Prognostic Factors in Drug Abuse Treatment
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- treatment matching
- treatment success prediction
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Displaying 1 - 500 of 1313
Title: A 3-year study of addiction mutual-help group participation following intensive outpatient treatmentYear: 2006Journal: Alcoholism - Clinical and Experimental Research 30(8): 1381-1392ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Abstinence at intake for marijuana dependence treatment predicts responseYear: 2002Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 67(3): 249-257ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Abstinent-contingent housing and treatment retention among crack-cocaine-dependent homeless personsYear: 2000Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 19(1): 81-88ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Acceptance and relationship context: a model of substance use disorder treatment outcomeYear: 2006Journal: Addiction 101(8): 1167-1177ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Accessing additional community resources through case management to meet the needs of methadone clients.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 54-78. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Progress and issues in case management. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 127.) v + 401 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Accessing drug-abuse treatment: perceptions of out-of-treatment injectors.Year: 1998Journal: Journal of Drug Issues 28: 381-394,ISSN: 0022-0426
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Title: Accountability in public short-term adult AOD residential treatment: Fontainebleau Treatment Center.Year: 1998Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 15: 367-375,ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Addiction-specific support group use, personality characteristics and recovery status in substance abusers: a follow-up studyPublisher: University of Toronto (Canada);Source: 187 pp. Ed.D. dissertation,Year: 2000
Title: The addiction treatment planner. 2d edPublisher: New York * John Wiley and SonsFormat: Manual. 4Source: xv + 363 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Addiction treatment services and co-occurring disorders: prevalence estimates, treatment practices, and barriersYear: 2006Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 31(3): 267-275ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Addiction treatment: a strengths perspectivePublisher: Pacific Grove, CA * Brooks/ColeSource: xix + 436 pp.Year: 2003
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Title: Addictive disorders in context: principles and puzzles of effective treatment and recoveryYear: 2003Journal: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 17(1): 3-12ISSN: 0893-164X
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Title: Adherence to substance abuse treatment: clinical utility of two MMPI-2 scalesYear: 2001Journal: Journal of Personality Assessment 77(3): 524-540ISSN: 0022-3891
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Title: Adherence to treatment of depression in active injection drug users: the Minerva study.Year: 2004Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 26(2): 87-93ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Adolescent alcohol and drug treatment outcome.Publisher: Clifton, NJ * Human PressSource: Pp. 373-403. In: Watson, R, R., ed. Drug and alcohol abuse prevention. x + 408 pp.Year: 1990
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Title: Adolescent and therapist perception of barriers to outpatient substance abuse treatment.Year: 2006Journal: American Journal on Addictions 15(Suppl.1): 16-25ISSN: 1055-0496
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Title: Adolescent and young adult heroin and non heroin users: a quantitative and qualitative study of experiences in a therapeutic communityYear: 2004Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 36(1): 75-84ISSN: 0279-1072
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Title: Adolescent nicotine dependence and smoking cessation outcomesYear: 2003Journal: Addictive Behaviors 28(4): 769-776ISSN: 0306-4603
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Title: Adolescents' alcohol and drug use trajectories in the year following treatment.Year: 2004Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 65(1): 105-114ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Adolescents' and young adults' perspectives on a continuum of care in a three year drug treatment program.Year: 2003Journal: Journal of Drug Issues 33(4): 801-832ISSN: 0022-0426
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Title: Adolescents in public substance abuse treatment programs: the impacts of sex and race on referrals and outcomesYear: 2003Journal: Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse 12(4): 69-91ISSN: 1067-828X
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Title: Adolescent social relationships and the treatment process: findings from quantitative and qualitative analyses.Year: 2003Journal: Journal of Drug Issues 33(4): 865-896ISSN: 0022-0426
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Title: Adoption and implementation of new technologies in substance abuse treatmentYear: 2002Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 22(4): 211-218ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Adoption of drug avoidance activities among patients in contingency management and cognitive-behavioral treatmentsYear: 2002Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 23(4): 343-350ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Adoption of tobacco treatment interventions by substance-abuse-treatment cliniciansYear: 2004Journal: Drugs-Education Prevention and Policy 11(1): 1-20ISSN: 0968-7637
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Title: Adult attachment, emotional distress, and interpersonal problems in alcohol and drug dependency treatment.Year: 2006Journal: Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 24(4): 41-54ISSN: 0734-7324
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Title: African Americans and crack cocainePublisher: Springfield, IL * Charles C ThomasSource: Chap. 6, pp. 124-142. In: Ma, G. X. and Henderson, G., [eds.] Ethnicity and substance abuse: prevention and intervention. xviii + 341 pp.Year: 2002
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Title: Alcoholism in treatment-seeking cocaine abusers: clinical and prognostic significance.Year: 1993Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 54: 199-208,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Alcohol use affects the outcome of treatment for cocaine abuseYear: 2002Journal: American Journal on Addictions 11(3): 219-227ISSN: 1055-0496
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Title: Alcohol use and tobacco abstinence among adolescents in cessation treatment: preliminary findings.Year: 2007Journal: Addictive Behaviors 32(3): 617-621ISSN: 0306-4603
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Title: Allocation of substance use disorder patients to appropriate levels of care: feasibility of matching guidelines in routine practice in Dutch treatment centres.Year: 2007Journal: Addiction 102(3): 466-474ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Ambulatory management of adolescent alcohol and drug abuse.Publisher: New York * Thieme,Source: Pp. 279-292. In: Jones, R., guest ed. The toxic adolescent: substance and alcohol abuse. (Seminars in Adolescent Medicine, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1985.) Pp. 231-326.Year: 1985
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Title: Application of case management in alcohol and drug dependence: matching techniques and populations.Publisher: Rockville, MD * National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and AlcoholismSource: iv + 55 pp. + appendix.Year: 1991
Title: Applying aspects of the community reinforcement approach to alcohol and drug servicesYear: 1999Journal: Journal of Substance Use 4(2): 70-75ISSN: 1465-9891
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Title: Applying relational theory to addiction treatment.Publisher: Northvale, NJ * Jason Aronson;Source: Chap. 2, pp. 31-46. In: Straussner, S. L. A. and Zelvin, E., eds. Gender and addictions: men and women in treatment. xiii + 509pp.Year: 1997
Title: Appropriate expectations for substance abuse treatments: can they be met?Publisher: Oxford * Oxford University Press;Source: Chap. 19, pp. 222-231. In: Edwards, G., Strang, J. and Jaffe, J. H., eds. Drugs, alcohol, and tobacco: making the science and policy connections. xvi + 350 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Are there gender differences in smoking cessation, with and without bupropion? Polled- and meta-analyses of clinical trials of Bupropion SR.Year: 2004Journal: Addiction 99(11): 1462-1469ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Are there minimum conditions necessary for methadone maintenance to reduce intravenous drug use and AIDS risk behaviors?Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 167-177. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Improving drug abuse treatment. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 106.) viii + 415 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Are the treatment goals of culturally competent outpatient substance abuse treatment units congruent with their client profile?Year: 2003Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 24(2): 103-113ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: ASAM patient placement criteria for the treatment of substance-related disorders. (ASAM PPC-2R). 2d ed. revPublisher: Chevy Chase, MD * American Society of Addiction MedicineFormat: Manual.4Source: vi + 379 pp.Year: 2001
Title: The ASAM placement criteria and matching patients to treatment.Publisher: Chevy Chase, MD * American Society of Addiction Medicine;Source: Section 4, Chap. 5, pp. 453-465. In: Graham, A.W., Schultz, T.K., Mayo-Smith, M.F., Ries, R.K. and Wilford, B.B., eds. Principles of addiction medicine. 3rd ed. xii + 1648 pp.Year: 2003
Title: ASAM's placement criteria: what's newYear: 2005Journal: Behavioral Health Management 25(3): 32-34ISSN: 1075-6701
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Title: Assertive community treatment with a parolee population: an extension of case management.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 350-367. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Progress and issues in case management. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 127.) v + 401 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Assessing client satisfaction with treatment for substance use problems and the development of the Treatment Perceptions Questionnaire (TPQ).Year: 2000Journal: Addiction Research 8(5): 455-470ISSN: 1058-6989
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Title: Assessing continuity of care practices in substance use disorder treatment programsYear: 2004Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 65(4): 513-520ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Assessing missing data assumptions in longitudinal studies: an example using a smoking cessation trialYear: 2005Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 77(3): 213-225ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Assessing organizational readiness for changeYear: 2002Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 22(4): 197-209ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Assessing the service linkages of substance abuse agencies with mental health and primary care organizationsYear: 2006Journal: American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 32(1): 69-86ISSN: 0095-2990
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Title: Assessing a smoking cessation intervention involving groups, incentives, and self-help manuals.Year: 1995Journal: Behav. Ther. 26: 393-408,
Title: Assessing the standards of care in substance abuse treatment.Publisher: GenevaSource: varying pages.Year: 1993
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Title: Assessment and outpatient counselling for adolescents and young adults.Publisher: Toronto * Addiction Research Roundation;Source: Chap. 17, pp. 319-350. In: Harrison, S. and Carver, V., eds. Alcohol and drug problems: a practical guide for counsellors. 2d ed. viii-584pp.Year: 1997
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Title: Assessment of alcohol and other drug use by runaway youths: a test-retest study of the Form 90.Year: 2004Journal: Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 22(2): 21-34ISSN: 0734-7324
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Title: Assessment strategies and measures in addictive behaviorsPublisher: New York * Oxford University PressSource: Chap. 11, pp. 187-215. In: McCrady, B. S. and Epstein, E. E., eds. Addictions: a comprehensive guidebook. xvii + 645pp.Year: 1999
Title: Assisting youth development of responsibility.Year: 2006Journal: Addiction Professional 4(6): 44-45ISSN: 1542-8435
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Title: Association between interpersonal behaviour and helping alliance in substance-dependent patientsYear: 2006Journal: European Addiction Research 12(2): 67-73ISSN: 1022-6877
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Title: The association of client characteristics and acceptance of harm reduction: a policy-capturing study of psychologists.Year: 2005Journal: Addiction Resesarch and Theory 13(5): 461-476ISSN: 1606-6359
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Title: Attempted cessation of heroin use among men approaching mid-lifeYear: 2006Journal: Drugs - Education, Prevention and Policy 13(1): 77-92ISSN: 0968-7637
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Title: Attrition from alcohol and drug outpatient treatment: psychological distress and interpersonal problems as indicatorsYear: 2005Journal: Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 23(4): 55-67ISSN: 0734-7324
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Title: 'At your age, what does it matter?'--myths and realities about older people who use substances. (Editorial.)Year: 2005Journal: Drugs - Education Prevention and Policy 12(5): 343-347ISSN: 0968-7637
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Title: Auriculan acupuncture for the treatment of cocaine addictionPublisher: Washington * American Psychological AssociationSource: Chap. 3, pp. 37-54. In: Sorensen, J. L., Rawson, R. A., Guydish, J. and Zweben, J. E., eds. Drug abuse treatment through collaboration: practice and research partnerships that work. xxii + 326 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Balancing body and mind in treatment: centers see biochemical repair as a needed element for success.Year: 2007Journal: Addiction Professional 5(1): 23-24ISSN: 1542-8435
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Title: Barriers to accessing drug treatment in Russia: a qualitative study among injection drug users in two citiesYear: 2006Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 82(Suppl.1): S57-S63ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Barriers to engaging and retaining African-American post-partum women in drug treatmentYear: 2006Journal: Journal of Drug Issues 36(1): 53-76ISSN: 0022-0426
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Title: Basic issues pertaining to the effectiveness of methadone maintenance treatment.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 178-191. In: Leukefeld, C. G. and Tims, F. M., eds. Compulsory treatment of drug abuse: research and clinical practice. vi + 258 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Becoming an addictions counselor: a comprehensive text.Publisher: Sudbury, MA * Jones and Bartlett;Format: Manual. 4Source: xix + 313 pp.Year: 2000
Title: Behavioral contingencies improve counseling attendance in an adaptive treatment model.Year: 2004Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 27(3): 223-232ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Behavioral treatment for smokers with a history of alcoholism: predictors of successful outcomeYear: 2001Journal: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Pyschology 69(5): 796-801
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Title: Benefits of and barriers to providing smoking treatment in methadone clinics: findings from a national study.Year: 2005Journal: American Journal on Addictions 14(4): 358-366ISSN: 1055-0496
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Title: Better definition of vocational services is critical within substance user treatment programs.Year: 2004Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 39(13-14): 2615-2617ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: A better widget? Three lessons for improving addiction treatment from a meta-analytical studyYear: 2005Journal: Addiction 100(6): 742-750ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Beyond the therapeutic alliance: keeping the drug-dependent individual in treatment.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: (NIDA Research Monogr. No. 165.) iv + 255 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Biological vulnerability: treatment implications/ applications.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 165-173. In: Pickens, R. W. and Svikis, D. S., eds. Biological vulnerability to drug abuse. viii + 185 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Blending clinical practice and research: forging partnerships to enhance drug addiction treatmentYear: 2002Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 23(2): 67-68ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Boston consortium of services for families in recovery: a trauma-informed intervention model for women's alcohol and drug addiction treatmentYear: 2004Journal: Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 22(3/4): 95-119ISSN: 0734-7324
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Title: Bridge to services: drug injectors' awareness and utilization of drug user treatment and social service referrals, medical care, and HIV testing provided by needle exchange programsYear: 2002Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 37(11): 1305-1330ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: Brief coping skills treatment for cocaine abuse: substance use outcomes at three months.Year: 1997Journal: Addiction 92: 1717-1728,ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Brief treatment for young substance abusers: a pilot study in an addiction treatment settingYear: 2002Journal: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 16(1): 10-16ISSN: 0893-164X
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Title: Buprenorphine treatment of heroin dependence (detoxification and maintenance) in a private practice settingYear: 2001Journal: Journal Addict. Dis. 20(2): 75-83
Title: Can we design and replicate clinical trials with a multiple drug focusYear: 2003Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 70(2): 135-137ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: The case for shorter residential alcohol and other drug abuse treatment of adolescents.Year: 1990Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 22: 87-88,ISSN: 0279-1072
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Title: Case management.Publisher: Toronto * Addiction Research Foundation;Source: Chap. 3, pp. 61-76. In: Harrison, S. and Carver, V., eds. Alcohol and drug problems: a practical guide for counsellors. 2d ed. viii + 584pp.Year: 1997
Title: Case management and community-based treatment of women with substance abuse problems.Publisher: New York * Springer Publishing Co.;Source: Chap. 5, pp. 77-89. In: Siegal, H. A. and Rapp, R. C., eds. Case management and substance abuse treatment: practice and experience. xv + 182 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Case management applications in substance use disorders.Publisher: New York * Springer Publishing Co.;Source: Chap. 4, pp. 51-75. In: Siegal, H. A. and Rapp, R. C., eds. Case management and substance abuse treatment: practice and experience. xv + 182 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Case management applied to the treatment of alcohol dependenceYear: 2004Journal: Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatrica 26(Suppl.1): 63-67ISSN: 1516-4446
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Title: Case management: assessment, treatment planning and monitoring.Publisher: Toronto * Centre for Addiction and Mental HealthSource: Ch. 3, pp. 45-63. In: Harrison, S. and Carver, V., eds. Alcohol and drug problems: a practical guide for counsellors. 3d ed. xvi + 768 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Case management community advocacy for substance abuse clients.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 383-394. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Progress and issues in case management. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 127.) v + 401 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Case management for substance abusers.Publisher: New York * Springer Publishing Co.;Source: Chap. 9, pp. 141-154. In: Siegal, H. A. and Rapp, R. C., eds. Case management and substance abuse treatment: practice and experience. xv + 182 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Case management in substance abuse treatment: perspectives, impact, and usePublisher: New Haven, CT * Yale University PressSource: Chap. 11, pp. 253-274. In: Tims, F. M., Leukefeld, C. G. and Platt, J. J., eds. Relapse and recovery in addictions. xii + 420 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Case management of substance abusers with HIV disease.Publisher: New York * Springer Publishing Co.;Source: Chap. 8, pp. 123-140. In: Siegal, H. A. and Rapp, R. C., eds. Case management and substance abuse treatment: practice and experience. xv + 182 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Case management: a telecommunication practice model.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 261-273. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Progress and issues in case management. (NIDA Res. Monogr. No. 127.) v + 401 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Case management to enhance HIV risk reduction among users of injection drugs and crack cocaine.Publisher: New York * Springer Publishing Co.;Source: Chap. 6, pp. 91-104. In: Siegal, H. A. and Rapp, R. C., eds. Case management and substance abuse treatment: practice and experience. xv + 182 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Case management within a methadone maintenance program: a research demonstration project for HIV risk reduction.Publisher: New York * Springer Publishing Co.;Source: Chap. 7, pp. 105-122. In: Siegal, H. A. and Rapp, R. C., eds. Case management and substance abuse treatment: practice and experience. xv + 182 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Cell phones for ecological momentary assessment with cocaine-addicted homeless patients in treatmentYear: 2006Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 30(2):105-111ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Changes in smoking status among substance abusers: baseline characteristics and abstinence from alcohol and drugs at 12-month follow up.Year: 2003Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 69(1): 61-71ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Changes in use of crack cocaine after drug misuse treatment: 4-5 year follow-up results from the National Treatment Outcome Research Study (NTORS).Year: 2002Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 66(1): 21-28ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Changing the conversation. Improving substance abuse treatment: the National Treatment Plan InitiativePublisher: Rockville, MDSource: vi + 54 pp.Year: 2000
Title: Changing the conversation. Improving substance abuse treatment: the National Treatment Plan Initiative. Panel reports, public hearings, and participant acknowledgementsPublisher: Rockville, MDSource: v + 244 pp.Year: 2000
Title: Changing drug use patterns and treatment behavior: a longitudinal study of urban Black youth.Publisher: Clifton, NJ * Human PressSource: Pp. 263-311. In: Watson, R. R., ed. Drug and alcohol abuse prevention. x + 408 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Changing gear: transitions in substance misuseYear: 1999Journal: Journal of Substance Use 4(3): 184-185ISSN: 1465-9891
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Title: Changing the habit: why and how do users change their drug consumption patterns?Year: 1998Journal: Journal of Substance Misuse 3: 50-54,ISSN: 1357-5007
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Title: Characteristics and pretreatment behaviors of clients entering drug abuse treatment: 1969-1993.Year: 1997Journal: American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 23: 43-59,ISSN: 0095-2990
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Title: Characteristics and problems of 600 adolescent cannabis abusers in outpatient treatmentYear: 2002Journal: Addiction 97(Suppl. 1): 46-57ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Characteristics of adolescents in residential treatment for heroin dependence.Year: 2004Journal: American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 30(3): 593-603ISSN: 0095-2990
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Title: Characteristics of amphetamine users seeking information, help and treatment in Adelaide, South AustraliaYear: 1999Journal: Drug and Alcohol Review 18(1): 63-73ISSN: 0959-5236
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Title: The characteristics of heroin users entering treatment: findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS).Year: 2005Journal: Drug and Alcohol Review 24(5): 411-418ISSN: 0959-5236
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Title: Characteristics of treatment provided for amphetamine use in New South Wales, AustraliaYear: 2005Journal: Drug and Alcohol Review 24(5): 433-436ISSN: 0959-5236
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Title: Characteristics of youth and young adults seeking residental treatment for substance use problems: an exploratory study.Year: 1995Journal: Addictive Behaviors 20: 675-678,ISSN: 0306-4603
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Title: Characterizing the emerging population of prescription opioid abusers.Year: 2006Journal: American Journal on Addictions 15(3): 208-212ISSN: 1055-0496
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