Physiological-Biochemical Aspects-Cardiovascular System
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Title: Abnormal pattern of cerebral blood flow distribution in young alcohol addicts.Publisher: New York * Pergamon PressSource: Pp. 311-314. In: Nordmann, R., Ribiere, C. and Rouach, H., eds. Alcohol toxicity and free radical mechanisms. xi + 371 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Absence of myophosphorylase in ethanol induced cardiomyopathy.Year: 1988Journal: Exp. Pathol. 33: 197-200,
Title: Acetaldehyde-induced cardiac contractile dysfunction may be alleviated by vitamin B1 but not by vitamins B6 or B12.Year: 2004Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 39(5): 450-454ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Acetate-mediated effects of ethanol.Year: 1994Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 18: 144-148,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Acquisition and extinction of an alcohol-opposite conditioned response in humans.Year: 1989Journal: Psychopharmacology 97: 355-357,ISSN: 0033-3158
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Title: Action of adenosine receptor antagonists on the cardiovascular response to defense area stimulation in the rat.Year: 1994Journal: Brit. J. Pharmacol. 13: 159-164,
Title: Actions and interactions of calcium modulators and ethanol on rat atrial membrane potentials.Year: 1990Journal: J. Electrocardiol. 23: 157-163,
Title: Activation of glycolysis with isoproterenol but not digoxin reverses chronic alcohol depression in hamster hearts.Year: 1992Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 16: 505-510,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: The activities of cathepsins B, D and H in the hearts of rats treated with ethanol.Year: 1994Journal: Biochem. Soc. Trans. 22: 171S,
Title: Acute alcohol ingestion reduces fatty acid extraction of the heart, liver, and small intestine.Year: 1990Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 14: 781-784,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Acute alcohol intake and QT dispersion in healthy subjects.Year: 2005Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 66(4): 555-558ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Acute alcohol intake decreases short-term heart rate variability in healthy subjects.Year: 1994Journal: Clin. Sci. 87: 225-230,
Title: Acute and chronic effects of ethanol and its metabolites on vascular production of prostacyclin in rats.Year: 1987Journal: J. Pharmacol. exp. Ther. 240: 59-64,
Title: The acute and chronic effects of ethanol on cardiac muscle protein synthesis in the rat in vivo.Year: 1990Journal: Alcohol 7: 97-102,ISSN: 0741-8329
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Title: Acute and chronic effects of ethanol on papillary muscles from spontaneously hypertensive ratsYear: 1996Journal: European Journal of Pharmacology 302: 61-67
Title: Acute and chronic effects of ethanol on sinoatrial electrophysiology in the rat heart.Year: 1987Journal: Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 10: 616-621,
Title: Acute cardiovascular and metabolic effects of acetate in men.Year: 1988Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 12: 52-58,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Acute cytotoxic effects of ethanol on cultured mouse myocardial cells in a monolayer: enzymatic, chronotropic and ultrastructural studiesYear: 2001Journal: Japanese Journal of Alcohol Studies and Drug Dependence 36(2): 142-153ISSN: 1341-8963
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Title: The acute dose-dependent effects of ethanol on canine myocardial perfusion.Year: 1994Journal: Alcohol 11: 351-354,ISSN: 0741-8329
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Title: The acute dose-related effects of ethanol on right ventricular function in anesthetized dogs.Year: 1993Journal: Alcohol 9: 149-153,ISSN: 0741-8329
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Title: Acute effect of a brief bout of exercise on alcohol urges.Year: 2004Journal: Addiction 99(12): 1542-1547ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: The acute effect of moderate alcohol consumption on cardiovascular responses in women.Year: 1995Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 56: 16-20,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Acute effects of alcohol and food intake on cardiac performance.Year: 1990Journal: Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 32: 347-364,ISSN: 0033-0620
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Title: Acute effects of ethanol (0.5 mg/kg) and its interaction with diazepam (5mg) and meclophenoxate (100 mg) on the blood pressure, the body temperature and the heart rate in man.Year: 1989Journal: Acta Univ Palacki. Olomuc. Fac. Med. 121: 235-252,
Title: Acute effects of ethanol and ethanol plus furosemide on pancreatic capillary blood flow in rats.Year: 1993Journal: Amer. J. Surg. 166: 18-23,
Title: Acute effects of ethanol ingestion on signal-averaged electrocardiogramsYear: 1996Journal: American Journal of Cardiology 77 (15): 1356-1357
Title: Acute effects of ethanol on baroreceptor reflex control of heart rate and on pressor and depressor responsiveness in rats.Year: 1987Journal: Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 65: 834-841,ISSN: 0008-4212
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Title: Acute effects of ethanol on cardiac function and intracellular calcium in perfused rat heart.Year: 1993Journal: Cardiovascular Research 27: 811-816,ISSN: 0008-6363
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Title: Acute effects of ethanol on cultured myocardial cells : an ultrastructural study.Year: 1990Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 25: 651-660,ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Acute effects of ethanol on left ventricular diastolic function.Year: 1990Journal: Brit. Heart J. 64: 129-132,
Title: Acute effects of ethanol on responses of cerebral arteriolesYear: 1995Journal: Stroke 26: 2097-2102
Title: Acute effects of intravenous infusions of alcohol on baroreceptor sensitivity in essential hypertension.Year: 1988Journal: Cardiovascular Research 22: 226-230,ISSN: 0008-6363
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Title: Acute effects of low doses of alcohol on the cardiovascular system in young men.Year: 1988Journal: Acta med. hung. 45: 339-348,
Title: Acute effects of mildly intoxicating levels of alcohol on left ventricular function in conscious dogs.Year: 1990Journal: Journal of Clinical Investigation 85: 1858-1865,ISSN: 0021-9738
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Title: Acute effects of tobacco smoking on the autonomic nervous system in comparison with alcohol drinking.Year: 1992Journal: Japanese Journal of Alcohol Studies and Drug Dependence 27: 647-656,ISSN: 1341-8963
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Title: Acute ethanol ingestion modifies the circulating plasma levels of atrial natriuretic peptide.Year: 1993Journal: Alcohol 10: 275-280,ISSN: 0741-8329
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Title: Acute ethanol intoxication may not alter -adrenoceptors in the human brain.Year: 1992Journal: Psychopharmacology 107: 132-134,ISSN: 0033-3158
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Title: Acute exposure to ethanol in pregnancy-assessment of cardiovascular effects in the isolated perfused rat heart.Year: 1996Journal: Substance Abuse 17 (No. 3): 133-138,ISSN: 0889-7077
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Title: Acute inhibitory effect of alcohol on fibrinolysisYear: 2001Journal: European Journal of Clinical Investigation 31(2): 164-170
Title: Acute inotropic effect of ethanol and verapamil on ventricular muscle from aging rats.Year: 1992Journal: Research Communications in Substances of Abuse 13: 31-44,ISSN: 0193-0818
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Title: Addictive myocardial depressant effects of cocaine and ethanol.Year: 1992Journal: Amer. Heart. J. 124: 1276-1283,
Title: Additive cardiovascular effects of nicotine and ethanol.Year: 1986Journal: Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 40: 420-424,
Title: Alcohol, alcoholism, and the autonomic nervous system: a critical account.Publisher: New York * Oxford University Press;Source: Chap. 7, pp. 248-306. In: Begleiter, H. and Kissin, B., eds. The pharmacology of alcohol and alcohol dependence. x + 525 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcohol and atherosclerotic vascular disease risk factors in French men: relationships are linear, J-shaped,and U-shaped.Year: 2005Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 29(1): 84-88ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Alcohol and brain function: an appraisal of cerebral blood flow data.Source: Chap. 7, pp. 129-149. In: Parsons, O. A., Butters, N. and Nathan, P. E., eds. Neuropsychology of alcoholism: implications for diagnosis and treatment. xv + 414 pp. New York; Guilford Press; 1987.Year: 1987
Title: Alcohol and cardiac arrhythmias.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 10, pp. 159-172. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol and the cardiovascular system. (NIAAA Research Monogr. No. 31.) xxiv + 712pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcohol and cardiac arrhythmias.Year: 1992Journal: Brit. Med. J. 304: 1394-1395,
Title: Alcohol and cardiac arrhythmias.Year: 1998Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 22(suppl.): 318S-322S,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Alcohol and cardiac medications: interactions.Publisher: London * Taylor and Francis;Source: Chap. 5, pp. 48-57. In: Watson, R. R. and Myers, A. K., eds. Alcohol and heart disease. xvii + 261 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Alcohol and the cardiovascular system.Publisher: Chicago, IL * Year Book Medical PublishersSource: Pp. 349-414. In: O'Rourke, R. A., ed. Current problems in cardiology. Vol. 12.Year: 1987
Title: Alcohol and the cardiovascular system: molecular mechanisms for beneficial and harmful action.Year: 1997Journal: Alcohol Health and Research World 21: 21-29,ISSN: 0090-838X
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Title: Alcohol and coronary heart disease: the evidence for a protective effectYear: 1996Journal: Clin. Chim. Acta 246: 59-76
Title: Alcohol and coronary heart disease: a perspective from the British Regional Heart Study.Year: 1994Journal: Int. J. Epidemiol. 23: 482-494,
Title: Alcohol and coronary spasm.Year: 1994Journal: Journal of Vascular Diseases 45: 187-197,
Title: Alcohol and disease. Proceedings of the first Acta Medica Scandinavia International Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, November 22-27, 1984. (Acta Medica Scandinavia Symposium Series No. 1.)Publisher: Stockholm, Sweden * Almqvist & Wiksell;Source: 290 pp.Year: 1985
Title: Alcohol and disruption of cardiac rhythm.Publisher: ParisSource: P. 32. In: France. Haut Comite d'Etude et d'Information sur l'Alcoolisme. Premiere Biennale HCEIA, Paris, 30 novembre-1er decembre 1989. Abstracts. (HCEIA First Biennial Conference.) 76 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Alcohol and endothelial cell dysfunction.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 26, pp. 567-589. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol and the cardiovascular system. (NIAAA Research Monogr. No. 31.) xxiv + 712pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcohol and the fibrinolytic system.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 21, pp. 393-411. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol and the cardiovascular system. (NIAAA Research Monogr. No. 31.) xxiv + 712pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcohol and health: a drink a day won't keep the doctor away.Year: 2004Journal: The Globe no. 1-2: 37-43ISSN: 1460-9142
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Title: Alcohol and the heart in humans and animal modelsPublisher: Boca Raton, FL * CRC PressSource: Chap. 3, pp. 41-56. In: Watson, R. R., ed. Alcohol and coffee use in the aging. 129 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Alcohol and heart muscle proteins: with special reference to measurement of protein synthesis in vivo.Publisher: London * Taylor and Francis;Source: Chap. 17, pp. 197-211. In: Watson, R. R. and Myers, A. K., eds. Alcohol and heart disease. xvii + 261 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Alcohol and heart proteins.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 18, pp. 341-355. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol and the cardiovascular system. (NIAAA Research Monogr. No. 31.) xxiv + 712pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcohol and lipidsPublisher: New York * Plenum PressSource: Chap. 4, pp. 97-134. In: Galanter, M., ed. Recent developments in alcoholism. Volume 14. The consequences of alcoholism: medical, neuropsychiatric, economic, cross-cultural. xxii + 499pp.Year: 1998
Title: Alcohol and mitochondria in cardiac apoptosis: mechanisms and visualizationYear: 2005Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 29(5): 693-701ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Alcohol and myocardial contractility.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 17, pp. 317-340. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol and the cardiovascular system. (NIAAA Research Monogr. No. 31.) xxiv + 712pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcohol and nutrition.Year: 1993Journal: Alcohol Alert No. 22, pp. 1-3,
Title: Alcohol and polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism in the cardiovascular systemPublisher: London * Taylor and Francis;Source: Chap. 16, pp. 181-196. In: Watson, R. R. and Myers, A. K., eds. Alcohol and heart disease. xvii + 261 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Alcohol and protein turnover.Publisher: New York * Plenum Publishing Corp.;Source: Pp. 253-267. In Palmer, T. N., ed. Alcoholism: a molecular perspective. (NATO ASI Series A: Life Sciences, Vol. 206.) ix + 306 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Alcohol and reflex regulation of the cardiovascular systemPublisher: London * Taylor and Francis;Source: Chap. 21, pp. 235-249. In: Watson, R. R. and Myers, A. K., eds. Alcohol and heart disease. xvii + 261 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Alcohol and rhythm disturbance: the Holiday Heart SyndromeYear: 1996Journal: Herz 21 (4): 227-231
Title: Alcohol and sauna bathing: effects on cardiac rhythm, blood pressure, and serum electrolyte and cortisol concentrations.Year: 1992Journal: Journal of Internal Medicine 231: 333-338,ISSN: 0954-6820
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Title: Alcohol and trauma.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 12, pp. 195-236. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol and the cardiovascular system. (NIAAA Research Monogr. No. 31.) xxiv + 712pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcohol and the vascular system.Publisher: Stockholm, Sweden * Almqvist & WiksellSource: Pp. 281-290. * In: Tygstrup, N. and Olsson, R., eds. Alcohol and disease. 290 pp.Year: 1985
Title: Alcohol, arrhythmia, and sudden death.Year: 1992Journal: Alcohol Health and Research World 16 (No. 1): 87-92,ISSN: 0090-838X
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Title: Alcohol at moderate levels decreases fibrinogen expression in vivo and in vitroYear: 1999Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 23(12): 1927-1932ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Alcohol causes hypoglycaemic unawareness in healthy volunteers and patients with type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes.Year: 1990Journal: Diabetologia 33: 216-221,
Title: Alcohol, cerebral circulation, and vascular diseases.Publisher: Utrecht, The Netherlands * VNU Science PressSource: Pp. 311-326. In: Parvez, S., Burov, Yu., Parvez, H. and Burns, E., eds. Progress in alcohol research, Vol. 1. Alcohol nutrition and the nervous system. viii + 332 pp.Year: 1985
Title: Alcohol, coagulation, and arterial thrombosis.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 22, pp. 413-439. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol and the cardiovascular system. (NIAAA Research Monogr. No. 31.) xxiv + 712pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcohol consumption, 29-y total mortality, and quality of life in men in old ageYear: 2004Journal: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 80(5): 1366-1371ISSN: 0002-9165
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Title: Alcohol consumption and arterial stiffness in menYear: 2004Journal: Journal of Hypertension 22(2): 357-362ISSN: 0263-6352
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Title: Alcohol consumption and metabolic syndrome: does the type of beverage matter?Year: 2004Journal: Obesity Research 12(9): 1375-1385ISSN: 1071-7323
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Title: Alcohol consumption and plasma homocysteineYear: 2005Journal: Alcohol 37(2): 73-77ISSN: 0741-8329
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Title: Alcohol consumption and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1: the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Family Heart StudyYear: 2000Journal: Amerian Heart Journal 139: 704-709
Title: Alcohol consumption and risk of coronary heart disease. (Letter.)Year: 2000Journal: Journal of the American Medical Association 283(6): 745-746ISSN: 0098-7484
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Title: Alcohol consumption, coronary calcium, and coronary heart disease eventsYear: 1999Journal: American Journal of Cardiology 84: 802-806
Title: Alcohol consumption, diet, coronary risk factors, and prevalent coronary heart disease in men and women in the Scottish heart health studyYear: 1995Journal: J. Epidemiol. Commun. Hlth 49: 354-362
Title: Alcohol consumption of patients with supraventricular tachyarrhythmias other than atrial fibrillation.Year: 1991Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 26: 199-206,ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Alcohol consumption: a risk factor for abdominal fat accumulation in men.Year: 1997Journal: Addiction Biology 2: 101-103,ISSN: 1355-6215
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Title: Alcohol, coronary artery disease, and estrogen.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 29, pp. 647-661. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol and the cardiovascular system. (NIAAA Research Monogr. No. 31.) xxiv + 712pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcohol effects on autonomic control of the cardiovascular system.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 14, pp. 243-261. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol and the cardiovascular system. (NIAAA Research Monogr. No. 31.) xxiv + 712pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcohol epidemiology.Year: 1991Journal: Practitioner 235: 594,ISSN: 0032-6518
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Title: Alcoholic cardiomyopathy and sudden cardiac death.Year: 1986Journal: Journal of the American College of Cardiology 8: 3A-llA,ISSN: 0735-1097
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Title: Alcoholic cardiomyopathy: clinical and experimental pathological changesYear: 1996Journal: Herz 21 (4): 241-247
Title: Alcoholic cardiomyopathy in rats: inotropic responses to phenylephrine, glucagon, ouabain, and dobutamine.Year: 1987Journal: Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 19: 1061-1072,ISSN: 0022-2828
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Title: Alcoholic heart muscle disease: structural and neurohormonal changes in male ratsPublisher: University of Illinois at Chicago, Health Sciences CenterSource: 223 pp. Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 2000
Title: Alcoholic myopathy: clinical aspects.Publisher: London * Elsevier Academic PressSource: Chap. 53, pp. 671-692. In: Preedy, V.R. and Watson, R.R., eds. Comprehensive handbook of alcohol related pathology: vol. 2. xxi + pp. 556-1193.Year: 2005
Title: Alcohol-induced congestive cardiomyopathy in adult turkeys: effects on myocardial antioxidant defense systems.Year: 1987Journal: Basic Res. Cardiol. 82: 551-556,
Title: Alcohol-induced endothelial changes are associated with oxidative stress and are rapidly reversed after withdrawal.Year: 2005Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 29(10): 1889-1898ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Alcohol-induced sinus bradycaria and hypotension in patients with syncope.Year: 1993Journal: Jpn. Heart J. 33: 875-879,
Title: Alcohol inflammation and coronary heart disease.Year: 2003Journal: Addiction Biology 8(3): 271-277ISSN: 1355-6215
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Title: Alcohol ingestion and the cutaneous vasculatureYear: 1999Journal: Clinics in Dermatology 17: 395-403
Title: Alcohol intoxication does not change [ C] cocaine pharmacokinetics in human brain and heart.Year: 1992Journal: Synapse 12: 228-235,ISSN: 0887-4476
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Title: Alcoholism and myocardial energy metabolism.Year: 1994Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 18: 132-137,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Alcoholism: a bio-psycho-social approach.Publisher: New York * Hemisphere PublishingSource: xii + 137 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Alcohol, myocardial bioenergetics, phospholipids, and ionic balance.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 16, pp. 279-315. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol and the cardiovascular system. (NIAAA Research Monogr. No. 31.) xxiv + 712pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcohol, nitric oxide, and vascular smooth muscle.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 25, pp. 479-565. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol and the cardiovascular system. (NIAAA Research Monogr. No. 31.) xxiv + 712pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcohol-related morbidity and mortality.Publisher: Athens, OH * Ohio University PressSource: Pp. 360-377. * In: Chambers, C. D., Inciardi, J. A., Petersen, D. M., Siegal, H. and White, O. Z., eds. Chemical dependencies: patterns, costs, and consequences. xi + 581 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Alcohol's impact on kidney function.Year: 1997Journal: Alcohol Health and Research World 21: 84-92,ISSN: 0090-838X
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Title: Alcohol use and retinal vessels: insights into the mechanism of alcohol-induced stroke.Year: 1989Journal: Int. J. Epidemiol. 18: 619-625,
Title: Alcohol use and supraventricular arrhythmia. (Letter.)Year: 1989Journal: American Journal of Cardiology 63: 262,
Title: Alcohol, vascular cells and hemodynamic forces.Publisher: London * Taylor and Francis;Source: Chap. 9, pp. 91-103. In: Watson, R. R. and Myers, A. K., eds. Alcohol and heart disease. xvii + 261 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Alterations in insulin-like growth factor-I signaling in cardiomyocytes from chronic alcohol-exposed ratsYear: 2002Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 26(7): 995-1002ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Alterations in splanchnic blood flow after low and high doses of ethanol.Year: 1991Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 15: 106-111,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Alterations in splanchnic blood flow following chronic ethanol exposure.Year: 1990Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 14: 616-622,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Altered reactivity of isolated segmental lumbar arteries of dogs following exposure to ethanol and phenol.Year: 1994Journal: Pain 56: 139-143,ISSN: 0304-3959
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Title: Antagonism by intracerebellar Ro15-4513 of acute ethanol-induced motor incoordination in miceYear: 1995Journal: Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 52(1): 217-223ISSN: 0091-3057
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Title: Antioxidant and pro-oxidant effects of alcoholic beverages: relevance to cardiovascular diseasePublisher: Boca Raton, FL * CRC PressSource: Chap. 2, pp. 19-40. In: Watson, R.R. and Preedy, V.R., eds. Nutrition and alcohol: linking nutrient interactions and dietary intake. 429 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Antithrombotic effect of polyphenols in experimental models: a mechanism of reduced vascular risk by moderate wine consumption.Publisher: New York * New York Academy of Sciences;Source: Pp. 174-188. In: Das, D.K. and Ursini, F., eds. Alcohol and wine in health and disease. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 957.) xiii + 350 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Association of alcohol in brain injury, headaches, and stroke with brain-tissue and serum levels of ionized magnesium: a review of recent findings and mechanisms of actionYear: 1999Journal: Alcohol 19(2): 119-130ISSN: 0741-8329
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Title: Association of the waist-to-hip ratio is different with wine than with beer or hard liquor consumptionYear: 1995Journal: Amer. J. Epidemiol. 142(10): 1034-1038
Title: Attenuated heart rate responses to public speaking in individuals with alcohol dependenceYear: 2002Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 26(6): 841-847ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Autonomic dysfunction in alcoholic cirrhosis: relationship to indicators of synthetic activation and the occurrence of renal sodium retention.Year: 1991Journal: American Journal of Gastroenterology 86: 553-559,
Title: Autonomic reactivity and alcohol-induced dampening in men at risk for alcoholism and men at risk for hypertension.Year: 1995Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 19: 482-489,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: The beneficial effects of alcohol on vascular disease. Comments on 'Guidelines on Sensible Drinking.'Year: 1996Journal: Addiction 91: 32-33,ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Beneficial effects of high magnesium on alcohol-induced cardiac failure.Year: 1991Journal: Magnes. Trace Elem. 10: 409-419,
Title: Beneficial effects of low doses of ethanol on reoxygenation injury following anoxia in rat hearts.Year: 1989Journal: Basic Res. Cardiol. 84: 378-387,
Title: Beneficial postprandial effect of a small amount of alcohol on diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors: modification by insulin resistance.Year: 2005Journal: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 90(2): 661-672ISSN: 0021-972X
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Title: Beneficial vs. detrimental actions of ethanol on heart and coronary vascular muscle: roles of Mg and Ca .Year: 1996Journal: Alcohol 13: 499-513,ISSN: 0741-8329
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Title: Best patterns of drinking for the heart. (Editorial.)Year: 2004Journal: Addiction 99(3): 276-277ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Between- and within-race variation in acute cardiovascular responses to alcohol: evidence for genetic determination in normal males in three races.Year: 1986Journal: Behavior Genetics 16: 585-598,ISSN: 0001-8244
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Title: Beverage alcohol consumption as a negative risk factor for coronary heart disease: biochemical mechanismsPublisher: New York * Marcel DekkerSource: Chap. 27, pp. 547-572. In: Agarwal, D. P. and Seitz, H. K., eds. Alcohol in health and disease. xiii + 632 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Beyond alcohol: beverage consumption and cardiovascular mortalityYear: 1995Journal: Clin. Chim. Acta 237: 155-187
Title: Binding characteristics of the calcium channel antagonist [³H]-nitrendipine in tissues from ethanol-dependent rats.Year: 1994Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 29: 283-293,ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Biological mechanisms at moderate levels of alcohol consumption that may affect coronary heart disease.Year: 1994Journal: Contemporary Drug Problems 21: 45-57,ISSN: 0091-4509
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Title: Biphasic effects of alcohol on heart rate are influenced by alcoholic family history and rate of alcohol ingestion.Year: 1997Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 21: 140-149,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Blockade of L-glutamate receptors in the rostral ventrolateral medulla contributes to ethanol-evoked impairment of baroreflexes in conscious ratsYear: 1995Journal: Brain Research Bull. 37(5): 513-521
Title: Blood alcohol and cardiac arrest.Year: 1996Journal: Resuscitation 32: 199-202,
Title: Blood carbonmonoxyhaemoglobin levels are chronically elevated in alcoholics treated for detoxification.Year: 1987Journal: Atherosclerosis 67: 245-250,
Title: Blood pressure and alcohol intake: clinical aspects.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 11, pp. 173-193. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol and the cardiovascular system. (NIAAA Research Monogr. No. 31.) xxiv + 712pp.Year: 1996
Title: Body mass, fat distribution and cardiovascular risk factors in a lean population of south China.Year: 1994Journal: Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 47: 173-181,ISSN: 0895-4356
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Title: Cardiac chronotropic effects of nicotine and ethanol in the rat.Year: 1991Journal: Alcohol 8: 103-107,ISSN: 0741-8329
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Title: Cardiac contractile effects of ethanolism and hemorrhagic shock.Year: 1992Journal: Amer. J. Physiol. 262: H1096-H1103,
Title: Cardiac function after alcohol ingestion in patients with ischemic heart disease and cardiomyopathy: a controlled study.Year: 1988Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 23: 17-21,ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Cardiac function and metabolism after chronic alcohol consumption: adaptation, reversibility, and effects of verapamil.Year: 1991Journal: Amer. Heart J. 122: 122-125,
Title: Cardiac inotropic effects of ethanol and calcium-channel modulators.Year: 1992Journal: Alcohol 9: 293-297,ISSN: 0741-8329
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Title: Cardiac lipase: effect of ethanol and stress.Year: 1987Journal: Life Sciences 40: 1897-1901,ISSN: 0024-3205
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Title: Cardiac manifestations of cocaine abuse: a cross-sectional study of asymptomatic men with a history of long-term abuse of "crack" cocaine.Year: 1992Journal: Journal of the American College of Cardiology 20: 1168-1174,ISSN: 0735-1097
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Title: Cardiac mitochondrial abnormalities in a mouse model of the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.Year: 1988Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 12: 264-267,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Cardiac overexpression of alcohol dehydrogenase exacerbates cardiac contractile dysfunction, lipid peroxidation, and protein damage after chronic ethanol ingestionYear: 2003Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 27(7): 1090-1098ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Cardiac overexpression of metallothionein rescues chronic alcohol intake-induced cardiomyocyte dysfunction: role of Akt, mammalian target of rapamycin and ribosomal P70S6 kinaseYear: 2006Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 41(6): 585-592ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Increased endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation in ethanol-fed rats.Year: 1994Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 18: 1018-1023,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Increase in beating rate of cultured chick cardiac myocytes by ethanol and inhibition of the increase by antiarrhythmic drugsYear: 1999Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 23(4): 81S-84SISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Independent and combined effects of alcohol intake, tobacco smoking and betel quid chewing on the risk of esophageal cancer in Taiwan.Year: 2005Journal: International Journal of Cancer 113(3): 475-482ISSN: 0020-9136
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Title: Indirect assessment of acute effects of ethyl alcohol on coronary circulation in patients with chronic stable angina.Year: 1991Journal: International Journal of Cardiology 33: 385-392,ISSN: 0167-5273
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Title: Influence of chronic alcohol ingestion on acetaldehyde-induced depression of rat cardiac contactile functionYear: 2000Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 35(6): 554-560ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Influence of chronic alcohol intake on intestinal taurine and antipyrine transport in pregnant rats.Year: 1998Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 22: 463-467,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Influence of pattern of drinking on cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular risk factors--a reviewYear: 1999Journal: Addiction 94(5): 649-663ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Influence of prenatal ethanol exposure on vascular contractile response in rat thoracic aortaYear: 2002Journal: Alcohol 26(2): 75-81ISSN: 0741-8329
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Title: Interaction of ethanol and stress: research with experiment animals--an update.Year: 1990Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 25: 263-276,ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Intracoronary ethyl alcohol or phenol injection ablates aconitine-induced ventricular tachycardia in dogs.Year: 1987Journal: Journal of the American College of Cardiology 10: 1342-1349,ISSN: 0735-1097
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Title: Introduction: alcohol and cardiovascular risk factors.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 19, pp. 359-368. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol and the cardiovascular system. (NIAAA Research Monogr. No. 31.) xxiv + 712pp.Year: 1996