Motivation in Alcoholism Treatment
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Displaying 1 - 500 of 793
Title: AA processes and change: how does it work?Publisher: New Brunswick, NJ * Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies;Source: Chap. 6, pp. 99-112. In: McCrady, B. S. and Miller, W. R., eds. Research on Alcoholics Anonymous: opportunities and alternatives. x + 429 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Achieving the public health and safety potential of substance abuse treatments: implications for patient referral, treatment "matching," and outcome evaluationPublisher: New York * Plenum PressSource: Chap. 6, pp. 127-154. In: Bickel, W. K. and DeGrandpre, R. J., eds. Drug policy and human nature: psychological perspectives on the prevention, management, and treatment of illicit drug abuse. xiii + 326 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Adapting motivational interviewing strategies to increase posttreatment 12-step meeting attendance.Year: 2006Journal: Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 24(3): 31-53ISSN: 0734-7324
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Title: Addiction and change: how addictions develop and addicted people recoverPublisher: New York * Guilford PressSource: xviii + 317 pp.Year: 2003
Title: The addiction concept: working hypothesis or self-fulfilling prophesy?Publisher: Boston * Allyn and BaconSource: xii + 273 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Addiction: questions and answers for counsellors and therapists.Publisher: London: Whurr PublishersSource: xiii + 162 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Addiction recovery tools.Publisher: Mahwah, NJ * Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.;Source: Chap. 19, pp. 425-446. In: Coombs, R.H., ed. Addiction counseling review: preparing for comprehensive, certification and licensing examinations. xxiii + 648 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Addictions counseling: a practical guide to counseling people with chemical and other addictions.Publisher: New York * Continuum Publishing Co,;Source: 139 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Addiction treatment: avoiding pitfalls--a case approach. (Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, Report No. 142.)Publisher: Washington * American Psychiatric PressSource: 242 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Addiction treatment: a strengths perspectivePublisher: Pacific Grove, CA * Brooks/ColeSource: xix + 436 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Addiction treatment: theory and practicePublisher: Thousand Oaks, CA * Sage PublicationsFormat: Manual. 4.Source: xii + 435 pp.Year: 2000
Title: Addictive behaviors: etiology and treatment.Year: 1988Journal: Annu. Rev. Psychol. 39: 223-252,
Title: Addictive behaviors: readings on etiology, prevention, and treatmentPublisher: Washington * American Psychological Assoc.;Source: xxv + 930pp.Year: 1997
Title: Addictive disorders are essentially motivational problems: Comments on Davidson's "Prochaska and DiClemente's model of change: a case study?"Year: 1992Journal: British Journal of Addiction 87: 828-830,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Addressing group dynamics in a brief motivational intervention for college student drinkers.Year: 2003Journal: Journal of Drug Education 33(3): 289-306ISSN: 0047-2379
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Title: Addressing substance abuse in health care settings.Year: 2006Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 30(2): 292-302ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Adolescent intervention strategiesPublisher: New York * Haworth PressSource: Chap. 6, pp. 87-100. In: White, R. K. and Wright, D. G., eds. Addiction intervention: strategies to motivate treatment-seeking behavior. xvii + 154 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Adolescent self-selection of service formats: implications for secondary interventions targeting alcohol use.Year: 2006Journal: American Journal on Addictions 15(Suppl.1): 58-66ISSN: 1055-0496
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Title: Adolescent substance abuse intervention workbook: taking a first stepPublisher: Washington * American Psychiatric Press;Format: Manual. 2Source: 37 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Adolescent substance abuse: multidimensional family therapy in action.Publisher: Boston * Allyn and Bacon;Source: Chap. 10, pp. 120-171. In: Kaufman, E. and Kaufmann, P., eds. Family therapy of drug and alcohol abuse. 2d ed. xiv + 319 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Adolescent substance abusers and their beliefs about the disease model, readiness to change and their impact on the days of recoveryPublisher: Pacific Graduate School of PsychologySource: 133 pp. Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 2000
Title: Advances in the pharmacotherapy of alcoholism: challenging misconceptions.Year: 2006Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 30(2): 272-281ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Alcohol.Publisher: Chicago * Lyceum BooksSource: Chap. 7, pp. 125-149. In: Dziegielewski, S.F., ed. Understanding substance addictions: assessment and intervention. xiii + 283 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Alcohol abuse: straight talk, straight answersPublisher: HonoluluSource: 158 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Alcohol and drug abuse as encountered in office practice.Publisher: Boca Raton, FL * CRC PressSource: Other Populations and Alcohol * 316 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Alcohol and drug abusers' reasons for seeking treatment.Year: 1994Journal: Addictive Behaviors 19: 691-696,ISSN: 0306-4603
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Title: Alcohol and primary health care. (WHO Regional Publ., European Series, No. 64.)Publisher: Copenhagen * World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe;Source: iv + 90 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcohol and sportPublisher: Champaign, IL * Human KineticsSource: xi + 219 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Alcohol dependence treatment: facilitating the process of change with medications.Year: 2007Journal: Addiction Professional 5(1): 34-36ISSN: 1542-8435
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Title: Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous in clinical care.Publisher: New York * Wiley-Liss;Source: Chap. 21, pp. 285-300. In: Miller, N. S., Gold, M. S. and Smith, D. E., eds. Manual of therapeutics for addictions. xi + 352 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Alcoholics Anonymous as a mirror held up to nature.Publisher: Cambridge, UK * Cambridge University Press;Source: Chap. 14, pp. 220-239. In: Edwards, G. and Dare, C. eds. Psychotherapy, psychological treatments and the addictions. xiii + 268 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcoholics' beliefs about responsibility for, and recovery from, their condition.Year: 1995Journal: Drug and Alcohol Review 14: 55-62,ISSN: 0959-5236
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Title: Alcoholism and geriatric practice.Publisher: New York * McGraw-Hill;Source: Chap. 14, pp. 501-573. In: Mendelson, J. H. and Mello, N. K., eds. Medical diagnosis and treatment of alcoholism. xiii + 699 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Alcoholism and other drug dependence services standards: scoring guidelines.Publisher: Chicago, ILSource: 65 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Alcoholism and other drug problems.Publisher: New York * The Free Press;Source: xi + 386 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcoholism: a guide to diagnosis, intervention, and treatment.Publisher: New York * W. W. NortonSource: xiv + 256 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Alcoholism: theory, research, and treatment.Publisher: Needham Heights, MA * Ginn PressSource: 2d ed. 636 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Alcoholism: treatable illness.Publisher: Victoria, British Columbia * OrcaSource: 260 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Alcoholism treatment in the United States: an overviewYear: 1999Journal: Alcohol Research and Health 23(2): 69-77ISSN: 1535-7414
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Title: Alcohol motivations as outcome expectanciesPublisher: New York * Plenum PressSource: Chap. 6, pp. 75-91. In: Miller, W. R. and Heather, N., eds. Treating addictive behaviors. 2d ed. xii + 357pp.Year: 1998
Title: Alcohol problem recognition and treatment outcomesPublisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 223-238. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Project MATCH hypotheses: results and causal chain analyses. (Project MATCH Monogr. Series, vol. 8.) xii + 330 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Alcohol problems & alcoholism: a comprehensive survey.Publisher: New York * Free PressSource: Rev. ed. xvii + 410 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Alcohol problems in older adults: prevention and managementPublisher: New York * SpringerFormat: Manual. 4. * Manual. 5.Source: xi + 137 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Alcohol problems in special populations.Publisher: New York * McGraw-Hill;Source: Chap. 4, pp. 71-154. In: Mendelson, J. H. and Mello, N. K., eds. Medical diagnosis and treatment of alcoholism. xiii + 699 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Alcohol problems. (Practical Guides for General Practice. No. 5.)Publisher: New York * Oxford University PressSource: x + 86 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Alcohol-related injury and the emergency department: research and policy questions for the next decade. (Editorial.)Year: 2006Journal: Addiction 101(9): 1225-1227ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Alcohol skills training for college studentsPublisher: New York * Guilford PressSource: Chap. 6, pp. 183-215. In: Monti, P. M., Colby, S. M. and O'Leary, T. A., eds. Adolescents, alcohol, and substance abuse: reaching teens through brief interventions. xvi + 350 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Alcohol, social work and community carePublisher: Birmingham, UK * Venture PressSource: 252 ppYear: 2000
Title: The alcohol treatment-seeking process from a problems perspective: responses to events.Year: 1990Journal: British Journal of Addiction 85: 561-569,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Alcohol use and emergency department careYear: 1998Journal: Impaired Driving Update 2(5): 68, 79ISSN: 1091-4684
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Title: Alcohol use disordersPublisher: New York * Guilford PublicationsSource: pp. 376-433. In: Barlow, D. H., ed. Clinical handbook of psychological disorders. 3rd ed.Year: 2001
Title: Alternative theories of substance abuse: implications for understanding substance abuse and dependence in college studentsPublisher: Westport, CT * Greenwood PressSource: Chap. 4, pp. 73-98. In: Rivers, P. C. and Shore, E. R., eds. Substance abuse on campus: a handbook for college and university personnel. xvi + 277pp.Year: 1997
Title: An analysis of stressors and co-morbid mental health problems that contribute to youths' paths to substance-specific services.Year: 2001Journal: Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research 28(4): 412-426ISSN: 1094-3412
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Title: The application of Orem's theory in the treatment of addictions.Publisher: Budapest, HungarySource: P. 188. In: International Council on Alcohol and Addictions. International Institute on the Prevention and Treatment of Alcoholism. 32nd. (Abstracts/Resumes.) 253 pp.Year: 1986
Title: Application of the Transtheoretical Model to substance abuse: historical development and future directionsYear: 2005Journal: Drug and Alcohol Review 24(5): 437-448ISSN: 0959-5236
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Title: Approaches to treatment of substance abuse.Publisher: GenevaSource: Other Populations and Alcohol * vi + 194 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Approaching avoidance: a step essential to the understanding of cravingYear: 1999Journal: Alcohol Research and Health 23(3): 197-205ISSN: 1535-7414
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Title: Are men or women more likely to stop drinking because of alcohol problems?Year: 1994Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 36: 57-64,ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: ARISE: A method for engaging reluctant alcohol- and drug-dependent individuals in treatment.Year: 1997Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 14: 235-248,ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Assertive outreach: an effective strategy for engaging homeless persons with substance use disorders into treatmentYear: 2006Journal: American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 32(3): 479-486ISSN: 0095-2990
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Title: Assessing competence in the use of motivational interviewingYear: 2005Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 28(1): 19-26ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Assessing drinkers' motivation for change: the Stages of Change Readiness and Treatment Eagerness Scale (SOCRATES).Year: 1996Journal: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 10: 81-89,ISSN: 0893-164X
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Title: Assessing motivation for change in subjects with alcohol problems: the MAC2-A questionnaire.Year: 2006Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 41(6): 616-623ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Assessing motivation for change: preliminary development and evaluation of a scale measuring the costs and benefits of changing alcohol or drug use.Year: 1997Journal: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 11: 107-114,ISSN: 0893-164X
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Title: Assessing motivation to change among problem drinkers with and without co-occurring major depressionYear: 2005Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 37(4): 401-408ISSN: 0279-1072
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Title: Assessing readiness to change substance abuse: a critical review of instrumentsYear: 1999Journal: Clinical Psychology - Science and Practice 6: 245-266ISSN: 0969-5893
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Title: Assessing stages of change in DUI offenders: a comparison of two measuresYear: 2005Journal: Journal of Addictions Nursing 16(1-2): 57-67ISSN: 1088-4602
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Title: Assessing substance-abusing offenders for treatmentPublisher: Lanham, MD * American Correctional Asso.;Source: Chap. 1, pp. 1-41. In: Latessa, E. J., ed. Strategic solutions: the International Community Corrections Association examines substance abuse. xiv + 267 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Assessment.Publisher: Chevy Chase, MD * American Society of Addiction Medicine;Source: Section 3, Chap. 5, pp. 373-382. In: Graham, A.W., Schultz, T.K., Mayo-Smith, M.F., Ries, R.K. and Wilford, B.B., eds. Principles of addiction medicine. 3rd ed. xii + 1648 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Assessment and intervention with clients who have coexisting psychiatric and substance-related disorders.Publisher: New York * Guilford PressSource: Chap. 5, pp. 103-124. In: Straussner, S.L.A., ed. Clinical work with substance abusing clients. 2d ed. xiii + 494 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Assessment and intervention with drug and alcohol abusers in medical facilities.Publisher: New York * Guilford Press;Source: Chap. 2, pp. 33-49. In: Straussner, S. L. A., ed. Clinical work with substance-abusing clients. xvi + 381 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Assessment and intervention with drug and alcohol abusers in psychiatric settings.Publisher: New York * Guilford Press;Source: Chap. 3, pp. 50-68. In: Straussner, S. L. A., ed. Clinical work with substance-abusing clients. xvi + 381 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Assessment and treatment of clients with alcohol and other drug abuse problems: an overview.Publisher: New York * Guilford PressSource: Chap. 1, pp. 3-38. In: Straussner, S.L.A., ed. Clinical work with substance abusing clients. 2d ed. xiii + 494 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Assessment handbook: a handbook on procedures for addictions assessment/referral services.Publisher: Ontario * Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Research FoundationSource: xii + varying pages.Year: 1990
Title: Assessment may conceal therapeutic benefit: findings from a randomized controlled trial for hazardous drinking.Year: 2007Journal: Addiction 102(1): 62-70ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Assessment of addictive behaviors: implications of an emerging biopsychosocial model.Publisher: New York * Guilford PressSource: Chap. 1, pp. 3-48. In: Donovan, D. M. and Marlatt, G. A., eds. Assessment of addictive behaviors. xiv + 497 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Assessment of comorbid psychiatric illness and substance disorders.Publisher: San Francisco * Jossey-BassSource: Pp. 43-55. In: Minkoff, K. and Drake, R. E., eds. Dual diagnosis of major mental illness and substance disorder. (New Directions for Mental Health Services, No. 50.) 113 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Assessment of medication compliance in alcoholics through UV light detection of a riboflavin tracer.Year: 1996Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 20: 1412-1417,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Assessment of the patientPublisher: Washington * American Psychiatric PressSource: Chap. 12, pp. 109-119. In: Galanter, M. and Kleber, H. D., eds. The American Psychiatric Press textbook of substance abuse treatment. 2d ed. xiv + 595 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Assessment of the patientPublisher: Washington * American Psychiatric PublishingSource: Chap. 10, pp. 101-119. In: Galanter, M. and Kleber, H.D., eds. The American Psychiatric Publishing textbook of substance abuse treatment. 3d ed. xviii + 695 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Assessments to aid in the treatment planning process.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 75-122. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Assessing alcohol problems: a guide for clinicians and researchers. (NIAAA Treatment Handbook Series 4.) ix + 573 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Assessment strategies and measures in addictive behaviorsPublisher: New York * Oxford University PressSource: Chap. 11, pp. 187-215. In: McCrady, B. S. and Epstein, E. E., eds. Addictions: a comprehensive guidebook. xvii + 645pp.Year: 1999
Title: Assisting problem drinkers to change on their own: effect of specific and non-specific advice.Year: 1994Journal: Addiction 89: 1135-1142,ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: The attribution of cure.Year: 1988Journal: British Journal of Clinical Psychology 27: 384-386,
Title: Avoiding the horrid and beastly sin of drunkenness: does dissuasion make a difference?Year: 1994Journal: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 62: 1127-1140,ISSN: 0022-006X
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Title: Awareness of self-change as a pathway to recovery for alcohol abusers: results from five different groups.Year: 1998Journal: Addictive Behaviors 23: 399-404,ISSN: 0306-4603
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Title: Barriers to alcoholism treatment: reasons for not seeking treatment in a general population sample.Year: 1997Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 58: 365-371,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Barriers to treatment: why alcohol and drug abusers delay or never seek treatment.Year: 1993Journal: Addictive Behaviors 18: 347-353,ISSN: 0306-4603
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Title: Beginning treatment for alcohol problems.Publisher: New York * Academic PressSource: Chap. 2, pp. 13-26. In: Cox, W. M., ed. Treatment and prevention of alcohol problems: a resource manual. xi + 365 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Behavioral economics: basic concepts and clinical applications.Publisher: Chichester, U.K. * John Wiley and Sons;Source: Chap. 3, pp. 49-64. In: Cox, W.M. and Klinger, E., eds. Handbook of motivational counseling: concepts, approaches, and assessment. xxii + 515 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Behavioral theories of choice: understanding the relationship between drug use and drug-free reinforcement.Publisher: Oxford, UK * Oxford University PressSource: Chap. 1, pp. 3-24. In: Earleywine, M., ed. Mind-altering drugs: the science of subjective experience. x + 402 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Behavioral therapy for rural substance abusers: a treatment intervention for substance abusersPublisher: Lexington * University Press of KentuckyFormat: Manual. 4.Source: x + 181 pp. + appendix.Year: 2000
Title: Beyond structural-strategic family therapy: integrating other brief systemic therapies.Publisher: Boston * Allyn and BaconSource: Chap. 12, pp. 241-274. In: Todd, T. C. and Selekman, M. D., eds. Family therapy approaches with adolescent substance abusers. xvi + 334 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Brief advice protocol for problem drinkersPublisher: Toronto * Centre for Addiction and Mental HealthSource: Section 3.7, pp. 111-114. In: Brands, B., Kahan, M., Selby, P. and Wilson, L., eds. Management of alcohol, tobacco and other drug problems: a physician's manual. x + 547 pp.Year: 2000
Title: Brief group alcohol interventions with college students: examining motivational componentsYear: 2003Journal: Journal of Drug Education 33(2): 159-176ISSN: 0047-2379
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Title: Brief intervention and moderation approaches for preventing alcohol problemsPublisher: New York * John Wiley and SonsSource: Chap. 12, pp. 221-246. In: Oher, J. M., ed. The employee assistance handbook. xvii + 544 pp.Year: 1999
Title: Brief intervention in alcohol-positive traffic casualties: is it worth the effort?Year: 2006Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 41(1): 76-83ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Brief intervention in primary health carePublisher: Houndmills, UK * Macmillan PressSource: Chap. 6, pp. 108-122. In: Holmila, M., ed. Community prevention of alcohol problems. xv + 251pp.Year: 1997
Title: Brief interventionsPublisher: Chevy Chase, MD * American Society of Addiction MedicineSource: Section 8, Chap. 3, pp. 615-630. In: Graham, A. W. and Schultz, T. K., eds. Principles of addiction medicine. 2d ed. xxxvi + 1338 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Brief interventions.Publisher: Chevy Chase, MD * American Society of Addiction Medicine;Source: Section 3, Chap. 4, pp. 361-372. In: Graham, A.W., Schultz, T.K., Mayo-Smith, M.F., Ries, R.K. and Wilford, B.B., eds. Principles of addiction medicine. 3rd ed. xii + 1648 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Brief interventions and the treatment of alcohol use disorders: current evidencePublisher: New York * Kluwer Academic/Plenum PublishersSource: Chap. 21, pp. 375-390. In: Galanter, M, ed. Recent developments in alcoholism. Volume 16. Research on alcoholism treatment. xxiv + 438 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Brief interventions, brief interactionsPublisher: London * Routledge;Source: Chap. 7, pp. 111-120. In: Petersen, T. and McBride, A., eds. Working with substance misusers: a guide to theory and practice. xxiii + 362 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Brief interventions for alcohol and drug problemsPublisher: New York * Guilford PressSource: Chap. 9, pp. 251-282. In: Tucker, J. A., Donovan, D. M. and Marlatt, G. A., eds. Changing addictive behavior: bridging clinical and public health strategies. xx + 387pp.Year: 1999
Title: Brief motivational feedback improves post-incarceration treatment contact among veterans with substance use disordersYear: 2003Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 69(2): 197-203ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Brief motivational intervention for substance-abusing delinquent adolescents: guided self-change as a social work practice innovationYear: 2002Journal: Health and Social Work 27(3): 208-212ISSN: 0360-7283
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Title: Brief motivational treatment for problem gambling: a 24-month follow-up.Year: 2004Journal: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 18(3): 293-296ISSN: 0893-164X
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Title: Brief opportunistic intervention: the role of psychologists in initiating self-change amongst problem drinkersYear: 2001Journal: Australian Psychologist 36(3): 219-226
Title: Brief physician advice for high-risk drinking among young adultsYear: 2004Journal: Annals of Family Medicine 2(5): 474-480ISSN: 1544-1709
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Title: A brief readiness to change drinking algorithm: concurrent validity in female VA primary care patients.Year: 2005Journal: Addictive Behaviors 30(2): 389-395ISSN: 0306-4603
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Title: Brief strategic therapy - working with the patient's motivation for change.Publisher: Oxford * Blackwell ScienceSource: Chap. 12, pp. 158-168. In: Rassool, G. H., ed., ed. Dual diagnosis: substance misuse and psychiatric disorders. ix + 230 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Building a program of research based on the transtheoretical modelYear: 2005Journal: Journal of Addictions Nursing 16(1-2): 13-21ISSN: 1088-4602
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Title: Can 'stages of change' provide guidance in the treatment of addictions? A critical examination of Prochaska and DiClemente's model.Publisher: Cambridge, UK * Cambridge University Press;Source: Chap. 12, pp. 189-205. In: Edwards, G. and Dare, C., eds. Psychotherapy, psychological treatments and the addictions. xiii + 268 pp.Year: 1996
Title: The case for high-dose Motivational Enhancement TherapyYear: 2004Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 39(2): 331-343ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: Case management in substance abuse treatment: perspectives, impact, and usePublisher: New Haven, CT * Yale University PressSource: Chap. 11, pp. 253-274. In: Tims, F. M., Leukefeld, C. G. and Platt, J. J., eds. Relapse and recovery in addictions. xii + 420 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Case monitoring and motivational style brief interventions.Publisher: Boston * Allyn and Bacon;Source: Chap. 5, pp. 113-130. In: Hester, R.K. and Miller, W.R., eds. Handbook of alcoholism treatment approaches: effective alternatives. 3d ed. xv + 301 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Change in motivation in substance abuse treatment clients.Publisher: University of Missouri-St. Louis,Source: 124 pp., Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 2003
Title: The change process in alcoholics: client motivation and denial in the treatment of alcoholism within the context of contemporary nursing.Year: 1992Journal: J. adv. Nurs. 17: 173-186,
Title: Changes in alcohol expectancies during treatment relate to subsequent abstinence survivorshipYear: 1996Journal: British Journal of Clinical Psychology 35: 221-234
Title: Changing alcohol expectancies: techniques for altering motivations for drinking.Publisher: Chichester, U.K. * John Wiley and Sons;Source: Chap. 19, pp. 373-387. In: Cox, W.M. and Klinger, E., eds. Handbook of motivational counseling: concepts, approaches, and assessment. xxii + 515 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Changing drug use patterns and treatment behavior: a longitudinal study of urban Black youth.Publisher: Clifton, NJ * Human PressSource: Pp. 263-311. In: Watson, R. R., ed. Drug and alcohol abuse prevention. x + 408 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Changing programs, changing livesYear: 2001Journal: Impaired Driving Update 5(4): 75-77ISSN: 1091-4684
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Title: Characteristics of intoxicated trauma patientsYear: 2002Journal: Journal of Addictive Diseases 21(4): 1-12ISSN: 1055-0887
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Title: Characteristics of male medical patients referred for alcoholism treatment.Year: 1994Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 11: 259-265,ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Characterizing clients and assessing their needs.Publisher: Rockville, MD * Aspen Systems Corp.;Source: Chap. 3, pp. 31-69. In: Lawson, G. W., Ellis, D. C. and Rivers, P. C. Essentials of chemical dependency counseling. x + 227 pp.Year: 1984
Title: Chemical dependence: diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.Publisher: New York * Springer-VerlagSource: xi + 370 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Chemical dependency and antisocial personality disorder: psychotherapy and assessment strategies.Publisher: Binghamton, NY * The Haworth Press;Source: xiv + 378 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Chemical dependency: a systems approach.Publisher: Boston * Allyn and BaconSource: xvi + 462 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Chemical dependency: a systems approach.Publisher: Englewood Cliffs, NJ * Prentice Hall;Source: Other Populations and Alcohol * xiv + 413 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Child assessmentPublisher: London * Routledge;Source: Chap. 4, pp. 75-91. In: Petersen, T. and McBride, A., eds. Working with substance misusers: a guide to theory and practice. xxiii + 362 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Choosing to change: a client-centered approach to alcohol and medication use by older adultsPublisher: Toronto * Centre for Addiction and Mental Health;Format: Manual. 4.Source: x + 116 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Client commitment language during motivational interviewing predicts drug use outcomes.Year: 2003Journal: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 71(5): 862-878ISSN: 0022-006X
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Title: Client satisfaction with three therapies in the treatment of alcohol dependence: results from Project MATCH.Year: 2002Journal: American Journal on Addictions 11(4): 291-307ISSN: 1055-0496
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Title: Client's perceived need for treatment and its impact on outcomeYear: 2000Journal: Substance Abuse 21(3): 179-192ISSN: 0889-7077
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Title: The clients' perspective on change during treatment for an alcohol problem: qualitative analysis of follow-up interviews in the UK Alcohol Treatment Trial.Year: 2006Journal: Addiction 101(1): 60-68ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Clinical characteristics of alcoholism in alcohol-dependent subjects with and without a history of alcohol treatmentYear: 1999Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 23(10): 1605-1613ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Clinical guide to alcohol treatment: the community reinforcement approach.Publisher: New York * The Guilford Press;Source: x + 211 pp.Year: 1995
Title: The clinical practice of harm reduction.Publisher: New York * Guilford PressSource: Chap. 3, pp. 65-81. In: Straussner, S.L.A., ed. Clinical work with substance abusing clients. 2d ed. xiii + 494 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Cognitive and behavioural approaches to changing addictive behaviours.Publisher: New York * St. Martin's Press;Source: Chap. 10, pp. 158-175. In: Bonner, A. and Waterhouse, J., eds. Addictive behaviour: molecules to mankind. xvii + 312 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Cognitive-behavioral alcohol treatmentPublisher: Chichester, UK * John Wiley and SonsSource: Chap. 28, pp. 557-573. In: Heather, N., Peters, T. J. and Stockwell, T., eds. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems. xvii + 892 pp.Year: 2001
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Title: Motivational interviewing to enhance treatment initiation in substance abusers: an effectiveness study.Publisher: New York * Brunner-Routledge;Source: Chap. 3, pp. 35-40. In: McCance-Katz, E.F. and Clark, H.W., eds. Psychosocial treatments. x + 173 pp.Year: 2004
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