Suicide and Drug Use
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Title: Adolescent depression and suicide risk: association with sex and drug behaviorYear: 2004Journal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine 27(3): 224-231ISSN: 0749-3797
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Title: Adolescent substance abuse and suicide: substance use often linked to suicidality, but dynamics vary.Year: 2006Journal: Addiction Professional 4(6): 39-41ISSN: 1542-8435
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Title: Association of alcohol and drug use disorders and completed suicide: an empirical review of cohort studiesYear: 2004Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 76(Suppl.): S11-S19ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Attempted suicide among heroin users: 12-month outcomes from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS).Year: 2005Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 78(2): 177-186ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Comparison of VA intentional and unintentional deaths.Year: 2004Journal: American Journal on Addictions 13(4): 358-371ISSN: 1055-0496
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Title: Conceptual issues in understanding the relationship between suicidal behavior and substance use during adolescenceYear: 2004Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 76(Suppl.): S79-S91ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Correlates of attempted suicide among young injection drug users in a multi-site cohort.Year: 2004Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 75(3): 261-269ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Dancing with death: the grey area between suicide related behavior, indifference and risk behavior of heroin users.Year: 2006Journal: Contemporary Drug Problems 33(3): 427-450ISSN: 0091-4509
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Title: Depression, negative self-image, and suicidal attempts as effects of substance use and substance dependence.Year: 2004Journal: Journal of Addictive Diseases 23(4): 55-71ISSN: 1055-0887
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Title: The development of suicide ideation and attempts: an epidemiologic study of first graders followed into young adulthoodYear: 2004Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 76(Suppl.) S53-S67ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Drug abuse and suicidal behavior. [Editorial.]Year: 2004Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 76(Suppl.): S1-S2ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2003: area profiles of drug-related mortality. (Drug Abuse Warning Network Series: D-27.)Publisher: Rockville, MDSource: 172 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Drug use and the risk of suicide among youthsPublisher: Detroit * OmnigraphicsSource: Chap. 59, pp. 433-439. In: Ginther, C., ed. Drug abuse sourcebook. 2d ed. xiii + 607 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Gender differences in predictors of suicidal thoughts and attempts among homeless veterans that abuse substancesYear: 2005Journal: Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior 35(1): 106-116ISSN: 0363-0234
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Title: Historical and conceptual issues.Publisher: Basel, Switzerland * S. KargerSource: Pp. 54-64. In: Stohler, R. and Rossler, W., eds. Dual diagnosis: the evolving conceptual framework. (Bibliotheca Pscyhiatrica No. 172), x + 160 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Intimate partner sexual assault against women and associated victim substance use, suicidality, and risk factors for femicide.Year: 2005Journal: Issues in Mental Health Nursing 26(9): 953-967ISSN: 0161-2840
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Title: Intoxicants and suicidal behaviour among adolescents: changes in levels and associations from 1992 to 2002.Year: 2005Journal: Addiction 100(1): 79-88ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: The link between marijuana and mental illness: a survey of recent researchPublisher: WashingtonSource: 6 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Neurobehavior disinhibition in childhood predicts suicide potential and substance use disorder by young adulthoodYear: 2004Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 76(Suppl.): S45-S52ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: One-year follow-up study of suicide attempters treated for drug dependenceYear: 2006Journal: American Journal on Addictions 15(4): 293-296ISSN: 1055-0496
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Title: Outcomes of substance use disorder treatment in suicidal and non-suicidal male patients.Year: 2004Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 65(5): 643-650ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Overview of workshop on drug abuse and suicidal behavior. [Editorial.]Year: 2004Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 76(Suppl.): S3-S9ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Post-traumatic stress disorder, drug dependence, and suicidality among male Vietnam veterans with a history of heavy drug useYear: 2004Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 76(Suppl.): S31-S43ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Prevalence and correlates of suicidal ideation among young injection vs. noninjection drug users.Year: 2006Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 41(2): 245-254ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: Preventing suicide in young schizophrenics who are substance "abusers." (Letter.)Year: 2004Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 39(9): 1435-1439ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: Promoting mental health and preventing suicide in college and university settings.Publisher: Newton, MA * Education Development CenterSource: 33 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Psychiatric comorbidity.Publisher: London * GaskellSource: Chap. 6, pp. 72-84. In: Crome, I.B., Ghodse, H., Gilvarry, E. and McArdle, P. Young people and substance misuse. xii + 228 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Recent life problems and non-fatal overdose among heroin users entering treatment.Year: 2005Journal: Addiction 100(2): 168-175ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Risk factors for suicidal ideation and attempts among pathological gamblersYear: 2006Journal: American Journal on Addictions 15(4): 303-310ISSN: 1055-0496
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Title: Self-harm and suicidal behavior in women with comorbid PTSD and substance dependence.Year: 2006Journal: American Journal on Addictions 15(5): 392-395ISSN: 1055-0496
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Title: Substance abuse and behavioral correlates of sexual assault among South African adolescents.Year: 2004Journal: Child Abuse and Neglect 28(6): 683-696ISSN: 0145-2134
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Title: Substance abuse, suicidality, and self-esteem in South African adolescents.Year: 2004Journal: Journal of Drug Education 34(1): 1-17ISSN: 0047-2379
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Title: Substance use, firearm availability, depressive symptoms, and mental health service utilization among White and African American suicide decedents aged 15 to 64 years.Year: 2005Journal: Annals of Epidemiology 15(8): 614-621ISSN: 1047-2797
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Title: Suicidal behavior, drug use and depressive symptoms after detoxification: a 2-year prospective studyYear: 2004Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 76(Suppl.) S21-S29ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Suicidal behaviors and drug abuse: impulsivity and its assessmentYear: 2004Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 76(Suppl.): S93-S105ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Suicidal ideation and risk factors among individuals at risk for HIV within the drug using community.Publisher: Johns Hopkins UniversitySource: 124 pp. Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 2004
Title: Suicidal ideation in veterans receiving treatment for opiate dependenceYear: 2006Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 38(2): 149-159ISSN: 0279-1072
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Title: Suicide attempts among substance use disorder patients: an initial step toward a decision tree for suicide management.Year: 2006Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 30(6): 998-1005ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Suicide risk in depressed methadone-maintained patients: associations with clinical and demographic characteristics.Year: 2004Journal: American Journal on Addictions 13(4): 327-332ISSN: 1055-0496
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Title: Three essays on the economics of substance use and abuse.Publisher: City University of New YorkSource: viii + 257 pp. Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 2003
Title: Twin study links marijuana abuse, suicide, and depression.Year: 2005Journal: NIDA Notes 20(2): 12ISSN: 1535-7325
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Title: What characterizes substance abusers who commit suicide attempts? Factors related to Axis I disorders and patterns of substance use disordersYear: 2006Journal: European Addiction Research 12(2): 102-108ISSN: 1022-6877
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