance abuse services. (Institute of Medicine report: treating drug problems.) Volume II: commissioned papers on historical, institutional, and economic contexts of drug treatment. (Drug Abuse Service Research Series, No. 3.) x + 227 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Drug testing.Publisher: Boston * Butterworth-HeinemannSource: xii + 372 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Drug testingPublisher: Detroit * OmnigraphicsSource: Chap. 66, pp. 495-498. In: Ginther, C., ed. Drug abuse sourcebook. 2d ed. xiii + 607 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Drug testing.Publisher: Boston * Allyn and Bacon;Source: Chap. 22, pp. 473-489. In: Coombs, R. H. and Ziedonis, D. M., eds. Handbook on drug abuse prevention: a comprehensive strategy to prevent the abuse of alcohol and other drugs. xx + 551 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Drug testing and the constitution.Publisher: New York * Greenwood Press;Source: Pp. 245-266. In: Inciardi, J. A., ed. Handbook of drug control in the United States. xv + 421 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Drug testing as an element of the everlasting drug war.Publisher: Ft. Lauderdale;Source: Pp. 693-701. In: Testing for drug use in the American workplace: a symposium. (Nova Law Review, Vol. 11, No. 2.) Pp. 291-889.Year: 1987
Title: Drug testing at work: issues and perspectivesYear: 2003Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 38(11-13): 1891-1902ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: Drug testing at the workplace: balancing individual, organizational, and societal rights.Year: 1988Journal: Labor Law Journal 39: 342-357,ISSN: 0023-6586
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Title: Drug testing: clinical and workplace issues.Publisher: St. Louis * Mosby Year Book;Source: Chap. 7, pp. 125-142. In: Fleming, M. F. and Barry, K. L., eds. Addictive disorders. xxv + 439 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Drug testing: companies should combine employee testing with a larger corporate program.Year: 1990Journal: Employee Assistance 2 (No. 9): 18-19, 23,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: The drug-testing controversy.Year: 1993Journal: Journal of Drug Issues 23: 579-595,ISSN: 0022-0426
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Title: Drug-testing decisions: implications for EAPs. Toward a drug-free workplace: federal initiatives.Year: 1989Journal: EAP Digest 9 (No. 6): 25-32,ISSN: 0273-8910
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Title: The drug testing decisions: more threatening than they originally appeared.Year: 1989Journal: Drug Policy Letter 1 (No. 2): 1-3,ISSN: 1099-5625
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Title: Drug testing, employability and welfare.Publisher: Toronto * Canadian Scholars' PressSource: Chap. 19, pp. 293-309. In Csiernik, R. and Rowe, W.S., eds. Responding to the oppression of addiction: Canadian social work perspectives. xv + 352 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Drug testing: the employer's dilemma.Year: 1987Journal: Labor Law Journal 38: 157-165,ISSN: 0023-6586
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Title: Drug testing from the arbitrator's perspective.Publisher: Ft. Lauderdale;Source: Pp. 371-413. In: Testing for drug use in the American workplace: a symposium. (Nova Law Review, Vol. 11, No. 2.) Pp. 291-889.Year: 1987
Title: Drug testing: impaired statistics and the unimpaired worker.Year: 1989Journal: Drug Policy Letter 1 (No. 2): 4-5,ISSN: 1099-5625
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Title: Drug testing in the Australian workplace: overview of the issues.Source: Other Populations and AlcoholYear: 1992Journal: Drug and Alcohol Review 11 (No. 1): 59-73,ISSN: 0959-5236
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Title: Drug testing in the Australian workplace: response to the commentary by G. Webb.Source: Other Populations and AlcoholYear: 1993Journal: Drug and Alcohol Review 12: 327-332,ISSN: 0959-5236
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Title: Drug testing in the federal government.Publisher: Ft. Lauderdale;Source: Pp. 685-691. In: Testing for drug use in the American workplace: a symposium. (Nova Law Review, Vol. 11, No. 2.) Pp. 291-889.Year: 1987
Title: Drug-testing in the Federal sector: the negotiability controversy.Year: 1988Journal: Labor Law Journal 39: 312-319,ISSN: 0023-6586
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Title: Drug testing in private industry.Publisher: New York * Oxford University PressSource: Chap. 7, pp. 140-154. In: Coombs, R. H. and West, J. L., eds. Drug testing: issues and options. xxiii + 245 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Drug testing in a unionized environment.Year: 1988Journal: Employee Relations Law Journal 13: 599-613,ISSN: 0098-8898
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Title: Drug testing in the workplace.Publisher: Washington * Bureau of National AffairsSource: xii + 278 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Drug testing in the workplace.Publisher: Chevy Chase, MD * American Society of Addiction Medicine;Source: Section 9, Chap. 3, pp. 993-1000. In: Graham, A.W., Schultz, T.K., Mayo-Smith, M.F., Ries, R.K. and Wilford, B.B., eds. Principles of addiction medicine. 3rd ed. xii + 1648 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Drug testing: issues and options.Publisher: New York * Oxford University PressSource: xxiii + 245 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Drug testing: know the facts before implementing the policy.Year: 1988Journal: Pers. J., pp. 31-33, 35, 37,
Title: Drug testing: labor and liability.Year: 1993Journal: Employee Assistance 6 (No. 3): 14-16,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: Drug testing legal manual and practice aids: volume 1. 2d ed.Publisher: Deerfield, IL * Clark Boardman CallaghanSource: varying pages.Year: 1996
Title: Drug testing legal manual and practice aids: volume 2. 2d edPublisher: Deerfield, IL * Clark Boardman CallaghanSource: varying pages.Year: 1996
Title: Drug testing: legal manual. Guidelines and alternatives.Publisher: New York * Clark BoardmanSource: xv + varying pages.Year: 1988
Title: Drug testing: medical, legal, and ethical issues.Year: 1990Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 7: 239-244,ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Drug testing methods and interpretations of test results.Publisher: New York * Plenum Publishing Corp.;Source: Chap. 5, pp. 103-120. In: Macdonald, S. and Roman, P., eds. Research advances in alcohol and drug problems. Volume 11: drug testing in the workplace. xiv + 341 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Drug testing of employees.Year: 1990Journal: Maryland Medical Journal 39: 1109-1110,ISSN: 0886-0572
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Title: Drug testing of government employees and the Fourth Amendment: the need for a reasonable suspicion standard.Year: 1987Journal: Notre Dame Law Review 62: 1063-1082,
Title: Drug testing of physicians.Year: 1990Journal: Journal of the American Medical Association 264: 1039-1040,ISSN: 0098-7484
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Title: Drug testing: probable cause only.Publisher: Dubuque, IA * Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co.;Source: Chap. 13, pp. 112-117. In: Engs, R. C., ed. Controversies in the addiction's field: volume one. xii + 210 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Drug Testing Quality Act. Report to accompany H.R. 33. 102d Congress, 1st session, 12 Nov. 1991.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: 35 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Drug testing: a review of drug tests in clinical settingsPublisher: Thousand Oaks, CA * Sage Publications;Source: Chap. 7, pp. 111-123. In: Coombs, R. H., ed. Addiction recovery tools: a practical handbook. xii + 411 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Drug testing: steps towards EA program/treatment effectiveness:Year: 1991Journal: Employee Assistance 3 (No. 9): 40-41,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: Drug testing, supervisors, and fear.Year: 1991Journal: EAP Digest 11 (No. 6): 12,ISSN: 0273-8910
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Title: Drug testing: technical complications of a complex social issue.Year: 1989Journal: Amer. J. industr. Med. 15: 589-600,
Title: Drug testing technology: a matter of choice.Year: 1994Journal: Behavioral Health Management 14 (No. 4): 26-29,ISSN: 1075-6701
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Title: Drug testing, the war on drugs, workers, and the workplace: perspectives from sociology.Publisher: New York * Plenum Publishing Corp.;Source: Chap. 15, pp. 319-333. In: Macdonald, S. and Roman, P., eds. Research advances in alcohol and drug problems. Volume 11: drug testing in the workplace. xiv + 341 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Drug test rules struck.Year: 1987Journal: Amer. Bar Assoc. J. 73: 18,
Title: Drug tests in prevention researchPublisher: New York * Kluwer Academic/Plenum PublishersSource: Chap. 10, pp. 199-215. In: Sloboda, Z. and Bukoski, W. J., eds. Handbook of drug abuse prevention: theory, science, and practice. xxviii + 692 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Drug tests on the job: what employees can do vs. what they may have done.Year: 1991Journal: Traffic Safety 91 (No. 1): 6-9,ISSN: 0041-0721
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Title: Drug treatment completion and post-discharge employment in the TOPPS-II Interstate Cooperative Study.Year: 2003Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 25(1): 9-18ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Drug use among U.S. workers: prevalence and trends by occupation and industry categories.Publisher: Rockville, MD * Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services AdministrationSource: ix + 145 pp. + appendices.Year: 1996
Title: Drug use among working adults: prevalence rates and estimation methods.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print Off.Source: Pp. 17-32. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drugs in the workplace: research and evaluation data. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 91.) (DHHS Publ. ADM 89-1612.) vi + 340 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Drug use by tractor-trailer drivers.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print Off.Source: Pp. 47-67. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drugs in the workplace: research and evaluation data. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 91.) (DHHS Publ. ADM 89-1612.) vi + 340 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Drug use patterns and demographics of employed drug users: data from the 1988 National Household Survey of Drug Abuse.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 11-24. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drugs in the workplace: research and evaluation data, volume II. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 100.) iv + 247 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Drug use trends in a nuclear power facility: data from a random screening program.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 63-77. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drugs in the workplace: research and evaluation data, volume II. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 100.) iv + 247 pp.Year: 1991
Title: EA and security.Year: 1991Journal: Employee Assistance 4 (No. 3): 14-17,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: EAP accreditation and credentialingPublisher: New York * John Wiley and SonsSource: Chap. 2, pp. 15-33. In: Oher, J. M., ed. The employee assistance handbook. xvii + 544 pp.Year: 1999
Title: EAP and SAP interface issues in small businessesPublisher: New York * John Wiley and SonsSource: Chap. 11, pp. 209-219. In: Oher, J. M., ed. The employee assistance handbook. xvii + 544 pp.Year: 1999
Title: EAP and wellness collaborationPublisher: New York * John Wiley and SonsSource: Chap. 16, pp. 305-318. In: Oher, J. M., ed. The employee assistance handbook. xvii + 544 pp.Year: 1999
Title: The EAP and the work-family connectionPublisher: New York * John Wiley and SonsSource: Chap. 21, pp. 405-419. In: Oher, J. M., ed. The employee assistance handbook. xvii + 544 pp.Year: 1999
Title: The EAP association continuum of services: alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace.Publisher: Arlington, VA * Employee Assistance Professionals Association, Inc.;Source: 29 pp.Year: 1988
Title: EAP: Employee Assistance Programs in the public schools--reference and resource series.Publisher: Washington * National Education Association;Source: 47 pp.Year: 1986
Title: EAPs and the future of workPublisher: New York * John Wiley and SonsSource: Chap. 14, pp. 267-288. In: Oher, J. M., ed. The employee assistance handbook. xvii + 544 pp.Year: 1999
Title: EAPs: theory and operation.Publisher: Arlington, VA * Employee Assistance Professionals Association, Inc,;Source: 14 pp.Year: 1991
Title: EAPs: value and impact.Publisher: Arlington, VA * Employee Assistance Professionals Association, Inc.;Source: 16 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Early adolescent substance use/abuse as predictor to employment in adulthood: gender differencesYear: 2004Journal: Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse 13(4): 49-60ISSN: 1067-828X
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Title: Early employment testing for marijuana: demographic and employee retention patterns.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 139-150. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drugs in the workplace: research and evaluation data. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 91.) (DHHS Publ. ADM 89-1612.) vi + 340 pp.Year: 1989
Title: The economic costs of alcohol and drug abuse in the United States 1992Publisher: Rockville, MD * National Institute on Drug Abuse and National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and AlcoholismSource: varying pages.Year: 1998
Title: EFAP: a model program for health care professionals.Publisher: Oslo * National Directorate for the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug ProblemsSource: Pp. 407-416. In: International Congress on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, 35th, Oslo, 1988. Proceedings. Vol. 4: papers. [xii] + 909 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Effective employee assistance programs: a guide for EAP counselors and managers.Publisher: Thousand Oaks, CA * SAGE Publications;Source: 249 pp.Year: 1994
Title: The effectiveness of alcohol- and drug-screening programs in predicting construction work-site injuries and medical cost outcomesPublisher: California State University, FresnoSource: 76 pp. M.P.H. dissertation,Year: 1998
Title: The effectiveness of a brief-counseling EAP interventionYear: 2005Journal: EAP Digest 25(4): 22-26ISSN: 0273-8910
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Title: Effectiveness of vocational problem-solving skills on motivation and job-seeking action steps.Year: 2004Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 39(13-14): 2309-2324ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: The effectiveness of vocational services for substance users in treatment.Year: 2004Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 39(13-14): 2165-2213ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: Effective peer responses to impaired nursing practice.Publisher: Philadelphia * W. B. Saunders Co.;Source: Pp. 105-118. In: Bennett, G. and Thomas, S. P., eds. Substance abuse interventions in general nursing practice. Mental health nursing interventions for the generalist nurse. (Nursing Clinics of North America; vol. 33, no. 1) xii + 237pp.Year: 1998
Title: The effect of an enhanced employee assistance program (EAP) intervention on EAP utilizationYear: 2001Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 62(3): 351-358ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: The effect of involuntary job loss on smoking intensity and relapse.Year: 2005Journal: Addiction 100(9): 1330-1339ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Effect of peers on employment and implications for drug treatment.Year: 2005Journal: American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 31(4): 657-668ISSN: 0095-2990
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Title: The effect of treatment completion and length of stay on employment and crime in outpatient drug-free treatmentYear: 2002Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 23(4): 261-271ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Effects and risks of workplace culture.Publisher: Aldershot, UK * Gower Publishing;Source: Chap. 5, pp. 41-51. In: Ghodse, H., ed. Addiction at work: tackling drug use and misuse in the workplace. xviii + 260 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Effects of prescribed and over-the-counter drugs on workplace performance.Publisher: Aldershot, UK * Gower PublishingSource: Chap. 7, pp. 69-85. In: Ghodse, H., ed. Addiction at work: tackling drug use and misuse in the workplace. xviii + 260 pp.Year: 2005
Title: The effects of psychoactive substances on workplace performance.Publisher: New York * Plenum Publishing Corp.;Source: Chap. 4, pp. 77-102. In: Macdonald, S. and Roman, P., eds. Research advances in alcohol and drug problems. Volume 11: drug testing in the workplace. xiv + 341 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Efficacy of the Customized Employment Supports (CES) model of vocational rehabilitation for unemployed methadone patients: preliminary results.Year: 2004Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 39(13-14): 2261-2285ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: The efficacy of preemployment drug screening for marijuana and cocaine in predicting employment outcome.Year: 1990Journal: Journal of the American Medical Association 264: 2639-2643,ISSN: 0098-7484
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Title: An empirical evaluation of preemployment drug testing in the United States postal service: interim report of findings.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.Source: Pp. 111-138. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drugs in the workplace: research and evaluation data. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 91.) (DHHS Publ. ADM 89-1612.) vi + 340 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Employed men and women substance abusers: job troubles and treatment outcomes.Year: 2006Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 31(4): 347-354ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Employee assistance and drug testing: fairness and injustice in the workplace.Publisher: Ft. Lauderdale;Source: Pp. 709-731. In: Testing for drug use in the American workplace: a symposium. (Nova Law Review, Vol. 11, No. 2.) Pp. 291-889.Year: 1987
Title: The employee assistance handbookPublisher: New York * John Wiley and SonsSource: xvii + 554 pp.Year: 1999
Title: The Employee Assistance Industry Alliance: context, history and initial visionYear: 2005Journal: Employee Assistance Quarterly 19(3): 1-10ISSN: 0749-0003
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Title: Employee assistance law answer book.Publisher: New York * Panel Publishers;Source: xivii + 405 pp.Year: 1990
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Title: Employee assistance law answer book: 1993 cumulative supplement.Publisher: New York * Panel PublishersSource: xxxviii + varying pages + appendices.Year: 1993
Title: Employee Assistance Law Answer Book: 1994 cumulative supplement.Publisher: New York * Panel Publishers;Source: xii + varying pages.Year: 1994
Title: Employee Assistance Law Answer Book: 1994 cumulative supplement.Publisher: New York * Panel Publishers;Source: xii + varying pages.Year: 1994
Title: Employee assistance program accreditation: history and outlook.Year: 2004Journal: Employee Assistance Quarterly 19(1): 1-26ISSN: 0749-0003
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Title: Employee assistance program: an annotated bibliography.Publisher: Arlington, VA * Association of Labor-Management AdministratorsSource: varying pages.Year: 1987
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Title: Employee assistance programming and professional developments in South AfricaYear: 1999Journal: Employee Assistance Quarterly 14(3): 1-18ISSN: 0749-0003
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Title: Employee Assistance Programs.Publisher: Dubuque, IA * Kendall/HuntSource: Chap. 8, pp. 79-84. In: Engs, R. C., ed. Women: alcohol and other drugs. xiv + 173 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Employee assistance programs.Publisher: Aldershot, UK * Gower PublishingSource: Chap. 16, pp. 209-220. In: Ghodse, H., ed. Addiction at work: tackling drug use and misuse in the workplace. xviii + 260 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Employee assistance programs.Publisher: New York * AMACOM;Source: Chap. 1, pp. 1-35. In: Masi, D. A, ed. The AMA handbook for developing employee assistance and counseling programs. xvi + 366 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Employee assistance programs and other workplace interventionsPublisher: Washington * American Psychiatric PressSource: Chap. 37, pp. 423-435. In: Galanter, M. and Kleber, H. D., eds. The American Psychiatric Press textbook of substance abuse treatment. 2d ed. xiv + 595 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Employee assistance programs and other workplace interventionsPublisher: Washington * American Psychiatric PublishingSource: Chap. 36, pp. 459-473. In: Galanter, M. and Kleber, H.D., eds. The American Psychiatric Publishing textbook of substance abuse treatment. 3d ed. xviii + 695 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Employee assistance programs and treatmentPublisher: Detroit * OmnigraphicsSource: Chap. 65, pp. 489-493. In: Ginther, C., ed. Drug abuse sourcebook. 2d ed. xiii + 607 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Employee Assistance Programs as an early intervention strategy for substance abuse.Publisher: Lexington, MA * Lexington BooksSource: Chap. 8, pp. 143-158. In: Milkman, H. B. and Sederer, L. I., eds. Treatment choices for alcoholism and substance abuse. xxxii + 395 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Employee assistance programs: a basic text.Publisher: Springfield, IL * Charles C Thomas;Source: 2d ed. xxx + 440 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Employee assistance programs in higher education: the Ohio State University and Staff Assistance ProgramPublisher: New York * John Wiley and SonsSource: Chap. 3, pp. 35-58. In: Oher, J. M., ed. The employee assistance handbook. xvii + 544 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Employee assistance programs on liberal arts campusesPublisher: Lanham, MD * University Press of America;Source: ix + 65 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Employee assistance program strategyPublisher: New York * Haworth PressSource: Chap. 4, pp. 55-71. In: White, R. K. and Wright, D. G., eds. Addiction intervention: strategies to motivate treatment-seeking behavior. xvii + 154 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Employee assistance programs: wellness/enhancement programming. 3d ed.Publisher: Springfield, IL * Charles C. ThomasSource: xxviii + 322 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Employee assistance programs: what works and what doesn't.Publisher: Westport, CT * PraegerSource: xvii + 193 pp.Year: 2004
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Title: Employee attitude crystallization and substance use policy: test of a classification scheme.Year: 1996Journal: Journal of Drug Issues 26: 831-864,ISSN: 0022-0426
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Title: Employee attitudes towards workplace drug testing: a test of a theoretical model.Publisher: Arlington, VASource: Pp. 91-100. In: Employee Assistance Professionals Association. EAPA annual conference, 19th. Research presentations. 131 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Employee benefits managers' opinions about addiction treatmentYear: 2003Journal: Journal of Addictive Diseases 22(2): 15-29ISSN: 1055-0887
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Title: Employee drug and alcohol use estimates: assessment styles and issues.Year: 1988Journal: Employee Assistance Quarterly 3 (Nos. 3-4): 265-278,ISSN: 0749-0003
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Title: Employee drug testing and the arbitrator: what are the issues?Year: 1987Journal: Arbitrat. J. 42: 19-31,
Title: Employee drug testing: a bibliography.Publisher: Berkeley, CA * Library, Institute of Governmental Studies; University of CaliforniaSource: 20 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Employee drug testing: complicated problems defy simplistic solutions.Year: 1992Journal: Employee Assistance Quarterly 7 (No. 4): 35-49,ISSN: 0749-0003
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Title: Employee drug testing in Canada: motor carrier industry.Publisher: Adelaide * NHMRC Road Accident Research Unit, University of Adelaide;Source: Pp. 463-469. In: Kloeden, C. N. and McLean, A. J., eds. Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety: proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, Adelaide, 13 August - 18 August 1995. Vol. 1. xxv + 564 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Employee drug-testing legislation: redrawing the battlelines in the war on drugs.Year: 1987Journal: Stanford Law Review 39: 1453-1517,ISSN: 0038-9765
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Title: Employee relations aspects of drug abuse.Publisher: Rockville, MDSource: Pp. 47-50. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Workplace drug abuse policy: considerations and experience in the business community. iv + 122 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Employee substance use and on-the-job behaviors.Year: 1992Journal: Journal of Applied Psychology 77: 309-321,ISSN: 0021-9010
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Title: Employee-supported drug testing.Year: 1988Journal: Pers. J., pp. 134-136,
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Title: Employee urine testing and the Fourth Amendment.Year: 1987Journal: Labor Law Journal 38: 611-640,ISSN: 0023-6586
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Title: Employer drug testing: legal issues--interview with Karen Hawley Henry, JD.Year: 1988Journal: Employee Assistance Quarterly 4 (No. 1): 57-70,ISSN: 0749-0003
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Title: Employers.Publisher: Boston * Allyn and Bacon;Source: Chap. 7, pp. 139-158. In: Coombs, R. H. and Ziedonis, D. M., eds. Handbook on drug abuse prevention: a comprehensive strategy to prevent the abuse of alcohol and other drugs. xx + 551 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Employers' liability and responsibility.Publisher: Aldershot, UK * Gower Publishing;Source: Chap. 9, pp. 97-107. In: Ghodse, H., ed. Addiction at work: tackling drug use and misuse in the workplace. xviii + 260 pp.Year: 2005
Title: The employer's need to provide a safe working environment: the use and abuse of drug screening.Publisher: University Park, PA * Pennsylvania State University, Department of Labor and Industrial RelationsSource: Pp. 53-67. In: Hogler, R. L., ed. Substance abuse in the workplace: readings in the labor-management issues. v + 209 pp.Year: 1987
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Title: An employer's right to test for substance abuse, infectious diseases, and truthfulness versus an employee's right to privacy.Year: 1988Journal: Labor Law Journal 39: 528-534,ISSN: 0023-6586
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Title: Employment and adolescent alcohol and drug treatment and recovery: an exploratory study.Year: 2006Journal: American Journal on Addictions 15(Suppl.1): 137-143ISSN: 1055-0496
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Title: Employment as a drug abuse treatment intervention: a behavioral economic analysisPublisher: Chicago * University of Chicago PressSource: Chap. 10, pp. 279-299. In: Chaloupka, F. J., Grossman, M., Bickel, W. K. and Saffer, H., eds. The economic analysis of substance use and abuse: an integration of econometric and behavioral economic research. xi + 385 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Employment behaviors among drug using welfare recipientsYear: 2005Journal: Journal of Addictions Nursing 16(4): 187-193ISSN: 1088-4602
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Title: Employment drug testing--is it really necessary?Year: 1990Journal: Professional Counselor 4 (No. 6): 39, 54, 84,ISSN: 1086-3397
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Title: Employment drug testing--is it really necessary?Year: 1990Journal: Professional Counselor 4 (No. 6): 39, 54, 84,ISSN: 1086-3397
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Title: Employment, employment-related problems, and drug use at drug court entry.Year: 2004Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 39(13-14): 2559-2579ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: Employment experience in relation to alcohol, tobacco, and betel nut use among youth in Taiwan.Year: 2006Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 84(3): 273-280ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Employment issues among drug court participants.Publisher: New York * Haworth Press;Source: Pp. 73-85. In: Hennessy, J.J. and Pallone, N.J., eds. Drug courts in operation: current research. (Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, vol. 33, no. 4.) 127 pp.Year: 2001
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Title: Employment outcomes among AFDC recipients treated for substance abuse in Washington stateYear: 2000Journal: Millbank Quarterly 78(4): 585-608
Title: Employment outcomes for hard-to-reach persons with chronic and severe substance use disorders receiving assertive community treatment.Year: 2004Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 39(13-14): 2425-2489ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: Employment services for criminal justice clients.Year: 2004Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 39(13-14): 2637-2638ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: An encompassing overview of legal issues in EAPs.Year: 1994Journal: Employee Assistance Quarterly 10 (No. 2): 1-17,ISSN: 0749-0003
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Title: Encyclopedia of drugs and alcohol: vol 2.Publisher: New York * Macmillan Library Reference USA;Source: Pp. 441-898.Year: 1995
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Title: Ethical issues in drug testing.Publisher: New York * Oxford University PressSource: Chap. 9, pp. 190-201. In: Coombs, R. H. and West, J. L., eds. Drug testing: issues and options. xxiii + 245 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Ethical, legal and practical aspects of testing.Publisher: Aldershot, UK * Gower PublishingSource: Chap. 15, pp. 185-207. In: Ghodse, H., ed. Addiction at work: tackling drug use and misuse in the workplace. xviii + 260 pp.Year: 2005
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Title: Ethnic differences in the workplace environment by employees in two municipal workforces.Year: 1997Journal: Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 19: 84-96,ISSN: 0739-9863
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Title: Evaluating tobacco control activities: experiences and guiding principles.Publisher: Geneva * World Health Organization;Source: xii + 220 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Evaluating treatment issues in a military drug and alcohol treatment programYear: 1998Journal: Research on Social Work Practice 8(5): 501-519ISSN: 1049-7315
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Title: Evaluating your employee assistance and managed behavioral care program.Publisher: Troy, MI * Performance Resource Press;Source: xii + 190 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Evaluation approaches for cost-effectiveness and effectiveness of drug testing programs.Publisher: New York * Plenum Publishing Corp.;Source: Chap. 6, pp. 143-164. In: Macdonald, S. and Roman, P., eds. Research advances in alcohol and drug problems. Volume 11: drug testing in the workplace. xiv + 341 pp.Year: 1994
Title: The evaluation casebook: using evaluation techniques to enhance program quality in addiction.Publisher: Toronto * Addiction Research FoundationSource: ix + 273 pp.Year: 1994
Title: The evaluation casebook: using evaluation techniques to enhance program quality in addictions.Publisher: Toronto * Addiction Research Foundation;Source: ix + 273 pp.Year: 1994
Title: An evaluation of drug testing in the workplace.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 195-216. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drugs in the workplace: research and evaluation data. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 91.) (DHHS Publ. ADM 89-1612.) vi + 340 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Evaluation of a modified contingency management intervention for consistent attendance in therapeutic workplace participantsYear: 2004Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 74(3): 319-323ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Evolution of a corporate drug policy.Publisher: Rockville, MDSource: Pp. 73-78. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Workplace drug abuse policy: considerations and experience in the business community. iv + 122 pp.Year: 1989
Title: The evolving role of EAPs in managed behavioral healthcare: a case study of DuPontPublisher: New York * John Wiley and SonsSource: Chap. 15, pp. 291-304. In: Oher, J. M., ed. The employee assistance handbook. xvii + 544 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Executives in crisis: recognizing and managing the alcoholic, drug-addicted or mentally ill executive.Publisher: San Francisco * Jossey-BassSource: xxvi + 164 pp.Year: 1989
Title: An experimental test of the impact of drug-testing programs on potential job applicants' attitudes and intentions.Year: 1990Journal: Journal of Applied Psychology 75: 127-131,ISSN: 0021-9010
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Title: Extent and adequacy of insurance coverage for substance abuser services. (Institute of Medicine report: treating drug problems.) Volume 1: a study of the evolution, effectiveness, and financing of public and private drug treatment systems. (Drug Abuse Services Research Series, No. 2.)Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: xi + 261 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Extent and impact of alcohol and drug use problems in the workplace: a review of the empirical evidence.Publisher: New York * Plenum Publishing Corp.;Source: Chap. 1, pp. 3-31. In: Macdonald, S. and Roman, P., eds. Research advances in alcohol and drug problems. Volume 11: drug testing in the workplace. xiv + 341 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Extent of the problem and cost to the employer.Publisher: Aldershot, UK * Gower PublishingSource: Chap. 3, pp. 21-31. In: Ghodse, H., ed. Addiction at work: tackling drug use and misuse in the workplace. xviii + 260 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Fallen role models: arbitration cases involving drug and alcohol use by school employees.Year: 1996Journal: J. Collect. Negotiat. 25: 199-219,
Title: Family intervention: background, principles, and other strategiesPublisher: New York * Haworth PressSource: Chap. 1, pp. 7-20. In: White, R. K. and Wright, D. G., eds. Addiction intervention: strategies to motivate treatment-seeking behavior. xvii + 154 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Fighting the real war: policy makers are intentionally distorting our perception of the drug problem.Year: 1989Journal: Employee Assistance 2 (No. 5): 30-31,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: Follow-up and aftercare in EAPs and worksite wellness programs.Publisher: Arlington, VASource: Pp. 76-83. In: Employee Assistance Professionals Association. EAPA annual conference, 19th. Research presentations. 131 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Fostering resiliency in the workplaceYear: 2005Journal: EAP Digest 25(3): 20-23ISSN: 0273-8910
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Title: Fourth amendment implications of public sector work place drug testing.Publisher: Ft. Lauderdale;Source: Pp. 605-645. In: Testing for drug use in the American workplace: a symposium. (Nova Law Review, Vol. 11, No. 2.) Pp. 291-889.Year: 1987
Title: Four-year follow-up of smoke exposure, attitudes and smoking behaviour following enactment of Finland's national smoke-free work-place lawYear: 2003Journal: Addiction 98(8): 1111-1117ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: From work therapy to mainstream employment.Year: 2004Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 39(13-14): 2639-2640ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: Future blueprint: EASNA's standards for accreditation of EAPs represent the first step toward industry-wide regulations.Year: 1989Journal: Employee Assist 2 (No. 3): 37-38, 40, 46, 49-51,
Title: The future of credentialing and accreditation in employee assistance programs.Year: 2004Journal: Employee Assistance Quarterly 19(1): 87-92ISSN: 0749-0003
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Title: Getting help. (Employee version.)Publisher: Capital Heights, MD * National AudioVisual Center;Format: Audiovisual.Year: 1989Length: 1/2" video cassette (24 min.)
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Title: GM faces up to alcohol, drug problems in the workplace.Year: 1991Journal: Bottom Line on Alcohol in Society 11 (No. 4): 59-62,ISSN: 0891-6950
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Title: Governmental drug-testing and the sense of community.Publisher: Ft. Lauderdale;Source: Pp. 295-305. In: Testing for drug use in the American workplace: a symposium. (Nova Law Review, Vol. 11, No. 2.) Pp. 291-889.Year: 1987
Title: Hard drugs, hard choices: teaching, testing and treatment.Publisher: New York * Columbia University Seminars on Media and Society;Format: Audiovisual.Year: 1990Length: 1/2" video cassette (60 min).
Title: Have we abandoned the dance? Thirty years after the birth of employee alcoholism programs, has the field remained true to itself?Year: 2003Journal: EAP Digest 23(4): 25-27ISSN: 0273-8910
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Title: Hazelden survey reports at least one-third of workers are less productive due to substance abuse in the familyYear: 2005Journal: EAP Digest 25(3): 35ISSN: 0273-8910
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Title: The health of female workers: worksite programming implications.Publisher: Toronto * Addiction Research Foundation;Source: Pp. 103-126. In: Carver, V. and Ponée, C., eds. Women, work, and wellness. xx + 310 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Health promotion.Publisher: New York * AMACOM;Source: Chap. 4, pp. 89-115. In: Masi, D. A, ed. The AMA handbook for developing employee assistance and counseling programs. xvi + 366 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Health promotion in the workplace: alcohol and drug abuse.Publisher: GenevaSource: Report of a WHO Expert Committee. (WHO Technical Report Series, 833.) v + 34 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Helping companies comply with the Drug Free Workplace Act will take more than a few posters and some stickers: make hay while the sun shines.Year: 1989Journal: Employee Assistance 1 (No. 12): 8, 10,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: Helping the impaired pharmacist: a handbook for planning and implementing state programs.Publisher: WashingtonSource: v + 31 pp.Year: 1985
Title: High-achieving women: issues in addiction and recovery.Publisher: Northvale, NJ * Jason Aronson;Source: Chap. 7 pp. 151-166. In: Straussner, S. L. A. and Zelvin, E., eds. Gender and addictions: men and women in treatment. xiii + 509pp.Year: 1997
Title: High school drug use predicts job-related outcomes at age 29.Year: 2007Journal: Addictive Behaviors 32(3): 576-589ISSN: 0306-4603
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Title: A history of drug testing.Publisher: New York * Oxford University PressSource: Chap. 1, pp. 3-21. In: Coombs, R. H. and West, J. L., eds. Drug testing: issues and options. xxiii + 245 pp.Year: 1991
Title: How similar are the smoking and drinking habits of men and women in non-manual jobs?Year: 2002Journal: Journal of Public Health 12(1): 22-28
Title: How to comply with the drug-free workplace act: a model program and employee communication guide.Publisher: Madison, CT * Business and Legal Reports, Inc.;Source: varying pages.Year: 1989
Title: How to prescribe drug testingPublisher: Guilford, CT * McGraw-Hill/DushkinSource: Pp. 280-283. In: Goldberg, R., ed. Taking sides: clashing views on controversial issues in drugs and society. 5th ed. xx + 347 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Human relations aspects of drug abuse in the workplace.Publisher: Rockville, MDSource: Pp. 65-69. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Workplace drug abuse policy: considerations and experience in the business community. iv + 122 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Human resource practices and employee assistance.Publisher: Arlington, VASource: Pp. 81-89. In: Employee Assistance Professionals Association. EAPA annual conference, 19th. Research presentations. 131 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Identification of substance abusers in the workplace.Year: 1987Journal: Publ. Personnel Mgmt 16: 197-207,
Title: Identifying and responding to drug abuse in the workplace: an overview.Year: 1990Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 22: 383-405,ISSN: 0279-1072
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Title: Illegal drugs and alcohol: America's anguish.Publisher: Wylie, TX * Information Plus;Source: 152 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Illegal drugs and alcohol: America's anguish.Publisher: Wylie, TX * Information PlusSource: 152 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Illegal drugs: a complete guide to their history, chemistry, use, and abuse.Publisher: New York * PlumeSource: xxii + 456 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Illicit drug effects in labor arbitration decision making.Year: 1994Journal: Journal of Drug Issues 24: 489-505,ISSN: 0022-0426
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Title: The impact and effectiveness of drug testing programs in the workplace.Publisher: New York * Plenum Publishing Corp.;Source: Chap. 6, pp. 121-142. In: Macdonald, S. and Roman, P., eds. Research advances in alcohol and drug problems. Volume 11: drug testing in the workplace. xiv + 341 pp.Year: 1994
Title: The impact of drug testing.Year: 1989Journal: Labor Law Journal 40: 51-57,ISSN: 0023-6586
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Title: Impact of drug use in metropolitan AmericaPublisher: Thousand Oaks, CA * SAGE PublicationsSource: Chap. 1, pp. 1-16. In: Bray, R. M. and Marsden, M. E., eds. Drug use in metropolitan America. xxii + 344p.Year: 1999
Title: The impact of employment counseling on substance user treatment participation and outcomes.Year: 2004Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 39(13-14): 2391-2424ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: The impact of gender and status in a university setting on importance of EAP services.Year: 1997Journal: Employee Assistance Quarterly 13 (No. 3): 59-68,ISSN: 0749-0003
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Title: The impact of intensive, in-plant follow-up on EAP effectiveness and relapse prevention.Publisher: Arlington, VASource: Pp. 1-7. In: Association of Labor-Management Administrators and Consultants on Alcoholism, Inc. ALMACA annual conference, 17th, Los Angeles, November 13-16, 1988. Research presentations, track A. 61 pp.Year: 1988
Title: The impact of substance abuse at the workplace: direct and indirect costs to industry.Publisher: University Park, PA * Pennsylvania State University, Department of Labor and Industrial RelationsSource: Pp. 24-27. In: Hogler, R. L., ed. Substance abuse in the workplace: readings in the labor-management issues. v + 209 pp.Year: 1987
Title: The impact of substance abuse at the workplace: some findings on corporate perceptions and responses.Publisher: University Park, PA * Pennsylvania State University, Department of Labor and Industrial RelationsSource: Pp. 30-33. In: Hogler, R. L., ed. Substance abuse in the workplace: readings in the labor-management issues. v + 209 pp.Year: 1987
Title: The impact of substance abuse at the workplace: some national statistics.Publisher: University Park, PA * Pennsylvania State University, Department of Labor and Industrial RelationsSource: Pp. 23-24. In: Hogler, R. L., ed. Substance abuse in the workplace: readings in the labor-management issues. v + 209 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Impairment and recovery in physicians and other health professionalsPublisher: Chevy Chase, MD * American Society of Addiction MedicineSource: Section 17, Chap. 3, pp. 1263-1279. In: Graham, A. W. and Schultz, T. K., eds. Principles of addiction medicine. 2d ed. xxxvi + 1338 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Implementation guidelines for alcohol and drug regulations in highway transportation. Prepared for Federal Highway Administration, Office of Motor CarriersPublisher: Springfield, VA * National Technical Information ServiceSource: varying pages.Year: 1996
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Title: Implementation of drug and alcohol testing in the unionized workplace.Publisher: Ft. Lauderdale;Source: Pp. 653-668. In: Testing for drug use in the American workplace: a symposium. (Nova Law Review, Vol. 11, No. 2.) Pp. 291-889.Year: 1987
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Title: Improving due process and fairness during the application of Georgia's drug free work place disqualification in unemployment insurance compensation benefit hearings.Publisher: University of Nevada, RenoSource: 90 pp. M.J.S. dissertation,Year: 2004
Title: Increasing vocational rehabilitation participation and effectiveness within substance user treatment facilities: what we still need to know.Year: 2004Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 39(13-14): 2629-2630ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: Initiating and sustaining a worksite research project: a collaborative effort by the research team and the work organization.Publisher: Arlington, VASource: Pp. 61-69. In: Employee Assistance Professionals Association. EAPA annual conference, 19th. Research presentations. 131 pp.Year: 1990
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Title: Integrating traditional organizational behavior theories and issues for employee assistance practice.Year: 2006Journal: Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health 21(2): 59-77ISSN: 1555-5240
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Title: Integrating work-based policies. Toward a drug-free workplace: federal initiatives.Year: 1989Journal: EAP Digest 9 (No. 6): 33-41, 66,ISSN: 0273-8910
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Title: Integrity tests and other criterion-focused occupational personality scales (COPS) used in personnel selectionYear: 2001Journal: International Journal of Selection and Assessment 9(1/2): 31-39
Title: Interdisciplinary approaches to the problem of drug abuse in the workplace.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: (DHHS Pub. No. ADM 86-1477.) iii + 20 pp.Year: 1986
Title: Internal marketing strategies to maximize EAP visibility and effectivenessPublisher: New York * John Wiley and SonsSource: Chap. 6, pp. 91-115. In: Oher, J. M., ed. The employee assistance handbook. xvii + 544 pp.Year: 1999
Title: The interrelations of drug testing with other human resource management practices and organizational characteristics.Publisher: New York * Plenum Publishing Corp.;Source: Chap. 13, pp. 279-302. In: Macdonald, S. and Roman, P., eds. Research advances in alcohol and drug problems. Volume 11: drug testing in the workplace. xiv + 341 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Intervening with substance-abusing offenders: a framework for action. Report of the National Task Force on Correctional Substance Abuse Strategies.Publisher: Washington * National Institute of CorrectionsSource: vii + 159 pp.Year: 1991
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Title: Job dissatisfaction and substance use among employed high school students: the moderating influence of active and avoidant coping styles.Year: 1997Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 32: 571-585,
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Title: Life in the fast lane: young workers are more open about their problems.Year: 1989Journal: Employee Assistance 2 (No. 4): 46,ISSN: 1042-1963
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