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Personality Aspects and Psychiatric Disorders

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  • affective disorders
  • alcohol idiosyncratic intoxication
  • anorexia
  • bulimia
  • dual diagnosis of alcoholism and psychiatric disorders
  • mental disorders and alcohol use
  • pathological intoxication

The above terms should instead be replaced for the preferred term above "Personality Aspects and Psychiatric Disorders".

Displaying 2501 - 3000 of 4219
Title: Neurocognitive skills moderate urban male adolescents' responses to preventive intervention materialsAuthor(s): Fishbein, D.H., Hyde, C., Eldreth, D., Paschall, M.J., Hubal, R., Das, A., Tarter, R., Ialongo, N., Hubbard, S. and Yung, B.Year: 2006Journal: Drug and Alcohol Dependence 82(1): 47-60ISSN: 0376-8716Get it at Rutgers Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Neuroendocrine support for a relationship between "novelty seeking" and dopaminergic function in alcohol-dependent men.Author(s): Wiesbeck, G. A., Mauerer, C., Thome, J., Jakob, F. and Boening, J.Year: 1995Journal: Psychoneuroendocrinology 20: 755-761,ISSN: 0306-4530Get it at Rutgers Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
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Title: No effect of negative mood on the alcohol cue reactivity of in-patient alcoholicsAuthor(s): Jansma, A., Breteler, M. H. M., Schippers, G. M., DeJong, C. A. J. and VanDerStaak, C. P. F.Year: 2000Journal: Addictive Behaviors 25(4): 619-624ISSN: 0306-4603Get it at Rutgers Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
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Title: Not-so-hidden resiliencies: helping adolescents identify their strengths.Author(s): Howard, T.Year: 2005Journal: Addiction Professional 3(6): 12-13ISSN: 1542-8435Get it at Rutgers Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Novel antipsychotic medications and the treatment of comorbid substance abuse in schizophrenia.Author(s): Buckley, P. F.Year: 1998Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 15: 113-116,ISSN: 0740-5472Get it at Rutgers Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
Title: Novelty seeking and harm avoidance in relation to alcohol drinking in intact rats and following axon-sparing lesions to the amygdala and ventral striatumAuthor(s): Johansson, A. K. and Hansen, S.Year: 2002Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 37(2): 147-156ISSN: 0735-0414Get it at Rutgers Full text availability is for Rutgers access only
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Title: Psychiatric comorbidity, continuing care and mutual help as predictors of five-year remission from substance use disordersAuthor(s): Ritsher, J. B., McKellar, J. D., Finney, J. W., Otilingam, P. G. and Moos, R. H.Year: 2002Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 63(6): 709-715ISSN: 0096-882XGet it at Rutgers Full text availability is for Rutgers access only