Follow-up Studies of Alcoholics-Treatment Aspects
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- longitudinal studies
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Title: A 4-year prospective follow-up study of the role of alcohol in recurrences of atrial fibrillation.Year: 1991Journal: Journal of Internal Medicine 230: 423-426,ISSN: 0954-6820
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Title: A 6-year follow-up of alcoholics after long-term outpatient treatment.Year: 1994Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 18: 720-725,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: The 'ACCEPT' community programme for problem drinkers: a comparison with general hospital-based care.Publisher: New York * Croom HelmSource: Chap. 11, pp. 210-232. In: Stockwell, T. and Clement, S., eds. Helping the problem drinker: new initiatives in community care. 298 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Accuracy of death certificates in the diagnosis of alcoholic liver cirrhosis.Year: 1988Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 12: 168-172,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Addiction careers: summary of studies based on the DARP 12-year followup.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: iv + 22 pp.Year: 1986
Title: Addictive behaviour: the next clinic appointment.Publisher: Cambridge, UK * Cambridge University Press;Source: Chap. 6, pp. 94-109. In: Edwards, G. and Dare, C., eds. Psychotherapy, psychological treatments and the addictions. xiii + 268 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Adolescent treatment: success rates soar when key elements are present.Year: 1991Journal: Adolescent Counselor 3 (No. 5): 19-21,ISSN: 1042-7589
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Title: Advice versus extended treatment for alcoholism: a controlled study.Year: 1988Journal: British Journal of Addiction 83: 159-170,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Affectivity, family drinking history, and the development of problem drinking: a longitudinal analysis.Year: 1993Journal: Journal of Applied Social Psychology 23: 2055-2073,ISSN: 0021-9029
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Title: Ageing and recovery from alcoholism.Year: 1987Journal: Brit. J. Psychiat. 151: 382-388,
Title: Alcohol and ageing. (Letter.)Year: 1988Journal: Brit. J. Psychiat. 152: 292,
Title: Alcohol and ageing [reply]. (Letter.)Year: 1988Journal: Brit. J. Psychiat. 152: 292,
Title: Alcohol and drug use in a Scottish cohort: 10 years on.Year: 1991Journal: British Journal of Addiction 86: 895-904,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Alcohol and mortality among young men: longitudinal study of Swedish conscripts.Year: 1988Journal: Brit. med. J. 296: 1021-1025,
Title: Alcohol consumption and associated problems in a birth cohort of 15 year olds.Year: 1994Journal: NZ Med. J. 107: 167-170,
Title: Alcohol consumption in a Danish cohort during 11 years.Year: 1992Journal: Scand. J. soc. Med. 20 (No. 2): 87-93,
Title: Alcoholic hallucinosis: a psychiatric enigma--2. Follow-up studies.Year: 1989Journal: British Journal of Addiction 84: 151-164,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Alcoholics Anonymous attendance, aftercare, and outcome: a secondary analyis of two years posthospitalization data.Publisher: University of Minnesota,Source: 220 pp. Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 1988
Title: Alcoholics committed to treatment: a prospective long-term study of behavioral characteristics, mortality, and social adjustment.Year: 1988Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 12: 19-24,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Alcoholic typology as an attribute for matching clients to treatmentPublisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 118-131. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Project MATCH hypotheses: results and causal chain analyses. (Project MATCH Monogr. Series, vol. 8.) xii + 330 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Alcohol in the mass media and drinking by adolescents: a longitudinal study.Year: 1994Journal: Addiction 89: 1255-1263,ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Alcohol in a social network perspective: implications for epidemiology.Year: 1990Journal: Alcologia 2: 13-21,ISSN: 0394-9826
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Title: Alcohol involvement and developmental task completion during young adulthoodYear: 2003Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 64(1): 32-42ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Alcoholism: a follow-up study of participants in an alcohol treatment programme.Year: 1990Journal: Brit. J. Psychiat. 157: 190-196,
Title: Alcoholism in women: a study in a clinic for women alcoholics.Publisher: Lausanne, Switzerland * International Council on Alcohol and AddictionsSource: Pp. 153-164. In: Tongue, A. and Tongue, E., eds. Proceedings of the 31st International Institute on the Prevention and Treatment of Alcoholism. Vol. 1. Rome, 2-7 June 1985. 495 pp.Year: 1986
Title: Alcoholism: a long-term follow-up study of participants in an alcohol treatment programme.Year: 1997Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 32: 527-535,ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Alcoholism treatment assessment: an overview of practical issues and methods.Year: 1987Journal: Drugs and Society 2 (No. 2): 1-18,ISSN: 8756-8233
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Title: Alcoholism treatment outcome studies, 1970-1998; an expanded look at the nature of the researchYear: 2003Journal: Addictive Behaviors 28(3): 415-436ISSN: 0306-4603
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Title: Alcoholism treatment: a ten-year follow-up study.Year: 1990Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 14: 169-173,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Alcoholism: who gets better and who does not.Publisher: New York * Raven PressSource: Pp. 281-292. In: Rose, R. M. and Barrett, J. E., eds. Alcoholism: origins and outcome. xii + 300 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Alcohol, tobacco and cannabis: 12-year longitudinal associations with antecedent social context and personality.Year: 1990Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 25: 281-292,ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Alcohol treatment outcome evaluation methodology: state of the art 1980-1984.Year: 1987Journal: Addictive Behaviors 12: 113-128,ISSN: 0306-4603
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Title: Alcohol use by heroin addicts 12 years after drug abuse treatment.Year: 1990Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 51: 233-244,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: The anatomy of a follow-up.Year: 1992Journal: British Journal of Addiction 87: 1327-1333,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Antisocial behavior, family history, and alcohol dependency symptoms.Year: 1994Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 18: 265-168,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: The application of labeling theory to alcoholism.Year: 1987Journal: Journal of Social Service Research 11: 73-91,
Title: The application of social learning theory to reduce alcohol and drug use.Publisher: Yeshiva UniversitySource: viii + 120 pp. DSW dissertation,Year: 1994
Title: Are special treatment facilities for female alcoholics needed? A controlled 2-year follow-up study from a specialized female unit (EWA) versus a mixed male/female treatment facility.Year: 1989Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 13: 499-504,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: The assertive aftercare protocol for adolescent substance abusersPublisher: Amsterdam * PergamonSource: Chap. 14, pp. 313-331. In: Wagner, E. F. and Waldron, H. B., eds. Innovations in adolescent substance abuse interventions. xii + 394 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Assessing gender interactions in the prediction of mortality in alcoholic men and women: a 20-year follow-up study.Year: 1995Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 19: 1162-1172,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Assessment handbook: a handbook on procedures for addictions assessment/referral services.Publisher: Ontario * Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Research FoundationSource: xii + varying pages.Year: 1990
Title: The association between alcohol use and health behaviors related to the risk of cardiovascular disease: the South Carolina Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Project.Year: 1995Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 56: 9-15,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: As the years go rolling by: drinking problems in the time dimension.Year: 1989Journal: Brit. J. Psychiat. 154: 18-26,
Title: Attempted referral as intervention for problem drinking in the general hospital.Year: 1988Journal: British Journal of Addiction 83: 83-89,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Battling the bottle: some alcoholics win--some lose. Why?Year: 1989Journal: Prevention File 5 (No. 1): 13-16,ISSN: 1065-3961
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Title: Behavioral marital therapy for male alcoholics: marital and drinking adjustment during the two years after treatment.Year: 1992Journal: Behav. Ther. 23: 529-549,
Title: Behavioral treatment of alcohol problems: a review and a comparison of behavioral and nonbehavioral studies.Publisher: New York * Academic PressSource: Chap. 5, pp. 73-115. In: Cox, W. M., ed. Treatment and prevention of alcohol problems: a resource manual. xi + 365 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Behavioural self-management with problem drinkers: one-year follow-up of a controlled drinking group treatment approachYear: 2006Journal: Addiction Research and Theory 14(1): 35-49ISSN: 1606-6359
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Title: The Berlevag project from 1939 through 1976: discussion.Year: 1989Journal: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia 79 (Suppl. 348): 167-178,ISSN: 0001-690X
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Title: Biological markers and therapeutic outcome in alcoholic disease: a twelve-year survey.Year: 1987Journal: Klinische Wochenschrift 65: 27-33,
Title: Biological, psychological and environmental predictors of the alcoholism risk: a longitudinal study.Year: 1998Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 59: 485-494,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: The bottom line: medical care costs, arrests drop sharply after treatment.Year: 1991Journal: Adolescent Counselor 3 (No. 5): 22-25,ISSN: 1042-7589
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Title: Can microcomputers help the problem drinker?Year: 1990Journal: Drug and Alcohol Review 9: 169-176,ISSN: 0959-5236
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Title: Change in alcoholic patients' coping responses: relation to temperament and outcomePublisher: Ph.D. dissertation, Rutgers-The State University of New JerseySource: viii + 125 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Changes in alcohol consumption and mortality in aged Finnish men.Year: 1989Journal: Ann. Med. 21: 245-246,
Title: Changes in alcohol consumption during a ten-year follow-up among Finnish men aged 55-74 years.Year: 1988Journal: Funct. Neurol. 3: 167-178,
Title: Changes in American drinking patterns and problems, 1967-1984.Publisher: Berkeley, CA * Medical Research Institute of San Francisco, Alcohol Research GroupSource: 31 pp. mimeogr.Year: 1986
Title: Changes in drinking behavior: demographic, psychosocial, and biomedical factors.Year: 1990Journal: International Journal of the Addictions 25: 599-619,ISSN: 0020-773X
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Title: Changes in drug involvement: a longitudinal study of childhood and adolescent determinants.Year: 1989Journal: Psychological Reports 65: 707-726,ISSN: 0033-2941
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Title: Changes of drinking goals in a two-year out-patient alcoholic treatment program.Year: 1989Journal: Addictive Behaviors 14: 1-9,ISSN: 0306-4603
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Title: Characteristics of admissions to residential drug treatment agencies in New South Wales, 1988-1992: II. Alcohol problems.Year: 1996Journal: Drug and Alcohol Review 15: 133-136,ISSN: 0959-5236
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Title: The characterization of inconsistencies in self-reports of alcohol and marijuana use in a longitudinal study of adolescents.Year: 1992Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 53: 636-647,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Childhood and adolescent antecedents of adult drug abuse and dependence: a longitudinal study.Publisher: Johns Hopkins UniversitySource: 156 pp. Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 2004
Title: Childhood predictors of drunkenness in late adolescence among males: a 10-year population-based follow-up studyYear: 2006Journal: Addiction 101(4): 512-521ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Choosing drug use measures for treatment outcome studies. II. Timing baseline and follow-up measurement.Year: 1988Journal: International Journal of the Addictions 23: 875-885,ISSN: 0020-773X
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Title: Cigarette smoking and long-term alcohol and drug treatment outcomes: a telephone follow-up at five years.Year: 2007Journal: American Journal on Addictions 16(1): 32-37ISSN: 1055-0496
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Title: The Cleveland Clinic Alcohol Rehabilitation Program: a treatment outcome study.Year: 1985Journal: Cleveland Clin. Quart. 52: 245-251,
Title: Clinical characteristics of alcoholism in alcohol-dependent subjects with and without a history of alcohol treatmentYear: 1999Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 23(10): 1605-1613ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Clinical conditions and central noradrenergic activity in long-term abstinent alcoholic patients.Publisher: New York * Pergamon PressSource: Pp. 615-618. In: Lindros, K. O., Ylikahri, R. and Kiianmaa, K., eds. Advances in biomedical alcohol research. xxv + 765 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Clouds House - an evaluation of a residential alcohol & drug dependency treatment centre.Publisher: Salisbury, UK * The Life-Anew Trust Ltd.;Source: 70 pp.Year: 1995
Title: The collaborative alcohol-related longitudinal research project--a meta-analytic endeavor.Publisher: Berkeley, CA * Medical Institute of San Francisco, Alcohol Research GroupSource: mimeogr. 14 pp. + appendix.Year: 1988
Title: The collaborative longitudinal alcohol-related project.Publisher: Berkeley, CA * Medical Research Institute of San Francisco * Alcohol Research GroupSource: 7 pp. mimeogr.Year: 1987
Title: Collaborative longitudinal research on alcohol problems.Year: 1988Journal: British Journal of Addiction 83: 441-444,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Comments on the natural history of alcohol abuse [reply]. (Letter.)Year: 1991Journal: American Journal of Psychiatry 148: 1096,ISSN: 0002-953X
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Title: A comparative, process-effectiveness evaluation of VA substance abuse treatmentPublisher: New York * Kluwer Academic/Plenum PublishersSource: Chap. 17, pp. 373-391. In: Galanter, M., ed. Recent developments in alcoholism. Volume 15. Services research in the era of managed care: organization, access, economics, outcome. xxiv + 465 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Comparison of effectiveness: behavioural and talk-based Alcohol Education Courses for court-referred young offenders.Year: 1991Journal: Behavioral Psychotherapy 19: 157-172,
Title: Conducting a therapeutic community program evaluation with limited resourcesYear: 2002Journal: Journal of Chemical Dependency Treatment 8(1): 7-36ISSN: 0885-4734
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Title: Consistency and change in patterns of social drinking: a 6-year follow-up of the Finnish Twin Cohort.Year: 1992Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 16: 234-246,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Continuing care and follow-up.Publisher: Rockville, MDSource: Chap 6, pp. 209-229. In: Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Practical approaches in the treatment of women who abuse alcohol and other drugs. 275 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Controlled evaluation of a general practice-based brief intervention for excessive drinking.Year: 1995Journal: Addiction 90: 119-132,ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Controlled prospective fifteen year follow-up of hyperactives and adults: non-medical drug and alcohol use and anti-social behavior.Year: 1986Journal: Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 31: 557-567,ISSN: 0706-7437
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Title: Coping strategies of abstainers from alcohol up to three years post-treatment.Year: 1993Journal: Image: Journal of Nursing Scholarship 25 (No. 1): 29-36,ISSN: 1527-6546
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Title: Correlates of past-year status among treated and untreated persons with former alcohol dependence: United States, 1992.Year: 1996Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 20: 771-779,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Correlations of alcohol consumption with related covariates and heritability estimates in older adult males over a 14- to 18-year period: the NHLBI twin study.Year: 1994Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 18: 702-710,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: The course of alcoholism: long-term prognosis in different types.Year: 1988Journal: Forens. Sci. int. 36: 121-138,
Title: Course of functioning in adolescents 1 year after alcohol and other drug treatmentYear: 2001Journal: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 15(1): 68-76ISSN: 0893-164X
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Title: Cross-national comparisons of drinking behavior as determined from the collaborative Alcohol-Related Longitudinal Project.Year: 1993Journal: Alcohol Health and Research World 17: 198-204,ISSN: 0090-838X
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Title: Day-care treatment for youth multiple drug abuse: a six-year follow-up study.Year: 1988Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 20: 385-395,ISSN: 0279-1072
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Title: Day-care treatment for youth multiple drug abuse: a six-year follow-up study.Year: 1988Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 20: 385-395,ISSN: 0279-1072
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Title: Death and abstinence: alcohol rehabilitation follow-up.Publisher: Oslo * National Directorate for the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug ProblemsSource: Pp. 82-91. In: International Congress on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, 35th, Oslo, 1988. Proceedings. Vol. 3: papers. [xi] + 883 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Delirium tremens: a prospective long-term follow-up study.Year: 1988Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 49: 178-185,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Demographic and methodological characteristics associated with changes in frequency of alcohol use: a meta-analysis from the Collaborative Alcohol-Related Longitudinal Project.Year: 1994Journal: Addiction Research 2: 155-170,ISSN: 1058-6989
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Title: Demographic variables as predictors of alcoholism treatment outcome.Year: 1985Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 46: 425-432,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Depression and relapses in treated chronic alcoholics.Year: 1995Journal: International Journal of the Addictions 30: 337-349,ISSN: 0020-773X
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Title: Determinants of life-course variation in the frequency of alcohol consumption: meta-analysis of studies from the Collaborative Alcohol-Related Longitudinal Project.Year: 1996Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 57: 494-506,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Determinants of research follow-up participation in an alcohol treatment outcome trialYear: 1996Journal: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 64(3): 614-618ISSN: 0022-006X
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Title: Developing state outcomes monitoring systems for alcohol and other drug abuse treatment.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series 14. x + 96 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Development and stability of alcohol consumption from adolescence into adulthood: the Amsterdam Growth and Health Longitudinal StudyYear: 2000Journal: European Addiction Research 6(4): 183-188ISSN: 1022-6877
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Title: The development of alcoholic subtypes: risk variation among alcoholic families during the early childhood years.Year: 1996Journal: Alcohol Health and Research World 20 (No. 1): 46-54,ISSN: 0090-838X
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Title: The differential effect of a set of brief interventions on the functioning of a group of "early-stage" problem drinkers.Year: 1988Journal: Australian Drug and Alcohol Review 7: 147-155,ISSN: 0726-4550
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Title: Different patterns of successful long-term adjustment in genetically defined subtypes of alcoholics.Publisher: New York * Pergamon PressSource: Pp. 401-405. In: Lindros, K. O., Ylikahri, R. and Kiianmaa, K., eds. Advances in biomedical alcohol research. xxv + 765 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Dimensions of adolescent problem drinking.Year: 1993Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 54: 555-565,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Directory of client outcome measures for addictions treatment programs.Publisher: Toronto * Addiction Research Foundation;Source: varying pages + appendices.Year: 1993
Title: Do drinking experiments have a negative effect on alcoholics' recovery?Year: 1988Journal: British Journal of Addiction 83: 1429-1437,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Does solitary substance use increase adolescents' risk for poor psychosocial and behavioral outcomes? A 9-year longitudinal study comparing solitary and social users.Year: 2006Journal: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 20(4): 363-372ISSN: 0893-164X
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Title: Drams for problem drinkers: the potential of a brief intervention by general practitioners and some evidence of its effectiveness.Publisher: New York * Croom HelmSource: Chap. 4, pp. 83-104. In: Stockwell, T. and Clement, S., eds. Helping the problem drinker: new initiatives in community care. 298 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Dr. Hasin and associates reply. (Letter.)Year: 1991Journal: American Journal of Psychiatry 148: 1410-1411,ISSN: 0002-953X
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Title: Drinking and drinking problems in women: a U.S. longitudinal survey and some implications for prevention.Publisher: Amsterdam * Swets & ZeitlingerSource: Pp. 117-138. In: Loberg, T., Miller, W. R., Nathan, P. E. and Marlatt, G. A., eds. Addictive behaviors: prevention and early intervention. 303 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Drinking careers: a twenty-five year study of three Navajo populations.Publisher: New Haven * Yale University Press;Source: vi + 280 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Drinking habits and alcohol abuse among young men: a prospective longitudinal study.Year: 1988Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 49: 245-252,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Drinking in the year after treatment as a predictor of three-year drinking outcomes.Year: 2006Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 67(6): 823-832ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Drinking problems, the matching hypothesis and a conclusion revised.Year: 1994Journal: Addiction 89: 609-611,ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: The DSM-III diagnosis of alcohol use disorders in women: findings from a follow-up study of 44 female alcoholics.Publisher: Copenhagen * MunksgaardSource: Pp. 22-30. In: Clinical experiences with the DSM-III system of classification. (Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia, Vol. 73, Suppl. 328.) 84 pp.Year: 1986
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Title: A follow-up study of problem drinkers offered a goal choice option.Year: 1992Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 53: 594-600,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Integrated residential treatment for persons with severe and persistent mental illness: lessons in recovery.Year: 2006Journal: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 38(3): 263-272ISSN: 0279-1072
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Title: Laboratory markers as compared to drinking measures before and after inpatient treatment for alcoholism.Year: 1989Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 13: 449-452,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Laboratory tests in the follow-up of treated alcoholics: how often should testing be repeated?Year: 1990Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 25: 359-363,ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Lifetime DSM-IV diagnosis of alcohol, cannabis, cocaine and opiate dependence: six-month reliability in a multi-site clinical example.Year: 1994Journal: Addiction 89: 1115-1127,ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Locating and interviewing alcoholics 8 years after discharge from hospital.Year: 1988Journal: International Journal of the Addictions 23: 379-386,ISSN: 0020-773X
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Title: Longitudinal characteristics of hospital use before and after alcoholism treatment.Year: 1990Journal: American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 16: 161-170,ISSN: 0095-2990
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Title: A longitudinal investigation of alcohol use and aggression in adolescence.Year: 1992Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Suppl. No. 11, pp. 62-77,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Longitudinal stability and dimensional structure of problem drinking in adolescence.Year: 1987Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 48: 541-550,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: A longitudinal study of competence in elderly veterans: the role of alcohol and education.Year: 1991Journal: Psychiatry 54: 238-250,ISSN: 0957-770X
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Title: Longitudinal substance use and adult adjustment.Year: 1990Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse 2: 317-334,ISSN: 0899-3289
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Title: Longitudinal trends in the use of illicit drugs and alcohol in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study.Year: 1993Journal: Addiction Research 1: 279-290,ISSN: 1058-6989
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Title: Longitudinal validity of the CAGE questionnaire.Year: 1994Journal: Addiction Research 2: 195-201,ISSN: 1058-6989
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Title: The long-term course of alcoholism, 5, 10 and 16 years after treatmentYear: 2005Journal: Addiction 100(6): 797-805ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: The long-term course of treated alcoholism: II. predictors and correlates of 10-year functioning and mortality.Year: 1992Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 53: 142-153,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: The long-term course of treated alcoholism: I. Mortality, relapse and remission rates and comparisons with community controls.Year: 1991Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 52: 44-54,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: The long-term effectiveness of brief interventions for unsafe alcohol consumption: a 10-year follow-upYear: 2002Journal: Addiction 97(6): 655-675ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Long-term effect of brief intervention in at-risk alcohol drinkers: a 9-year follow-up study.Year: 2004Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 39(6): 548-881ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Long-term follow-up of behavioral control training.Year: 1992Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 53: 249-261,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Long term follow-up of convicted drinking drivers.Publisher: New York * ElsevierSource: Pp. 545-548. In: Noordzij, P. C. and Roszbach, R., eds. Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety - T86. xx + 685 pp.Year: 1987
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Title: Long term outcome for alcoholic patients treated in a hospital based unit.Year: 1987Journal: N.Z. Med. J. 100: 554-557,
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Title: Long-term outcomes of drinking patterns and problems: a 20-year longitudinal study of men.Publisher: Berkeley, CA * Medical Research Institute of San Francisco, Alcohol Research GroupSource: mimeogr. 26 pp. + appendix.Year: 1988
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Title: Long-term prognosis in addiction on sedative and hypnotic drugs analyzed with the Cox regression model.Year: 1987Journal: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia 75: 521-531,ISSN: 0001-690X
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Title: Long-term recovery in alcoholics.Year: 1989Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 13: 693-697,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Matching alcoholics to coping skills or interactional therapies: two-year follow-up results.Year: 1991Journal: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 59: 598-601,ISSN: 0022-006X
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Title: Mental health, sensation seeking and drug use patterns: a longitudinal study.Year: 1991Journal: British Journal of Addiction 86: 195-204,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Meta-analysis in aid of alcohol studies. (Editorial).Year: 1991Journal: British Journal of Addiction 86: 1189-1190,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: A meta-analysis of multiple longitudinal studies from the collaborative alcohol-related longitudinal project.Year: 1995Journal: American Journal on Addictions 4: 141-149,ISSN: 1055-0496
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Title: A model for the assessment of alcohol use and related problems.Year: 1987Journal: Drugs and Society 2 (No. 2): 19-30,ISSN: 8756-8233
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Title: Mortality among alcoholics discharged from a Japanese hospital.Year: 1989Journal: British Journal of Addiction 84: 287-291,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Mortality in alcoholic patients given inpatient treatment.Year: 1994Journal: Addiction 89: 841-849,ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Mortality in a follow up study of 616 alcoholics admitted to an inpatient alcoholism clinic 1972-1976.Year: 1990Journal: N.Z. med. J. 103: 1-3,
Title: Mortality in men with drinking problems: a 20-year follow-up.Year: 1994Journal: Addiction 89: 1293-1298,ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Mortality of treated alcoholics after eight years in relation to short-term outcome.Year: 1997Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 32: 573-579,ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: On the road to Damascus? A qualitative study of life events and decreased drinkingYear: 2005Journal: Contemporary Drug Problems 32(4): 589-603ISSN: 0091-4509
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Title: Predicting alcoholism and personality disorder in a 33-year longitudinal study of children of alcoholics.Year: 1988Journal: British Journal of Addiction 83: 799-807,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Predicting attendance at follow-up evaluations in alcoholism treatment outcome research.Year: 1987Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 48: 569-573,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Prediction of drinking outcomes for male alcoholics after 10 to 14 years.Year: 1998Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 22: 559-566,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Predictors of help seeking among a longitudinal sample of the general population, 1984-1992.Year: 1997Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 58: 155-161,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Predictors of loss to follow-up in young patients with minor trauma after screening and written intervention for alcohol in urban emergency department.Year: 2007Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 68(1): 133-140ISSN: 1937-1888
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Title: Predictors of mortality in alcoholic women: a 20-year follow-up study.Year: 1994Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 18: 1177-1186,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Predictors of outcome for patients with substance-use disorders five years after treatment dropoutYear: 2006Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 67(5): 685-693ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: The reduction of health care costs associated with alcoholism treatment: a 14-year longitudinal study.Year: 1992Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 53: 293-302,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: The relationships among family problems, friends' troubled behavior, and high risk youths' alcohol/other drug use and delinquent behavior: a longitudinal study.Year: 1994Journal: International Journal of the Addictions 29: 1419-1442,ISSN: 0020-773X
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Title: A replicable model for achieving over 90% follow-up rates in longitudinal studies of substance abusersYear: 2004Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 74(1): 21-36ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Retrospective self-report of alcohol consumption: test-retest reliability by telephone.Year: 1995Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 19: 1156-1161,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Stability of alcohol consumption among youth: a national longitudinal survey.Year: 1988Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 49: 253-260,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Stability of successful long-term adjustment in alcohol dependence: a follow-up study 15 years after the first long-term follow-upYear: 2004Journal: European Addiction Research 10(3): 126-132ISSN: 1022-6877
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Title: Strategies for follow-up of drug users: field research guidelines.Year: 1996Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 31: 1891-1927,ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: Strategies in alcoholism prevention: experiences from a 20-year follow-up of hospital-treated alcoholics.Publisher: Amsterdam * Swets & ZeitlingerSource: Pp. 173-187. In: Loberg, T., Miller, W. R., Nathan, P. E. and Marlatt, G. A., eds. Addictive behaviors: prevention and early intervention. 303 pp.Year: 1989
Title: A study of longitudinal patterns of substance abuse with special reference to multiple use problems.Year: 1992Journal: Japanese Journal of Alcohol Studies and Drug Dependence 27: 284-296,ISSN: 1341-8963
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Title: Substance abuse counseling: an individualized approach.Publisher: Pacific Grove, CA * Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.;Source: 2d ed. x + 287 pp.Year: 1994
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Title: Substance abuse relapse in a ten-year prospective follow-up of clients with mental and substance use disorders.Year: 2005Journal: Psychiatric Services 56(10): 1282-1287ISSN: 1075-2730
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Title: Substance abuse treatment and the stages of change: selecting and planning interventionsPublisher: New York * Guilford PressSource: xiii + 274 pp.Year: 2001
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Title: Syndrome of problem behavior in adolescence: a replication.Year: 1988Journal: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 56: 762-765,ISSN: 0022-006X
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Title: Three-month follow-up of 28 dual diagnosis inpatients.Year: 1993Journal: American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 19: 79-88,ISSN: 0095-2990
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Title: Toward a stepped care approach to treating problem drinkers: the predictive utility of within-treatment variables and therapist prognostic ratings.Year: 1997Journal: Addiction 92: 1479-1489,ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Trajectories of alcohol use during the transition to adulthoodYear: 2005Journal: Alcohol Research and Health 28(4): 195-201ISSN: 1535-7414
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Title: Treatment of alcohol abuse.Publisher: Norwood, NJ * AblexSource: Chap. 8, pp. 173-211. In: Nirenberg, T. D. and Maisto, S. A., eds. Developments in the assessment and treatment of addictive behaviors. vii + 417 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Treatment outcome for hospitalized alcoholics: results of a two-year study.Year: 1987Journal: Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 3 (No. 4): 107-123,ISSN: 0734-7324
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Title: Treatment outcome of left-handed versus right-handed alcoholic men.Year: 1985Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 9: 503-504,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Trends in adolescent alcohol consumption in Halifax, Nova Scotia--1970-1986.Year: 1989Journal: Canadian Journal of Public Health 80: 46-49,
Title: The Tromso study: identification of and a controlled intervention on a population of early-stage risk drinkers.Year: 1991Journal: Preventive Medicine 20: 518-528,ISSN: 0091-7435
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Title: Turning Point alcohol services evaluation scheme--departure circumstances of clients in residential rehabilitation.Publisher: Budapest, HungarySource: P. 212. In: International Council on Alcohol and Addictions. International Institute on the Prevention and Treatment of Alcoholism. 32nd. (Abstracts/Resumes.) 253 pp.Year: 1986
Title: A two-year follow-up study of alcohol dependent men rehabilitated at a special unit in a developing country.Year: 1992Journal: British Journal of Addiction 87: 1409-1414,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Type 1 and type 2 alcoholics (Cloninger & Bohman) have different patterns of successful long-term adjustment.Year: 1987Journal: British Journal of Addiction 82: 761-769,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Unemployment and use of drug and alcohol among young people: a longitudinal study in the general population.Year: 1992Journal: British Journal of Addiction 87: 1571-1581,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: The (un)finished product: measurements of satisfaction and of recidivism for former alcoholism treatment clients.Publisher: New York * Haworth PressSource: Pp. 169-186. In: Self, D. R., ed. Alcoholism treatment marketing: beyond T.V. ads and speeches. xv + 325 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Unique issues faced by deaf individuals entering substance abuse treatment and following dischargeYear: 2001Journal: American Annals of the Deaf 146(3): 294-304
Title: Unitary versus multidimensional models of alcoholism treatment outcome: an empirical study.Year: 1988Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 49: 167-177,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Using alcohol expectancies to predict adolescent drinking behavior after one year.Year: 1989Journal: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 57 (No. 1): 93-99,ISSN: 0022-006X
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Title: Using self-generated identification codes to match questionnaures in panel studies of adolescent substance use.Year: 1989Journal: Addictive Behaviors 14: 159-171,ISSN: 0306-4603
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Title: Vietnam drug users two decades after Vietnam: a follow-up study using the DIS.Year: 1993Journal: DIS Newslett. 10 (No. 1): 2, 8, 11,
Title: What can long-term follow-up teach us about relapse and prevention of relapse in addiction?Year: 1988Journal: British Journal of Addiction 83: 1147-1157,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Women one year following gender-specific treatment for alcohol and/or other drug dependencyYear: 2006Journal: Journal of Addictions Nursing 17(1): 5-11ISSN: 1088-4602
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Title: Women's drinking across the adult life course as compared to men's.Year: 1987Journal: British Journal of Addiction 82: 801-811,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Women's drinking across the adult life course as compared to men's: a longitudinal and cohort analysis.Publisher: Berkeley, CA * Medical Research Institute of San Francisco, Alcohol Research GroupSource: 18 pp. + tables + figures. mimeogr.Year: 1986
Title: Women's physical and psychological symptoms during early phase recovery from alcoholism: a longitudinal studyYear: 2006Journal: Journal of Addictions Nursing 17(2): 83-93ISSN: 1088-4602
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