College Students and Alcohol
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Displaying 1001 - 1500 of 1751
Title: Liability management or risk management? Evaluation of a Greek system alcohol policyYear: 1999Journal: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 13(4): 269-278ISSN: 0893-164X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Life events and peer substance use and their relation to substance use problems in college students.Year: 2006Journal: Journal of Drug Education 36(2): 179-191ISSN: 0047-2379 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: The lifestyle management class: a harm reduction approach to college drinking.Year: 2004Journal: Addiction Research and Theory 12(4): 335-351ISSN: 1606-6359 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Lifestyles and health risks of collegiate athletes.Year: 1991Journal: Journal of Family Practice 33: 585-590,ISSN: 0094-3509 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: The links among drugs, alcohol, and student crime: research results from the Campus Violence Prevention Center's second victimization study.Publisher: Towson, MD * Towson State University;Year: 1991
Title: Liquid bonding: a cultural analysis of the role of alcohol in fraternity pledgeship.Year: 1993Journal: Journal of College Student Develoment 34: 327-334,ISSN: 1543-3382 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Liquor liability: are colleges and universities liable as social hosts?Publisher: Boston College,Source: 134 pp. Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 1990
Title: Living environment, social context, heavy drinking and cigarette smoking among university students: an assessment of utilizing an internet survey.Publisher: University of Toronto (Canada);Source: 167 pp. Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 2003
Title: Loneliness, alcohol and marijuana use among male college studentsPublisher: University of ConnecticutSource: 104 pp. Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 2002
Title: Longitudinal evaluation of a screening measure for problem drinking among female college freshmen.Year: 1994Journal: Arch. Pediatr. Adolesc. Med. 148: 1331-1337,
Title: A longitudinal study of risk factors for motorcycle crashes among junior college students in TaiwanYear: 2003Journal: Accident Analysis and Prevention 35(2): 243-252ISSN: 0001-4575 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Loosening the grip: a handbook of alcohol informationPublisher: Boston * McGraw-HillSource: 6th ed. xvii + 558 pp.Year: 2000
Title: Loosening the grip: a handbook of alcohol informationPublisher: New York * McGraw-HillSource: 7th ed. xxv + 630 pp. + CD-ROMYear: 2003
Title: Loosening the grip: a handbook of alcohol information. 8th ed.Publisher: New York * McGraw HillSource: xxii + 631 pp.Year: 2006
Title: Magnitude of alcohol-related mortality and morbidity among U.S. college students ages 18-24Year: 2002Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 63(2): 136-144ISSN: 0096-882X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Magnitude of alcohol-related mortality and morbidity among U.S. college students ages 18-24: changes from 1998-2001Year: 2005Journal: Annual Review of Public Health 26: 259-279ISSN: 0163-7525 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Mailed personalized normative feedback as a brief intervention for at-risk college drinkersYear: 2002Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 63(5): 559-567ISSN: 0096-882X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: The mainstream media discovers binge drinking (finally).Year: 1997Journal: Bottom Line on Alcohol in Society 18(No. 3): 13-20,ISSN: 0891-6950 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Making the link: faculty and preventionPublisher: Newton, MA * Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug PreventionFormat: Manual. 3.Source: 29 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Making the transition from high school to college: the role of alcohol-related social influence factors in students' drinkingYear: 2002Journal: Substance Abuse 23(1): 53-65ISSN: 0889-7077 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Male and female differences in alcohol use patterns and behaviour: a study of Australian college students.Year: 1993Journal: Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education 38 (No. 3): 120-124,ISSN: 0090-1482 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Male and female recipients of unwanted sexual contact in a college student sample: prevalence rates, alcohol use, and depression symptomsYear: 1999Journal: Sex Roles 40(3/4): 295-308
Title: Malt liquor use, heavy/problem drinking and other problem behaviors in a sample of community college students.Year: 2003Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 64(6): 835-842ISSN: 0096-882X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Mandatory alcohol intervention for alcohol-abusing college students: a systematic review.Year: 2005Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 29(2): 147-158ISSN: 0740-5472 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Many college freshmen drink at levels far beyond the binge threshold.Year: 2006Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 30(6): 1006-1010ISSN: 0145-6008 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Mapping the continuum of alcohol problems in college students: a Rasch model analysis.Year: 2004Journal: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 18(4): 322-333ISSN: 0893-164X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: The marketing of alcohol to college students: the role of low prices and special promotions.Year: 2003Journal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine 25(3): 204-211
Title: Masculine gender role conflict: effects on college men's psychological well-being, chemical substance usage, and attitudes toward help-seekingYear: 1996Journal: Journal of Counseling Psychology 43(4): 461-465ISSN: 0022-0167 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Masculinity, femininity, and psychosocial adjustment in medical students: a 2-year follow-up.Year: 1987Journal: J. Pers. Assess. 51: 3-14,
Title: Massachusetts colleges wage warYear: 1999Journal: Dram Shop and Alcohol Reporter 17(1): 1-2
Title: A matter of balance: personal strategies for alcohol and other drugs; a prevention workbookPublisher: Ashland, OR * CNS Publications;Format: Curriculum. 3Source: viii + 168 pp.Year: 1995
Title: A matter of degree: advocacy initiative.Publisher: Princeton, NJSource: 81 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Measuring college student drinking: illustrating the feasibility of a Composite Drinking Scale.Year: 2006Journal: Substance Abuse 27(1/2): 33-45ISSN: 0889-7077 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Measuring college students' motives for playing drinking games.Year: 2004Journal: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 18(2): 91-99ISSN: 0893-164X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Measuring drinking patterns among college students.Year: 1992Journal: Psychological Reports 70: 231-238,ISSN: 0033-2941 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Measuring excessive alcohol use in college drinking contexts: the Drinking Context Scale.Year: 1997Journal: Addictive Behaviors 22: 469-477,ISSN: 0306-4603 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Measuring problem drinking in first time offenders: development and validation of the College Alcohol Problem Scale (CAPS).Year: 1997Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 14: 383-387,ISSN: 0740-5472 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Medical student impairment: a review of the literature.Year: 1985Journal: West Virginia Medical Journal 81: 244-248,
Title: Medical students and house staff: precursors and determinants of impairment.Publisher: ChicagoSource: Pp. 110-113. In: American Medical Association. Human Behavior Program. Physician health and effectiveness: new directions. 170 pp.Year: 1985
Title: Mental health consequences and correlates of reported medical student abuse.Year: 1992Journal: Journal of the American Medical Association 267: 692-694,ISSN: 0098-7484 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: The mentally ill student on campus: theory and practice.Year: 1989Journal: Journal of American College Health 38: 15-20,ISSN: 0744-8481 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Methodological issues in conducting prospective research on alcohol-related behavior: a report from the fieldPublisher: Washington * American Psychological Assoc.;Source: Chap. 1, pp. 3-41. In: Bryant, K. J., Windle, M. and West, S. G., eds. The science of prevention: methodological advances from alcohol and substance abuse research. xxxii + 458pp.Year: 1997
Title: Mexican-American and European American ratings of four alcoholism treatment programs.Year: 1994Journal: Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 16: 265-280,ISSN: 0739-9863 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Misperceiving the college drinking norm and related problems: a nation-wide study of exposure to prevention information, perceived norms and student alcohol misuse.Year: 2005Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 66(4): 470-478ISSN: 0096-882X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Misperceptions of the norms for the frequency of alcohol and other drug use on college campuses.Year: 1999Journal: Journal of American College Health 47(6): 253-258ISSN: 0744-8481 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Misperceptions of peer alcohol norms in a statewide survey of young adults.Publisher: San Francisco * Jossey-Bass;Source: Chap. 10, pp. 173-181. In: Perkins, H.W., ed. The social norms approach to preventing school and college age substance abuse: a handbook for educators, counselors, and clinicians. xvi + 320 pp.Year: 2003
Title: MIT fraternity indictedSource: Dram Shop Alc. Report. 16(10): 1Year: 1998
Title: A mixture model of discontinuous development in heavy drinking from ages 18 to 30: the role of college enrollment.Year: 2006Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 67(4): 552-561ISSN: 0096-882X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: A model approach to peer-based alcohol and other drug prevention in a college population.Year: 1994Journal: Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education. 39 (No. 2): 50-61,ISSN: 0090-1482 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: A model comprehensive alcohol program for universities.Publisher: Notre Dame, IN * University of Notre Dame Press;Source: Pp. 135-163. In: Howard, G. S. and Nathan, P. E., eds. Alcohol use and misuse by young adults. vi + 198 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Models for student drinking and smoking: parents or peers?Year: 1989Journal: Social Behavior and Personality 17: 223-229,ISSN: 0301-2212 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Moderating binge drinking: it is possible to change behaviour if you plan it in advance.Year: 1996Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 31: 577-582,ISSN: 0735-0414 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Moderating effects of collegiate attachment style on relationships between drinking attitudes and misperceived norms, social and coping motives for drinking, alcohol use and harmPublisher: University of California, Los AngelesSource: 242 pp. Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 2002
Title: Moderation in excess: binge drinking and social interaction among college students.Year: 1994Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 55: 342-351,ISSN: 0096-882X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: A modified version of the CAGE as an indicator of alcohol abuse and its consequences among undergraduate drinkers.Year: 2003Journal: Substance Abuse 24(4): 221-232ISSN: 0889-7077 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Monitoring the Future: national survey results on drug use, 1975-1999. Volume II: college students and adults ages 19-40Publisher: Bethesda, MD * National Institute on Drug AbuseSource: xiv + 240 pp.Year: 2000
Title: Monitoring the future: national survey results on drug use, 1975-2000. Volume II: college students and young adults ages 19-40Publisher: Bethesda, MD * National Institute on Drug AbuseSource: xiv + 238 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Monitoring the Future: national survey results on drug use, 1975-2001. Volume II: College students and adults ages 19-40Publisher: Bethesda, MD * National Institute on Drug Abuse;Source: xiv + 242 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Monitoring the Future: national survey results on drug use, 1975-2002. Volume II: college students and adults ages 19-40.Publisher: Bethesda, MD * National Institute on Drug Abuse;Source: xiv + 253 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Monitoring the Future: national survey results on drug use, 1975-2003. Volume II: college students and adults ages 19-45.Publisher: Bethesda, MD * National Institute on Drug AbuseSource: xiv + 267 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Monitoring the Future: national survey results on drug use, 1975-2003. Volume I: secondary school students.Publisher: Bethesda, MD * National Institue on Drug AbuseSource: xxvii + 545 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Monitoring the Future: national survey results on drug use, 1975-2004. Volume I: secondary school students.Publisher: Bethesda, MD * National Institute on Drug AbuseSource: xxviii + 690 pp.Year: 2005
Title: Monitoring trends in substance use through a repeat-cross sectional survey in a Nigerian university.Year: 1996Journal: Drugs-Education Prevention and Policy 3: 239-247,ISSN: 0968-7637 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: The Montana model: development and overview of a seven-step process for implementing macro-level social norms campaigns.Publisher: San Francisco * Jossey-Bass;Source: Chap. 11, pp. 182-205. In: Perkins, H.W., ed. The social norms approach to preventing school and college age substance abuse: a handbook for educators, counselors, and clinicians. xvi + 320 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Montoring the Future: national survey results on drug use, 1975-2001. Volume I: Secondary school studentsPublisher: Bethesda, MD * National Institute on Drug Abuse;Source: xxv + 503 pp.Year: 2002
Title: More Canadian students drink but American students drink more: comparing college alcohol use in two countriesYear: 2002Journal: Addiction 97(12): 1583-1592ISSN: 0965-2140 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: The Motivating Campus Change (MC2) Project: overview and preliminary resultsYear: 2005Journal: Report on Social Norms 4(9): 6-7
Title: Motivating young adults for treatment and lifestyle change.Publisher: Notre Dame, IN * University of Notre Dame Press;Source: Pp. 55-81. In: Howard, G. S. and Nathan, P. E., eds. Alcohol use and misuse by young adults. vi + 198 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Motivational enhancement as a brief intervention for college student drinkers.Publisher: Chichester, U.K. * John Wiley and Sons;Source: Chap. 21, pp. 409-420. In: Cox, W.M. and Klinger, E., eds. Handbook of motivational counseling: concepts, approaches, and assessment. xxii + 515 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Motivational interventions for heavy drinking college students: examining the role of discrepancy-related psychological processesYear: 2005Journal: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 19(1): 79-87ISSN: 0893-164X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: A motivational model of alcohol use in college student-athletesPublisher: University of Missouri-ColumbiaSource: 148 pp. Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 2002
Title: Motivational structure and alcohol use of university students across four nationsYear: 2002Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 63(3): 280-285ISSN: 0096-882X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Motivational structure: relationships with substance use and processes of changeYear: 2002Journal: Addictive Behaviors 27(6): 925-940ISSN: 0306-4603 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Motives for drinking, alcohol consumption, and alcohol-related problems among British secondary-school and university students.Year: 2006Journal: Addictive Behaviors 31(12): 2147-2157ISSN: 0306-4603 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Motives for malt liquor consumption in a sample of community college studentsYear: 2006Journal: Addictive Behaviors 31(8): 1295-1307ISSN: 0306-4603 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Motives of marijuana and alcohol use among college studentsPublisher: California State University, FullertonSource: 90 pp. M.S. dissertation,Year: 2002
Title: Moving beyond the keg party: a daily process study of college student drinking motivationsYear: 2005Journal: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 19(4): 392-403ISSN: 0893-164X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Moving up: the k-12 student assistance program model can go to collegeYear: 2004Journal: Student Assistance Journal 16(3): 22-24ISSN: 1042-6388 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: A multifaceted social norms approach to reduce high-risk drinking: lessons from Hobart and William Smith CollegesPublisher: Newton, MA * Higher Education Center for Alcohol and other Drug PreventionSource: v + 29 pp. + appendix.Year: 2002
Title: A multiple regression analysis of family factors affecting the potential for alcoholism in college students.Year: 1991Journal: Adolescence 26: 341-347,
Title: A multisite randomized trial of social norms marketing campaigns to reduce college student drinking.Year: 2006Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 67(6): 868-879ISSN: 0096-882X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: My Student Body: a high risk drinking prevention web site for college studentsYear: 2005Journal: Journal of American College Health 53(6): 263-274ISSN: 0744-8481 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: National frat off the hookYear: 2001Journal: Dram Shop Alcohol Report. 19(5): 5-7
Title: A national study of substance abuse prevention professionals in higher educationYear: 2005Journal: Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education 49(2): 43-65ISSN: 0090-1482 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: National survey results on drug use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975-1992.Publisher: Rockville, MD * National Institute on Drug Abuse;Source: Volume I: secondary school students. xvii + 269 pp.Year: 1993
Title: National survey results on drug use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975-1992. Volume II: college students and young adults.Publisher: Rockville, MD * National Institute on Drug Abuse;Source: xv + 190 pp.Year: 1993
Title: National survey results on drug use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975-1993. Volume II: college students and young adults.Publisher: Rockville, MD * National Institute on Drug Abuse;Source: xv + 189 pp.Year: 1994
Title: National survey results on drug use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975 - 1994. Volume II: college students and young adults.Publisher: Rockville, MD * National Institute on Drug Abuse;Source: xiii + 189 pp.Year: 1996
Title: National survey results on drug use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975-1995. Vol. 1: secondary school students.Publisher: Rockville, MD * National Institute on Drug Abuse;Source: xviii + 381 pp.Year: 1996
Title: National survey results on drug use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975-1995. Volume II: college students and young adults.Publisher: Rockville, MD * National Institute on Drug AbuseSource: xiv + 188 pp.Year: 1997
Title: National survey results on drug use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975-1997. Volume II: college students and young adults.Publisher: Rockville, MD * National Institute on Drug AbuseSource: xiii + 206 pp.Year: 1998
Title: National survey results on drug use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975-1998. Volume II: college students and young adultsPublisher: Bethesda, MD * National Institute on Drug AbuseSource: xiii + 218 pp.Year: 1999
Title: National trends in drug use and related factors among American high school students and young adults, 1975-1986. (DHHS Publ. No. ADM 87-1535.)Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: xiv + 265 pp.Year: 1987
Title: A nation under the influence: America's addiction to alcoholPublisher: Boston * Allyn and BocanSource: xix + 278 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Naturalistic observations of beer drinking among college students.Year: 1986Journal: J. appl. Behav. Anal. 19: 391-396,
Title: Natural reduction of binge drinking among college studentsYear: 2003Journal: Addictive Behaviors 28(4): 643-655ISSN: 0306-4603 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Needs, interests, and attitudes of university faculty for a wellness program.Year: 1988Journal: J. Amer. Diet. Assoc. 88: 916-920,
Title: Negative and positive alcohol expectancies and the consumption styles of college studentsPublisher: University of KansasSource: 105 pp. Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 1998
Title: Negative consequences of alcohol use among college students: victims or victimizers?Year: 2001Journal: Journal of Drug Education 31(3): 271-287ISSN: 0047-2379 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: The negative consequences of heavy drinking and associated disruptive behaviors for sibling relationship performanceYear: 2001Journal: Sociological Spectrum 21(4): 507-532ISSN: 0273-2173 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Negative consequences of intercollegiate athlete drinking: the role of drinking motives.Year: 2003Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 64(6): 825-828ISSN: 0096-882X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Negative emotional expectancies and readiness to change among college student binge drinkersYear: 2001Journal: Addictive Behaviors 26: 721-734ISSN: 0306-4603 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Neighbors and college underage drinking: a successful campus-community coalition.Year: 2003Journal: Impaired Driving Update 7(4): 77-78ISSN: 1091-4684 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Networking for healthy campuses: NYS college alcohol and other drug abuse prevention programs.Publisher: Albany;Source: 146 pp.Year: 1996
Title: The neurocognitive effects of alcohol on adolescents and college studentsYear: 2005Journal: Preventive Medicine 40(1): 23-32ISSN: 0091-7435 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: A new approach to student alcohol abuse at Georgetown UniversityYear: 2002Journal: Journal of American College Health 51(2): 81-87ISSN: 0744-8481 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: The New Jersey Collegiate Substance Abuse Program at Rutgers University: progress report on the Smithers Fellowship.Publisher: New Brunswick, NJ * Rutgers Continuing EducationSource: [Pp. 118-133.] In: Smithers, R. Brinkley, Institute for Alcoholism Prevention and Workplace Problems. First annual symposium on the prevention of alcohol and other drug problems. varying pages.Year: 1988
Title: New law gives colleges option of implementing parental notification when students are caught abusing drugs or alcoholYear: 2000Journal: Impaired Driving Update 4(2): 43-44, 46ISSN: 1091-4684 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: A new measure of binge drinking: prevalence and correlates in a probability sample of undergraduates.Year: 2006Journal: Alcoholism - Clinical and Experimental Research 30(11): 1896-1905ISSN: 0145-6008 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: News coverage of alcohol and other drugs in U.S. college newspapersYear: 2000Journal: Journal of Drug Education 30(4): 453-465ISSN: 0047-2379 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: New York State study findingsYear: 2000Journal: Impaired Driving Update 4(1): 18ISSN: 1091-4684 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Non-medical drug use behaviour at five United States universities: a 15-year study.Year: 1985Journal: Bull. Narc. 37: 49-53,
Title: Normative advice to campus crime victims: effects of gender, age, and alcoholYear: 1999Journal: Violence and Victims 14(4): 381-396ISSN: 0886-6708 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Normative beliefs, expectancies, and alcohol-related problems among college students: implications for theory and practiceYear: 2001Journal: Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education 47(1): 31-44ISSN: 0090-1482 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Normative misconceptions and temporal precedence of perceived norms and drinkingYear: 2006Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 67(2): 290-299ISSN: 0096-882X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Normative misperception and the impact of descriptive and injunctive norms on college student gamblingYear: 2003Journal: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 17(3): 235-243ISSN: 0893-164X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: A norm-referenced longitudinal study of medical student drinking patterns.Year: 1990Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse 2 (No. 1): 15-37,ISSN: 0899-3289 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: The Northern Illinois University experiment: a longitudinal case study of the social norms approach.Publisher: San Francisco * Jossey-Bass;Source: Chap. 2, pp. 21-34. In: Perkins, H.W., ed. The social norms approach to preventing school and college age substance abuse: a handbook for educators, counselors, and clinicians. xvi + 320 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Northern spirits: a social history of alcohol in Canada.Publisher: Toronto * Addiction Research FoundationSource: xx + 262 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Nursing students' stress levels, attitude toward drugs, and drug use.Year: 1992Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 4 (No. 3): 80-87,ISSN: 0899-9112 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: NY college alcohol riskYear: 1999Journal: Dram Shop and Alcohol Reporter 17(5): 1, 3
Title: Office for Substance Abuse Prevention declares that alcohol-related deaths will top numbers of college students who earn advanced degrees.Year: 1991Journal: Drug Abuse Update No. 37: 3,
Title: On being a designated driver: a qualitative investigation of underage college student perceptions.Year: 1993Journal: Journal of College Student Develoment 34: 425-431,ISSN: 1543-3382 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: On campus, in recovery, but without support: only eight colleges in the nation have programs for students recovering from substance abuse.Year: 2004Journal: Behavioral Health Management 24(5): 37-38, 40ISSN: 1075-6701 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: On campus... talking about alcohol and drugs: a new approach that works. (Editorial.)Year: 1990Journal: Drug Abuse Update, Vol. 34, pp. 4-5,
Title: OSAP college drinking campaign--"Put on the Brakes: Take a Look at College Drinking!"Year: 1991Journal: Alcohol Health and Research World 15 (No. 1): 87-89,ISSN: 0090-838X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Outcomes of a federally funded program for alcohol and other drug prevention in higher education.Year: 2003Journal: American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 29(4): 803-827ISSN: 0095-2990 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: An overview of a university student assistance program.Publisher: Washington * Heldref PublicationsSource: Pp. 103-108. In: Burns, W. D. and Sloane, D. C., guest eds. Students, alcohol, and college health: a special issue. (J. Amer. Coll. Hlth, Vol. 36, No. 2, 1987.) Pp. 57-139.Year: 1987
Title: Parental alcoholism: relationships to adult attachment in college women and men.Year: 2004Journal: Addictive Behaviors 29(8): 1633--1636ISSN: 0306-4603 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Parental alcohol use, family relationship quality, self-esteem, and depression in college students.Year: 1995Journal: Journal of College Student Develoment 36: 431-443,ISSN: 1543-3382 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Parental divorce and the change in drinking behavior from high school to college.Year: 1993Journal: Psychological Reports 72: 1275-1281,ISSN: 0033-2941 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Parental religion and alcohol use problems as intergenerational predictors of problem drinking among college youth.Year: 1987Journal: J. Sci. Stud. Rel. 26: 340-357,
Title: Parent-child closeness affects the similarity of drinking levels between parents and their college-age children.Year: 1995Journal: Addictive Behaviors 20: 61-67,ISSN: 0306-4603 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Parentification, parental alcoholism, and academic status among young adults.Year: 1998Journal: American Journal of Family Therapy 26: 105-114,
Title: Parents noticing teenage drinking: evidence from college freshmen.Year: 1991Journal: Sociol. Social Res. 76: 20-28,
Title: A partial analysis of the campus influence on drinking behavior: students who enter college as nondrinkers.Year: 1993Journal: Journal of Drug Issues 23: 715-725,ISSN: 0022-0426 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Party rape.Year: 1986Journal: Response 9: 2-5,
Title: Patterns and importance of self-other differences in college drinking norms.Year: 2006Journal: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 20(4): 385-393ISSN: 0893-164X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Patterns and predictors of simultaneous and concurrent use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and hallucinogens in first-year college students.Year: 1992Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse 4: 319-326,ISSN: 0899-3289 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Patterns of alcohol consumption, smoking and illicit drug use in British university students: interfaculty comparisons.Year: 1997Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 47: 145-153,ISSN: 0376-8716 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Patterns of alcohol drinking in a population of young social drinkers: a comparison of questionnaire and diary measuresYear: 2002Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 37(2): 187-192ISSN: 0735-0414 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Patterns of alcohol use among male and female college students: has there been a convergence?Publisher: Berkeley, CA * Medical Research Institute of San Francisco, Alcohol Research GroupSource: 22 pp. + figures. mimeogr.Year: 1986
Title: Patterns of alcohol use among university students in Spain.Year: 1989Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 24: 465-471,ISSN: 0735-0414 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Patterns of substance use among students meeting lifetime DSM-III criteria for alcohol misuse.Year: 1992Journal: International Journal of the Addictions 27: 905-915,ISSN: 0020-773X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Patterns of substance use and responses to stress among developing professionals.Publisher: Utrecht, The Netherlands * VNU Science PressSource: Pp. 201-226. In: Parvez, S., Burov, Yu., Parvez, H. and Burns, E., eds. Progress in alcohol research, Vol. 1. Alcohol nutrition and the nervous system. viii + 332 pp.Year: 1985
Title: Patterns of substance use on a college campus: a 14-year comparison study.Year: 1988Journal: American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 14: 237-246,ISSN: 0095-2990 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Patterns, problems and attitudes towards alcohol consumption among Micronesian college students.Year: 1994Journal: Journal of Instructional Psychology 21: 267-273,ISSN: 0094-1956 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Peer cluster theory and adolescent alcohol use: an explanation of alcohol use and a comparative analysis between two causal modelsYear: 1999Journal: Journal of Drug Education 29(3): 205-215ISSN: 0047-2379 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Peer effects and alcohol use among college students. (NBER Working Paper 9876.)Publisher: Cambridge, MA * National Bureau of Economic ResearchSource: 50 pp.Year: 2003
Title: Peer effects in drug use and sex among college studentsYear: 2005Journal: Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 33(3): 375-385ISSN: 0091-0627 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Peer influences on college drinking: a review of the researchYear: 2001Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse 13(4): 391-424ISSN: 0899-3289 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Perceived alcohol use among friends and alcohol consumption among college athletesYear: 2006Journal: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 20(2): 178-184ISSN: 0893-164X Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Perceived control of drinking and other predictors of alcohol use and problems in a college student sampleYear: 1999Journal: Addiction Research 7(4): 291-306ISSN: 1058-6989 Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
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