Traffic Safety and Alcohol
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- drinking and driving among youth
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Displaying 1 - 500 of 2509
Title: $34M verdictYear: 2002Journal: Dram Shop and Alcohol Reporter 20(6): 1, 2-4
Title: $5M verdict upheld in T.G.I. Friday's caseYear: 1999Journal: Dram Shop and Alcohol Reporter 17(3): 1, 4
Title: $750,000 verdict in wheelchair-bound patron's drive through tavernYear: 2000Journal: Dram Shop and Alcohol Reporter 18(2): 3-7
Title: The 0.08 BAC limit: the latest panacea in drunk driving laws.Year: 1995Journal: Hlth. Drink. 9 (No. 6): 9-11,
Title: 0.08: a safer legal blood alcohol limit for driversYear: 1999Journal: Medicine and Health/Rhode Island 82(5): 180-181
Title: The .08 debateYear: 1998Journal: Traffic Safety 98(6): 16-17ISSN: 0041-0721
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Title: 10 myths about drunk driving.Year: 1990Journal: Journal of Traffic Safety Education 37 (No. 4): 10, 14,
Title: 123 million episodes of drunken driving.Year: 1997Journal: Dram Shop and Alcohol Reporter 15 (No. 2): 1, 3-4,
Title: The 1980's decline in alcohol-impaired driving and crashes and why it occurred.Year: 1992Journal: Alcohol-Drugs and Driving 8 (No. 1): 71-76,ISSN: 0891-7086
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Title: 1986 fatality facts.Year: 1988Journal: Journal of Traffic Safety Education 35 (No. 4): 10-11,
Title: 1991 pedestrian fatal crash facts.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: 5 pp.Year: 1991
Title: 1992 Prevention Index shows slight improvement in Americans' health-promoting behaviors.Year: 1993Journal: Bottom Line on Alcohol in Society 14 (No. 2): 56-69,ISSN: 0891-6950
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Title: The 1996 national roadside survey finds fewer drinking drivers on American roadways but no change in drivers above .05 BAC.Year: 1997Journal: Traff. Tech No. 152, pp. 1-2, March
Title: 1997 indicators of alcohol and drug abuse in TexasPublisher: AustinSource: 78 pp.Year: 1998
Title: 1997 Wisconsin alcohol traffic facts bookPublisher: MadisonSource: 46 pp.Year: 1998
Title: 1997 youth fatal crash and alcohol facts.Publisher: WashingtonSource: 13 pp.Year: 1998
Title: 1998 Wisconsin alcohol traffic facts bookPublisher: MadisonSource: 46 pp.Year: 1999
Title: 2001 fatal motor vehicle accident comparative data reportPublisher: West TrentonSource: 43 pp.Year: 2002
Title: 2002 fatal motor vehicle accident comparative data report for the State of New Jersey.Publisher: West TrentonSource: 43 pp.Year: 2003
Title: 2003 fatal motor vehicle accident comparative data report for the State of New Jersey.Publisher: West TrentonSource: 44 pp.Year: 2004
Title: 21st birthday celebrationYear: 1999Journal: Dram Shop and Alcohol Reporter 17(6): 1, 3-6
Title: 300 female guests.Year: 1997Journal: Dram Shop and Alcohol Reporter 15 (No. 5): 1-4,
Title: 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and other amphetamine derivatives.Year: 1988Journal: J. Forens. Sci. 33: 576-587,
Title: Accidental road traffic deaths--prospects for local prevention.Year: 1994Journal: Accident Analysis and Prevention 26: 1-9,ISSN: 0001-4575
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Title: Accident facts: 1996 edition.Publisher: Itasca, ILSource: vi + 154 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Accident facts: 1998 editionPublisher: Itasca, IL * National Safety CouncilSource: vi + 154pp.Year: 1998
Title: Accident-related behaviors in adolescents: a biopsychosocial view.Year: 1988Journal: Alcohol-Drugs and Driving 4 (No. 1): 21-29,ISSN: 0891-7086
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Title: Accident related factors and stimuli on traffic accidents.Publisher: Zagreb * Institute of Public Health of the City of Zagreb and International Association for Accident and Traffic MedicineSource: Pp. 219-222. In: World Congress of the International Association for Accident and Traffic Medicine, 11th, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1988. Proceedings. [Part one.] 508 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Accident risk and risk-taking behaviour among young drivers.Year: 1986Journal: Accident Analysis and Prevention 18: 255-271,ISSN: 0001-4575
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Title: Accidents.Publisher: Boston * Little, Brown and Co.;Source: Chap. 63, pp. 419-425. In: Hudson, T. W., Reinhart, M. A., Rose, S. D. and Stewart, G. K., eds. Clinical preventive medicine: health promotion and disease prevention. xxviii + 696 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Accidents, suicide and violencePublisher: Dordrecht, Netherlands * Kluwer Academic Publishers;Source: Chap. 7, pp. 93-112. In: Klingemann, H. and Gmel, G., eds. Mapping the social consequences of alcohol consumption. ix + 170 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Acculturation and driving under the influence: a study of repeat offendersYear: 2006Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 67(3): 458-464ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Accuracy of alcohol diagnosis among DWI offenders referred for screening.Year: 2004Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 76(2): 135-141ISSN: 0376-8716
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Title: Actual number of non-fatal drink/drive accidents.Year: 1993Journal: TRL Project Report No. 40. 2pp.
Title: Addiction and traumatic brain injury.Publisher: New York * Greenwood PressSource: Chap. 12, pp. 237-251. In: Stout, C. E., Levitt, J. L. and Ruben, D. H., eds. Handbook for assessing and treating addictive disorders. xx + 371 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Addiction, dependencies and abuses in mentally abnormal offender populations.Year: 1993Journal: Curr. Opin. Psychiat. 6: 769-773,
Title: The ADDY workbook [Alcohol, Drunk Driving and You]. Rev. Ed.Publisher: Greeley, CO;Format: Manual and Curriculum. 2.Source: 14 pp. + handouts.Year: 1997
Title: Administrative license suspension did not require a finding that the person actually drove, but merely that the officer had reasonable cause to believe that the person had drivenYear: 2005Journal: Drinking/Driving Law Letter 24(7): 96-98ISSN: 0730-2568
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Title: Administrative suspension for underage licensee who possessed an identification card belonging to a person over 21 did not violate due process.Year: 2005Journal: Drinking/Driving Law Letter 24(16): 235-236ISSN: 0730-2568
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Title: Admissibility of FST evidence in ALS hearing governed by APA not evidence code; no scientific foundation required; evidence sufficient to support probable cause for arrestYear: 2002Journal: Drinking Driving Law Letter 21(14): 254-255ISSN: 0730-2568
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Title: Admission as demonstrative evidence of chart which replicated portion of officer's arrest report and which the prosecutor filled out in conjunction with the officer's testimony did not violate hearsay ruleYear: 2005Journal: Drinking/Driving Law Letter 25(6): 80-81ISSN: 0730-2568
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Title: Admission into evidence of driving while revoked to prove mental state of recklessness in vehicular homicide case harmful errorYear: 2002Journal: Drinking/Driving Law Letter 21(10): 172-173ISSN: 0730-2568
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Title: Admission of breath test affidavit violated right to confrontation under Crawford v. Washington; discovery deposition does not qualify as an opportunity for cross-examination so as to satisfy CrawfordYear: 2005Journal: Drinking/Driving Law Letter 24(14): 203-205ISSN: 0730-2568
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Title: Admission of hospital urine test conducted for diagnostic purposes, rather than at the direction of the police, did not violate physician-patient privilege: because test was reliable, it was admissible even though not in compliance with approved methodsYear: 2003Journal: Drinking/Driving Law Letter 22(14): 295-296ISSN: 0730-2568
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Title: Adolescent antecedents of high-risk driving into young adulthood: substance use and parental influencesYear: 2001Journal: Accident Analysis and Prevention. 33(5): 649-658ISSN: 0001-4575
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Title: Adolescent developmental antecedents of risky driving among young adults.Year: 2004Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 65(1): 84-94ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Adolescent drinking and driving: beliefs, referents, and perceived control.Publisher: Chicago * National Safety Council;Source: Pp. 534-539. In: Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety: proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, October 24-27, 1989, Chicago. xxvi + 970 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Adolescent drinking and driving: beliefs, referents, and perception of control.Publisher: Cologne * Verlag TÜV RheinlandSource: Pp. 1050-1055. In: Utzelmann, H.-D., Berghaus, G., and Kroj, G., eds. Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety - T92: Band 2. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, Cologne, 28 September - 2 October, 1992. Pp. 527-1144.Year: 1993
Title: Adolescent drinking and driving: etiology and interpretation.Year: 1995Journal: Journal of Drug Education 25: 41-59,ISSN: 0047-2379
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Title: Adolescent drivers' analysis of dangerous driving situations involving alcohol: comparison of three driver groups.Publisher: London * Royal Society of Medicine ServicesSource: Pp. 173-183. In: Benjamin, T., ed. Young drivers impaired by alcohol and other drugs. (International Congress and Symposium Series No. 116.) xxxi + 436 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Adolescent driving: characteristics associated with single-vehicle and injury crashes.Year: 1996Journal: Journal of Safety Research 27: 241-257,ISSN: 0022-4375
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Title: Adolescent driving: gender differences.Year: 1996Journal: UMTRI [University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute] Research Review 27 (No. 1): 1-12,ISSN: 0739-7100
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Title: Adolescent passengers of drunk drivers: a multi-level exploration into the inequities of risk and safety.Year: 2007Journal: Addiction 102(1): 51-61ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Adolescents alcohol related traffic accidents and mortality in 1999-2000: problem and solutionsYear: 2002Journal: Japanese Journal of Alcohol Studies and Drug Dependence 37(3): 168-172ISSN: 1341-8963
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Title: Adolescents at risk: alcohol and drug-related driving among Oklahoma youth.Publisher: Chicago * National Safety Council;Source: Pp. 540-551. In: Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety: proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, October 24-27, 1989, Chicago. xxvi + 970 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Adolescents, bush parties and drinking-driving.Year: 1998Journal: J. Stud Alc. 59: 544-548,
Title: Adolescents, drinking, and driving: who does it and why?Publisher: New York * Guilford PressSource: Chap. 3, pp. 42-67. In: Wilson, R. J. and Mann, R. E., eds. Drinking and driving: advances in research and prevention. x + 294 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Adolescent sleepiness: increased risk in a high-risk population.Year: 1989Journal: Alcohol-Drugs and Driving 5 & 6 (Nos. 4/1): 317-328,ISSN: 0891-7086
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Title: Adolescent suicide, homicide, and unintentional injuries.Year: 1988Journal: Maryland Medical Journal 37: 955-958,ISSN: 0886-0572
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Title: Adult drivers: legal but lethal.Year: 1996Journal: Traffic Safety 96 (No. 6): 18-21,ISSN: 0041-0721
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Title: Adult Mexican-American male first offender drinking drivers: a descriptive study.Source: 65 pp. M.S.W. thesis, California State University, Long Beach,Year: 1989
Title: Adult who furnished alcohol to minors for underage beer party in her house was properly convicted for involuntary manslaughter based on subsequent fatal crash of car driven by intoxicated teenage partygoer.Year: 2003Journal: Drinking/Driving Law Letter 22(25): 511ISSN: 0730-2568
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Title: Adverse outcomes of alcohol use in adolescentsYear: 2001Journal: Addiction 96(10): 1485-1496ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Adverse social consequences.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 7, pp. 163-179. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Seventh special report to the U.S. Congress on alcohol and health. xxvii + 289 pp.Year: 1990
Title: After 50 years with a per se law: the drinking and driving problem in Norway.Publisher: New York * ElsevierSource: Pp. 241-244. In: Noordzij, P. C. and Roszbach, R., eds. Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety - T86. xx + 685 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Against excess: drug policy for results.Publisher: New York * Basic BooksSource: xvi + 474 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Age, alcohol and traffic accidents 1981 to 1988.Publisher: TopekaSource: ix + 58 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Age, alcohol and traffic accidents 1982 to 1989.Publisher: TopekaSource: ix + 58 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Age differences in risky driving.Year: 1990Journal: Health Education Research 5: 139-149,ISSN: 0268-1153
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Title: Age of drinking onset and unintentional injury involvement after drinkingYear: 2000Journal: Journal of the American Medicial Association 284(12): 1527-1533
Title: Age of drinking onset, driving after drinking, and involvement in alcohol related motor-vehicle crashesYear: 2002Journal: Accident Analysis and Prevention 34(1): 85-92ISSN: 0001-4575
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Title: Age of drinking onset, driving after drinking, and involvement in alcohol-related motor vehicle crashesPublisher: Washington * National Highway Traffic Safety AdministrationSource: 11 pp. + graphs.Year: 2001
Title: Age of drinking onset predicts young adults' self-reported drink-drivingPublisher: Quebec * Societe de l'Assurance Automobile du QuebecSource: Pp. 1013-1018. In: Mayhew, D.R. and Dussault, C., eds. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, Montreal, Canada, August 4-9, 2002: T 2002. Volume 3. Pp. 803-1244.Year: 2002
Title: Age of first intoxication, heavy drinking, driving after drinking and risk of unintentional injury among U.S. college studentsYear: 2003Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 64(1): 23-31ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Age-related differences in risks of drinking and driving in gender and ethnic groupsYear: 1998Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 22(9): 2013-2022ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Age, sex, and blood alcohol concentration of killed and injured drivers, riders, and passengers.Year: 1994Journal: Accident Analysis and Prevention 26: 483-492,ISSN: 0001-4575
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Title: Age, sex, and blood alcohol concentration of killed and injured pedestrians.Year: 1995Journal: Accident Analysis and Prevention 27: 417-422,ISSN: 0001-4575
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Title: Age-sex structure and drinking locations of Mississippi drunk driving offenders.Year: 1985Journal: Social. Soc. Res. 70: 89-92,
Title: An aggregate accident model based on pooled, regional time-series data.Year: 1991Journal: Accident Analysis and Prevention 23: 363-378,ISSN: 0001-4575
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Title: An aggregate level analysis of the socioeconomic correlates of drink driving offendersYear: 1999Journal: Accident Analysis and Prevention 31(3): 213-220ISSN: 0001-4575
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Title: Aging and fatal accidents in male and female drivers.Year: 1994Journal: Journal of Gerontology-Social Sciences 49: S286-S290,
Title: Airmen's detention of civilian on the basis of her odor of alcohol constituted a private citizen arrest which was not supported by probable causeYear: 2004Journal: Drinking/Driving Law Letter 23(7): 117-118ISSN: 0730-2568
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Title: Akwesasne alcohol crashes: two countries, one nation, one problem - crash analysis 1980-2000Year: 2002Journal: Impaired Driving Update 6(2): 35ISSN: 1091-4684
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Title: Alabama v. Shelton did not extend the right to counsel to misdemeanor prosecutions where the defendant is sentenced only to probationYear: 2004Journal: Drinking/Driving Law Letter 23(25): 463-464ISSN: 0730-2568
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Title: Alaska appellate court holds that a defendant's guilt for the offense of DWI hinges on the BAC at the time of vehicle operation, not on the defendant's test result at some later time: Alaska statute prohibiting operation of a vehicle with a BAC of 0.08 or higher within four hours only means that if the defendant is over 0.08 within four hours there is circumstantial evidence of what must ultimately be proved--his BAC at the time of operationYear: 2002Journal: Drinking/Driving Law Letter 21(25): 455ISSN: 0730-2568
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Title: Alaska court of appeals denies rehearsing in case holding state must show BAC at time of drivingYear: 2003Journal: Drinking/Driving Law Letter 22(4): 69-70ISSN: 0730-2568
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Title: Alaska Supreme Court narrowly construes statute allowing officer to administer breath or blood alcohol test to include Schmerber exigent circumstances requirements.Year: 2004Journal: Drinking/Driving Law Letter 23(14): 281-282ISSN: 0730-2568
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Title: AlcoholPublisher: New York * Oxford University PressSource: Chap. 4, pp. 75-94. In: McCrady, B. S. and Epstein, E. E., eds. Addictions: a comprehensive guidebook. xvii + 645pp.Year: 1999
Title: Alcohol.Publisher: Hillside, NJ * Enslow Publishers, Inc;Source: 128 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Alcohol abuse/dependence in motor vehicle crash victims presenting to the emergency departmentYear: 1997Journal: Acad. Emerg. Med. 4 (4): 256-262
Title: Alcohol abuse: is this danger on the rise?Publisher: New York * Twenty-First Century BooksSource: 64 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Alcohol, accidents, and injuries. (International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, 24-28 Feb. 1986.)Publisher: Warrendale, PA * Society of Automotive EngineersSource: 159 pp.Year: 1986
Title: Alcohol advertising and motor vehicle fatalities.Year: 1997Journal: Review of Economics and Statistics 79: 431-442,
Title: Alcohol, aging, and drivingPublisher: Bethesda, MDSource: Chap. 17, pp. 301-320. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol problems and aging. (NIAAA Research Monogr. No. 33.) xvi + 475 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Alcohol and acute hospital admissions.Year: 1988Journal: Irish med. J. 81: 32-35,
Title: Alcohol and the adolescent trauma population.Year: 1990Journal: Journal of Pediatric Surgery 25: 944-949,
Title: Alcohol and alcoholism in traffic and other accidental deaths.Year: 1987Journal: American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 13: 475-484,ISSN: 0095-2990
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Title: Alcohol and aviation.Year: 1997Journal: Addiction 92: 539-555,ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Alcohol and behavior.Year: 1999Journal: Bottom Line on Alcohol in Society 20(2): 82-85,ISSN: 0891-6950
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Title: Alcohol and behaviorYear: 1999Journal: Bottom Line on Alcohol in Society 20(1): 37-40ISSN: 0891-6950
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Title: Alcohol and cannabis among fatally injured motorcyclists.Publisher: New York * ElsevierSource: Pp. 267-270. In: Noordzij, P. C. and Roszbach, R., eds. Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety - T86. xx + 628 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Alcohol and drivingYear: 1996Journal: Lancet 347: 985ISSN: 0140-6736
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Title: Alcohol and driving.Year: 1991Journal: Drug Abuse and Alcoholism Newsletter 20 (No. 3): 1-3,ISSN: 0160-0028
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Title: Alcohol and driving in France: why we have seen changes and what is next?Publisher: Washington;Source: Pp. 62-64. In: Transportation Research Board. The nature of and the reasons for the worldwide decline in drinking and driving. (Transportation Research Circular No. 422.) 71 pp.Year: 1994
Title: Alcohol and driving: is the 0.05% blood alcohol concentration limit justified?Year: 1991Journal: Drug and Alcohol Review 10: 151-166,ISSN: 0959-5236
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Title: Alcohol and driving: what research on alcoholic relapse reveals.Publisher: Cologne * Verlag TÜV Rheinland;Source: Pp. 207-212. In: Utzelmann, H.-D., Berghaus, G. and Kroj, G., eds. Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety - T92: Band 1. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, Cologne, 28 September - 2 October, 1992. 519 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Alcohol and drug consumption by Quebec truck driversPublisher: Quebec * Societe de l'Assurance Automobile du QuebecSource: Pp. 1085-1091. In: Mayhew, D.R. and Dussault, C., eds. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, Montreal, Canada, August 4-9, 2002: T 2002. Volume 3. Pp. 803-1244.Year: 2002
Title: Alcohol and drugs among fatally injured drivers of heavy trucks.Publisher: Chicago * National Safety Council;Source: Pp. 332-336. In: Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety: proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, October 24-27, 1989, Chicago. xxvi + 970 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Alcohol and drugs among MVA and non-MVA admissions to a regional trauma unit.Publisher: Chicago * National Safety Council;Source: Pp. 866-874. In: Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety: proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, October 24-27, 1989, Chicago. xxvi + 970 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Alcohol and drugs in Finland: drivers killed in traffic accidents.Publisher: New York * ElsevierSource: Pp. 263-266. In: Noordzij, P. C. and Roszbach, R., eds. Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety - T86. xx + 685 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Alcohol and drugs involved in fatal accident in the north west of Spain.Publisher: Cologne * Verlag TÜV RheinlandSource: Pp. 981-985. In: Utzelmann, H.-D., Berghaus, G., and Kroj, G., eds. Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety - T92: Band 2. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, Cologne, 28 September - 2 October, 1992. Pp. 527-1144.Year: 1993
Title: Alcohol and drugs (medical and illicit) in fatal road accidents in a city of 300,000 inhabitantsYear: 1996Journal: Foren. Sci. Int. 79: 49-52
Title: Alcohol and drug usage by New South Wales drivers.Publisher: New York * ElsevierSource: Pp. 299-303. In: Noordzij, P. C. and Roszbach, R., eds. Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety - T86. xx + 685 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Alcohol and drug use among a large cohort of injured vehicular occupants and pedestrians treated in a trauma center.Publisher: Quebec * Societe de l'Assurance Automobile du QuebecSource: Pp. 493-498. In: Mayhew, D.R. and Dussault, C., eds. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, Montreal, Canada, August 4-9 2002: T 2002. Volume 2. Pp. 351-802.Year: [2002]
Title: Alcohol and drug use among motor vehicle collision victims admitted to a regional trauma unit: demographic, injury, and crash characteristics.Year: 1993Journal: Accident Analysis and Prevention 25: 411-420,ISSN: 0001-4575
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Title: Alcohol and drug use among victims of vehicular crashes admitted to trauma centers.Publisher: Chicago * National Safety Council;Source: Pp. 586-594. In: Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety: proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, October 24-27, 1989, Chicago. xxvi + 970 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Alcohol and drug use and involvement in automobile accidents.Year: 1986Journal: Journal of Psychology 12: 335-340,ISSN: 0022-3980
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Title: Alcohol and drug use by professional drivers in SpainPublisher: Quebec * Societe de l'Assurance Automobile du QuebecSource: Pp. 1079-1084. In: Mayhew, D.R. and Dussault, C., eds. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, Montreal, Canada, August 4-9, 2002: T 2002. Volume 3. Pp. 803-1244.Year: 2002
Title: Alcohol and fatal accidents in recreational boating: a ten year study in Finland.Publisher: Chicago * National Safety Council;Source: Pp. 283-290. In: Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety: proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, October 24-27, 1989, Chicago. xxvi + 970 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Alcohol and fatal crashes among American Indians. (letter).Year: 1999Journal: American Journal of Public Health 89(8): 1270-1271ISSN: 0090-0036
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Title: Alcohol and fatal injury: the use of routinely collected fatality data in community prevention evaluationYear: 1999Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 23(10): 1619-1623ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Alcohol and fatal road accidents: estimates of risk in Australia 1983.Year: 1992Journal: Accident Analysis and Prevention 24: 339-348,ISSN: 0001-4575
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Title: Alcohol and gasoline: not a good mixture.Year: 1991Journal: Bottom Line on Alcohol in Society 11 (No. 4): 68-70,ISSN: 0891-6950
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Title: Alcohol and health-implications for public health policy.Year: 1995Journal: Report of a WHO Working Group. 45pp. Copenhagen;
Title: Alcohol and highway safety in a public health perspective.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. 653-658. In: Perspectives on alcohol abuse. (Publ. Hlth Rep. 103.) Pp. 557-728.Year: 1988
Title: Alcohol and human behavior: theory, research, and practicePublisher: Englewood Cliffs, NJ * Prentice HallSource: xi + 324pp.Year: 1994
Title: Alcohol and the identification of alcoholism: a handbook for professionals.Publisher: Lexington, MA * Lexington BooksSource: xi + 131 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Alcohol and injuries: problems and responses.Year: 1993Journal: Bottom Line on Alcohol in Society 14 (No. 1): 69-73,ISSN: 0891-6950
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Title: Alcohol and injury: multi-level analysis from the Emergency Room Collaborative Alcohol Analysis Project (ERCAAP).Year: 2004Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 39(6): 552-558ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Alcohol and motor vehicle accidents in the national capital district of Papua New Guinea.Year: 1994Journal: Med. Law 13: 399-406,
Title: Alcohol and motor vehicle-related deaths of children as passengers, pedestrians, and bicyclistsYear: 2000Journal: Journal of the American Medical Association 283(17): 2245-2248ISSN: 0098-7484
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Title: Alcohol and motor vehicle use: profile of drivers and passengersYear: 1999Journal: American J. Health Behav. 23(1): 13-24
Title: Alcohol and nonalcohol effects on aggressive driving and road rage among drinking driversYear: 2005Journal: Impaired Driving Update 9(1): 3-4, 19-20ISSN: 1091-4684
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Title: Alcohol and/or benzodiazepine use in injured road usersYear: 2003Journal: Human Psychopharmacology 18(5): 316-367ISSN: 1099-1077
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Title: Alcohol and/or other drug use among adult non-occupant motor vehicle crash victimsYear: 2002Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 37(5): 468-471ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Alcohol and other drug involvement in serious traffic crashes--development of a research protocol.Publisher: Chicago * National Safety Council;Source: Pp. 843-849. In: Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety: proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, October 24-27, 1989, Chicago. xxvi + 970 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Alcohol and other drugs in transportation: research needs for the next decade.Publisher: WashingtonSource: (Transportation Research Circular 408.) 114 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Alcohol and other drugs in transportation: research needs for the next decade.Publisher: Cologne * Verlag TÜV Rheinland;Source: Pp. 1088-1095. In: Utzelmann, H.-D., Berghaus, G. and Kroj, G., eds. Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety - T92: Band 2. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, Cologne, 28 September - 2 October, 1992. Pp. 527-1144.Year: 1993
Title: Alcohol and other drugs in Wisconsin drivers: the laboratory perspective.Year: 1986Journal: Marquette Law Review 69: 235-250,
Title: Alcohol and other drugs: self-responsibility.Publisher: Bloomingdale, IN * Tichenor PublishingSource: 387 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Alcohol and other drug use and the transition from riding to driving. (Editorial.)Year: 2007Journal: Addiction 102(1): 8-10ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Alcohol and other drug use in the railroad, aviation, marine and trucking industries -- progress has been made.Publisher: Cologne * Verlag TÜV Rheinland;Source: Pp. 912-917. In: Utzelmann, H.-D., Berghaus, G. and Kroj, G., eds. Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety - T92: Band 2. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, Cologne, 28 September - 2 October, 1992. Pp. 527-1144.Year: 1993
Title: Alcohol and other offences: the "basic driving behaviour" of users prone to infringe drinking and driving laws.Publisher: New York * ElsevierSource: Pp. 325-328. In: Noordzij, P. A. and Roszbach, R., eds. Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety - T86. xx + 685 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Alcohol and risk/sensation seeking: specifying a causal model on high-risk driving.Year: 1993Journal: Journal of Addictive Diseases 12 (No. 1): 79-96,ISSN: 1055-0887
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Title: Alcohol and road accidents in the French cinema: particularly in young drivers.Publisher: London * Royal Society of Medicine ServicesSource: Pp. 157-163. In: Benjamin, T., ed. Young drivers impaired by alcohol and other drugs. (International Congress and Symposium Series. No. 116.) xxxi + 436 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Alcohol and road safety: some criticisms of research and policy.Year: 1989Journal: Australian Journal of Social Issues 24: 83-95,
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Title: Alcohol-involved motor vehicle fatalities in Ontario.Publisher: Adelaide * NHMRC Road Accident Research Unit, University of Adelaide;Source: Pp. 735-740. In: Kloeden, C. N. and McLean, A. J., eds. Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety: proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, Adelaide, 13 August - 18 August 1995. Vol. 2. Pp. 565-957.Year: 1995
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Title: Alcoholism at the time of injury among trauma center patients: vehicular crash victims compared with other patients.Year: 1997Journal: Accident Analysis and Prevention 29: 715-721,ISSN: 0001-4575
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