Heart Disease and Alcohol
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Displaying 1 - 500 of 625
Title: 111-indium human antimyosin monoclonal antibody-fragment study on alcoholic (and diabetic) cardiomyopathic patients (ACM-DCM) with centocor Europe myoscint (Msc.).Year: 1990Journal: Acta Biochim. Biophys. Hung. 25: 165-173,
Title: A 4-year prospective follow-up study of the role of alcohol in recurrences of atrial fibrillation.Year: 1991Journal: Journal of Internal Medicine 230: 423-426,ISSN: 0954-6820
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Title: Absence of myophosphorylase in ethanol induced cardiomyopathy.Year: 1988Journal: Exp. Pathol. 33: 197-200,
Title: Abstention, alcohol use and risk of myocardial infarction in men and women taking account of social support and working conditions: the SHEEP case-control study.Year: 2003Journal: Addiction 98(10): 1453-1462ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Abstention from alcohol in dilated cardiomyopathy: complete regression of the clinical disease but persistence of myocardial perfusion defects on excercise thallium-201 tomography.Year: 1990Journal: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine 17: 279-281,ISSN: 0340-6997
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Title: Acute alcohol intake and QT dispersion in healthy subjects.Year: 2005Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 66(4): 555-558ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: The acute and chronic effects of alcohol upon cardiac nucleotide status.Year: 1996Journal: Addiction Biology 1: 171-180,ISSN: 1355-6215
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Title: Acute inhibitory effect of alcohol on fibrinolysisYear: 2001Journal: European Journal of Clinical Investigation 31(2): 164-170
Title: Acute left ventricular failure caused by acute on chronic alcohol consumption.Year: 1987Journal: International Journal of Cardiology 14: 370-372,ISSN: 0167-5273
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Title: Acute myocardial infarction among Navajo Indians, 1976-83.Year: 1986Journal: American Journal of Public Health 76: 412-414,ISSN: 0090-0036
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Title: Acute pernicious or fulminating beriberi heart disease: a report of 6 patients.Year: 1995Journal: Neth. J. Med. 46: 217-224,
Title: Addiction medicine.Publisher: Boston * Tufts University School of Medicine;Source: 281 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Adult heart transplantation: adverse role of chronic alcoholism in donors on early graft function.Year: 1992Journal: Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 11: 1184-1187,
Title: AIDS cardiomyopathy: first rule out other myocardial risk factors.Year: 1990Journal: International Journal of Cardiology 29: 35-37,ISSN: 0167-5273
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Title: Alcohol.Publisher: Baltimore * Williams and Wilkins;Source: Chap. 7, pp. 109-137. In: Friedman, L., Fleming, N. F., Roberts, D. H. and Hyman, S. E., eds. Source book of substance abuse and addiction. xviii + 348 pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcohol.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Pp. A-1 - A-20. In: U.S. Surgeon General's Office. Surgeon General's Workshop: health promotion and aging. Background papers. Varying pages.Year: 1988
Title: Alcohol.Publisher: Washington * Govt Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 17, pp. 629-670. In: U. S. Surgeon General's Office. The Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health. (DHHS [PHS] Publ. No. 88-50210.) xxxvii + 727 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Alcohol.Publisher: New York * Marcel DekkerSource: Chap. 28, pp. 503-519. In: Miller, N. S., ed. Comprehensive handbook of drug and alcohol addiction. xx + 1330 pp.Year: 1991
Title: AlcoholPublisher: New York * Guilford PressSource: Chap. 5, pp. 91-119. In: Frances, R. J. and Miller, S. I., eds. Clinical textbook of addictive disorders. 2d ed. xvi + 637pp.Year: 1998
Title: Alcohol abusePublisher: Vancouver * Applied TherapeuticsSource: Chap. 82, pp. 82-1 - 82-14. In: Young, L. Y. and Koda-Kimble, M. A., eds. Applied therapeutics: the clinical use of drugs. 6th ed. varying pages.Year: 1995
Title: Alcohol abuse in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy: laboratory vs clinical detection.Year: 1990Journal: Arch. intern. Med. 150: 1079-1082,
Title: Alcohol and atherosclerosis.Year: 1991Journal: Annals of Internal Medicine 114: 967-976,ISSN: 0003-4819
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Title: Alcohol and atherosclerotic vascular disease risk factors in French men: relationships are linear, J-shaped,and U-shaped.Year: 2005Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 29(1): 84-88ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Alcohol and blood pressure: the effect of age; findings from the Italian Nine Communities Study.Year: 1993Journal: Ann. Epidemiol. 3: 245-249,
Title: Alcohol and cardiac arrhythmias.Year: 1998Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 22(suppl.): 318S-322S,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Alcohol and cardiac medications: interactions.Publisher: London * Taylor and Francis;Source: Chap. 5, pp. 48-57. In: Watson, R. R. and Myers, A. K., eds. Alcohol and heart disease. xvii + 261 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Alcohol and cardiac risk. (Editorial.)Year: 1994Journal: Brit. J. Hosp. Med. 52: 497-499,
Title: Alcohol and cardiovascular diseasePublisher: Boca Raton, FL * CRC PressSource: Chap. 6, pp. 89-104. In: Watson, R.R. and Preedy, V.R., eds. Nutrition and alcohol: linking nutrient interactions and dietary intake. 429 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Alcohol and cardiovascular disease.Year: 1988Journal: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 47: 99-110,ISSN: 0029-6651
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Title: Alcohol and cardiovascular disease: large population studiesPublisher: London * Taylor and Francis;Source: Chap. 1, pp. 1-14. In: Watson, R. R. and Myers, A. K., eds. Alcohol and heart disease. xvii + 261 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Alcohol and cardiovascular diseasesPublisher: New York * Marcel DekkerSource: Chap. 26, pp. 517-546. In: Agarwal, D. P. and Seitz, H. K., eds. Alcohol in health and disease. xiii + 632 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Alcohol and cardiovascular diseases: a historical overviewPublisher: Chichester, UK * John Wiley and SonsSource: Pp. 2-18. In: Alcohol and cardiovascular diseases. (Novartis Foundation Sympsium 216.) viii + 272pp.Year: 1998
Title: Alcohol and cardiovascular diseases: a historical overview.Publisher: New York * New York Academy of Sciences;Source: Pp. 7-15. In: Das, D.K. and Ursini, F., eds. Alcohol and wine in health and disease. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 957.) xiii + 350 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Alcohol and cardiovascular disease: the status of the U shaped curve.Year: 1991Journal: Brit. med. J. 303: 565-568,
Title: Alcohol and cardiovascular disease: what is the relationship? [Comment on Shaper's 'Alcohol and mortality. A review of prospective studies'.]Year: 1990Journal: British Journal of Addiction 85: 851-854,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Alcohol and cardio-vascular morbidity.Year: 1989Journal: Alcoholism 25: 47-55,ISSN: 0002-502X
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Title: Alcohol and cardiovascular mortality in Moscow; new evidence of a causal associationYear: 1998Journal: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 52: 772-774
Title: Alcohol and the cardiovascular system.Year: 1990Journal: Journal of the American Medical Association 264: 377-381,ISSN: 0098-7484
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Title: Alcohol and the cardiovascular system.Publisher: Chicago, IL * Year Book Medical PublishersSource: Pp. 349-414. In: O'Rourke, R. A., ed. Current problems in cardiology. Vol. 12.Year: 1987
Title: Alcohol and the cardiovascular system. (Editorial.)Year: 1989Journal: Western J. Med. 151: 454-456,
Title: Alcohol and the cardiovascular system: molecular mechanisms for beneficial and harmful action.Year: 1997Journal: Alcohol Health and Research World 21: 21-29,ISSN: 0090-838X
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Title: Alcohol and congestive heart failure.Year: 1998Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 22(suppl.): 315S-317S,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Alcohol and coronary heart diseaseYear: 2001Journal: International Journal of Epidemiology 30: 724-729
Title: Alcohol and coronary heart diseaseYear: 1995Journal: Europ. Heart J. 16: 1760-1764
Title: Alcohol and coronary heart disease - a commentaryYear: 1999Journal: Alcohol Alert No. 45, p. 3
Title: Alcohol and coronary heart disease: consistent relationship and public health implicationsYear: 1996Journal: Clin. Chim. Acta 246: 51-57
Title: Alcohol and coronary heart disease: the evidence for a protective effectYear: 1996Journal: Clin. Chim. Acta 246: 59-76
Title: Alcohol and coronary heart disease: a metanalysisYear: 2000Journal: Addiction 95 (10): 1505-1523ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Alcohol and coronary heart disease: a perspective from the British Regional Heart Study.Year: 1994Journal: Int. J. Epidemiol. 23: 482-494,
Title: Alcohol and coronary heart disease risk: implications for public policy.Year: 1997Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 58: 453-454,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Alcohol and coronary heart disease risk--is there an unknown confounder?Year: 2005Journal: Addiction 100(8): 1150-1157ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Alcohol and dilated cardiomyopathy: incidence and correlation with clinical outcome.Year: 1987Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 4: 209-213,ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Alcohol and endothelial cell dysfunction.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 26, pp. 567-589. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol and the cardiovascular system. (NIAAA Research Monogr. No. 31.) xxiv + 712pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcohol and exercise in myocardial infarction and sudden coronary death in men and women.Year: 1987Journal: Amer. J. Epidemiol. 126: 77-85,
Title: Alcohol and health: a drink a day won't keep the doctor away.Year: 2004Journal: The Globe no. 1-2: 37-43ISSN: 1460-9142
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Title: Alcohol and heart disease: drinking advice inconsistent and unscientific.Year: 1994Journal: Brit. Med. J. 308: 270,
Title: Alcohol and heart disease: the implications of the U-shaped curve. (Editorial.)Year: 1993Journal: Brit. Med. J. 307: 1373-1374,
Title: Alcohol and the heart: how it helps, how it harms.Year: 1992Journal: Postgraduate Medicine 9 (No. 5): 271-278,ISSN: 0032-5481
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Title: Alcohol and the heart: implications of present epidemiologic knowledge.Year: 1994Journal: Contemporary Drug Problems 21: 125-142,ISSN: 0091-4509
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Title: Alcohol and the heart in humans and animal modelsPublisher: Boca Raton, FL * CRC PressSource: Chap. 3, pp. 41-56. In: Watson, R. R., ed. Alcohol and coffee use in the aging. 129 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Alcohol and the heart in perspective: sensible limits reaffirmed.Publisher: London * Royal Colleges of Physicians, Psychiatrists and General Practitioners;Source: iii + 36 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Alcohol and the heart in perspective: sensible limits reaffirmedYear: 1995Journal: J. Royal Coll. Phys. Lond. 29(4): 266-271
Title: Alcohol and the heart: the long-term effects of alcohol on the cardiovascular system.Year: 1991Journal: Arch. intern. Med. 151: 36-42,
Title: Alcohol and heart muscle disease.Year: 1997Journal: Addiction Biology 2: 9-17,ISSN: 1355-6215
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Title: Alcohol and heart proteins.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 18, pp. 341-355. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol and the cardiovascular system. (NIAAA Research Monogr. No. 31.) xxiv + 712pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcohol and ischaemic heart disease in middle aged British men. (Letter.)Source: (Comment on: Shaper, A. G., Phillips, A. N., Pocock, S. J. and Walker, M. Alcohol and ischaemic heart disease in middle aged British men. Brit. med. J. 294: 733-737, 1987.),Year: 1987Journal: Brit. med. J. 294: 1287-1288
Title: Alcohol and ischaemic heart disease in middle aged British men. (Letter.)Source: (Reply to Watkins, S. J.; Ross, C. N.; Pierry, A. A. Alcohol and ischaemic heart disease in middle aged British men. (Letters.) Brit. med. J. 294: 1287-1288, 1987.),Year: 1987Journal: Brit. med. J. 294: 1288-1289
Title: Alcohol and ischaemic heart disease in middle aged British men. (Letter.)Source: (Comment on: Shaper, A. G., Phillips, A. N., Pocock, S. J. and Walker, M. Alcohol and ischaemic heart disease in middle aged British men. Brit. med. J. 294: 733-737, 1987.),Year: 1987Journal: Brit. med. J. 294: 1288
Title: Alcohol and ischaemic heart disease in middle aged British men. (Letter.)Source: (Comment on: Shaper, A. G., Phillips, A. N., Pocock, S. J. and Walker, M. Alcohol and ischaemic heart disease in middle aged British men. Brit. med. J. 294: 733-737, 1987.),Year: 1987Journal: Brit. med. J. 294: 1288
Title: Alcohol and its effects: general effectsPublisher: London * Free Association BooksSource: Chap. 2A, pp. 5-38. In: Plant, M. and Cameron, D., eds. The alcohol report. xii + 290 pp.Year: 2000
Title: Alcohol and lipidsPublisher: New York * Plenum PressSource: Chap. 4, pp. 97-134. In: Galanter, M., ed. Recent developments in alcoholism. Volume 14. The consequences of alcoholism: medical, neuropsychiatric, economic, cross-cultural. xxii + 499pp.Year: 1998
Title: Alcohol and mitochondria in cardiac apoptosis: mechanisms and visualizationYear: 2005Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 29(5): 693-701ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Alcohol and morbidity in the lung health study.Year: 1998Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 59: 250-257,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Alcohol and mortality: a cohort study of male Japanese physicians.Year: 1986Journal: Int. J. Epidemiol. 15: 527-532,
Title: Alcohol and mortality in Busselton, Western Australia.Year: 1993Journal: Amer. J. Epidemiol. 137: 242-248,
Title: Alcohol and mortality in the Italian rural cohorts of the Seven Countries Study.Year: 1992Journal: Int. J. Epidemiol. 21: 74-81,
Title: Alcohol and mortality. (Letter.)Year: 1991Journal: Lancet 337: 911-912,ISSN: 0140-6736
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Title: Alcohol and mortality: a review of prospective studies.Year: 1990Journal: British Journal of Addiction 85: 837-847,ISSN: 0952-0481
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Title: Alcohol and the nervous system.Year: 1995Journal: Aust. Fam. Phys. 24: 1680-1684,
Title: Alcohol and new onset atrial fibrillation: a case-control study of a current series.Year: 1987Journal: Brit. Heart J. 57: 468-473,
Title: Alcohol and new onset atrial fibrillation: a case-control study of a current series.Year: 1987Journal: Brit. Heart J. 57: 468-473,
Title: Alcohol and rhythm disturbance: the Holiday Heart SyndromeYear: 1996Journal: Herz 21 (4): 227-231
Title: Alcohol and risk of atrial fibrillation or flutterYear: 2004Journal: Archives of Internal Medicine 164(18): 1993-1998ISSN: 0003-9926
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Title: Alcohol and risk of coronary events.Publisher: Washington * Govt. Print. Off.;Source: Chap. 2, pp. 15-24. In: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol and the cardiovascular system. (NIAAA Research Monogr. No. 31.) xxiv + 712pp.Year: 1996
Title: Alcohol and risk of physical harm.Publisher: Oxford * Oxford University Press;Source: Chap. 4, pp. 82-113. In: Holder, H. D. and Edwards, G., eds. Alcohol and public policy: evidence and issues. viii + 276 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Alcohol and smoking: synergism in heart disease?Publisher: London * Taylor and Francis;Source: Chap. 11, pp. 114-119. In: Watson, R. R. and Myers, A. K., eds. Alcohol and heart disease. xvii + 261 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Alcohol and sudden cardiac death.Year: 1992Journal: Brit. Heart J. 68: 443-448,
Title: Alcohol and tobacco abuse, and the health of aging peoplePublisher: Boca Raton, FL * CRC PressSource: Chap. 9, pp. 113-123. In: Watson, R. R., ed. Alcohol and coffee use in the aging. 129 pp.Year: 2001
Title: Alcohol and the U-shaped curve. (Letter.)Year: 1989Journal: Lancet 1: 224,ISSN: 0140-6736
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Title: Alcohol and the U-shaped curve. (Letter.)Year: 1989Journal: Lancet 1: 105,ISSN: 0140-6736
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Title: Alcohol and the U-shaped curve. (Letter.)Year: 1989Journal: Lancet 1: 336,ISSN: 0140-6736
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Title: Alcohol and the U-shaped curve [reply]. (Letter.)Year: 1989Journal: Lancet 1: 224-225,ISSN: 0140-6736
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Title: Alcohol and the vascular system.Publisher: Stockholm, Sweden * Almqvist & WiksellSource: Pp. 281-290. * In: Tygstrup, N. and Olsson, R., eds. Alcohol and disease. 290 pp.Year: 1985
Title: Alcohol, arrhythmia, and sudden death.Year: 1992Journal: Alcohol Health and Research World 16 (No. 1): 87-92,ISSN: 0090-838X
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Title: Alcohol, cardiovascular diseases and public health policyPublisher: Chichester, UK * John Wiley and SonsSource: Pp. 237-257. In: Alcohol and cardiovascular diseases. (Novartis Foundation Sympsium 216.) viii + 272pp.Year: 1998
Title: Alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems in GermanyPublisher: Seattle * Hogrefe and HuberSource: ix + 205 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Alcohol consumption and biological markers for alcoholism in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy: a case-controlled study.Year: 1992Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 27: 353-358,ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Alcohol consumption and coronary calcification in a general populationYear: 2004Journal: Archives of Internal Medicine 164(21): 2355-2360ISSN: 0003-9926
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Title: Alcohol consumption and coronary heart disease risk in the Seven Countries Study.Publisher: Wageningen, Netherlands * Pudoc;Source: Pp. 19-22. In: Veenstra, J. and VanDerHeij, D. G., eds. Alcohol and cardiovascular disease. Proceedings of an international symposium, Scheveningen, Netherlands, 1-2 October 1991. 113 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Alcohol consumption and heart failure in hypertensivesYear: 1996Journal: Int'l J. Cardiol. 53: 81-85
Title: Alcohol consumption and Ischemic heart disease mortality in SwedenYear: 1996Journal: Scand. J. Soc. Med. 24(2): 107-113
Title: Alcohol consumption and mortality in Alameda County.Year: 1987Journal: J. chron. Dis. 40: 229-236,
Title: Alcohol consumption and multiphasic health checkup findings.Publisher: Baltimore;Source: Pp. 87-92. In: Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation. A decade of progress, 1982-1991: tenth anniversary conference. (ABMRF Journal, Vol. 3, No. 3, Suppl. No. 1.) 120 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Alcohol consumption and myocardial infarction: a case-control study in France and Northern IrelandYear: 1996Journal: Amer. J. Epidemiol. 143(11): 1089-1093
Title: Alcohol consumption and plasma homocysteineYear: 2005Journal: Alcohol 37(2): 73-77ISSN: 0741-8329
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Title: Alcohol consumption and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1: the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Family Heart StudyYear: 2000Journal: Amerian Heart Journal 139: 704-709
Title: Alcohol consumption and prognosis in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction after a myocardial infarctionYear: 2004Journal: Journal of the American College of Cardiology 43(11): 2015-2021ISSN: 0735-1097
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Title: Alcohol consumption and the risk of acute myocardial infarction in women.Year: 1993Journal: J. Epidemiol. Commun. Hlth 47: 308-311,
Title: Alcohol consumption and risk of coronary heart disease.Year: 1991Journal: Brit. med. J. 303: 211-216,
Title: Alcohol consumption and the risk of coronary heart disease. (Letter.)Year: 1991Journal: Brit. med. J. 303: 521,
Title: Alcohol consumption and risk of coronary heart disease. [reply] (Letter.)Year: 1991Journal: Brit. med. J. 303: 521,
Title: Alcohol consumption and risk of coronary heart disease. [reply] (Letter.)Year: 1991Journal: Brit. med. J. 303: 521-522,
Title: Alcohol consumption and risk of ischemic heart disease in women.Year: 1993Journal: Arch. Intern. Med. 153: 1211-1216,
Title: Alcohol consumption and sudden coronary death in middle-aged Finnish men.Year: 1987Journal: Acta med. scand. 221: 335-341,
Title: Alcohol consumption and tissue-type plasminogen activator. [reply]. (Letter.)Year: 1995Journal: Journal of the American Medical Association 273: 1416-1417,ISSN: 0098-7484
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Title: Alcohol consumption before myocardial infarction. (Commentary)Year: 1995Journal: Alcohol Health and Research World 19: 40-41,ISSN: 0090-838X
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Title: Alcohol consumption, binge drinking, and early coronary calcification: findings from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) studyYear: 2005Journal: American Journal of Epidemiology 161(5): 423-433ISSN: 0002-9262
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Title: Alcohol consumption, coronary calcium, and coronary heart disease eventsYear: 1999Journal: American Journal of Cardiology 84: 802-806
Title: Alcohol consumption, diet, coronary risk factors, and prevalent coronary heart disease in men and women in the Scottish heart health studyYear: 1995Journal: J. Epidemiol. Commun. Hlth 49: 354-362
Title: Alcohol consumption, drinking pattern and acute myocardial infarction: a case referent study based on the Swedish twin registerYear: 1997Journal: Journal of Internal Medicine 241: 125-131ISSN: 0954-6820
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Title: Alcohol consumption during murine acquired immunodeficiency syndrome accentuates heart pathology due to coxsackievirusYear: 2002Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 37(2): 157-163ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Alcohol consumption, Lewis phenotypes and FEV. (Letter.)Year: 1993Journal: Lancet 341: 836-837,ISSN: 0140-6736
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Title: Alcohol consumption, Lewis phenotypes, and FEV. (Letter.)Year: 1993Journal: Lancet 341: 837,ISSN: 0140-6736
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Title: Alcohol consumption, Lewis phenotypes, and risk of ischaemic heart disease.Year: 1993Journal: Lancet 341: 392-396,ISSN: 0140-6736
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Title: Alcohol consumption: protection against coronary disease and risks to health.Publisher: Wageningen, Netherlands * Pudoc;Source: Pp. 35-44. In: Veenstra, J. and VanDerHeij, D. G., eds. Alcohol and cardiovascular disease. Proceedings of an international symposium, Scheveningen, Netherlands, 1-2 October 1991. 113 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Alcohol consumption, serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration, and risk of ischaemic heart disease: six year follow up in the Copenhagen male study.Year: 1996Journal: Brit. Med. J. 312: 736-741,
Title: Alcohol consumption, type A behavior, and demographic variables: results from the normative aging study.Year: 1988Journal: Amer. J. Epidemiol. 127: 310-320,
Title: Alcohol, coronary disease, and hypertensionYear: 1996Journal: Annu. Rev. Med. 47: 149-160
Title: Alcohol dehydrogenase polymorphisms and predisposition to alcoholic cirrhosis. (Letter.)Year: 1993Journal: Hepatology 18: 230-231,ISSN: 0270-9139
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Title: Alcohol disabilities primer: a guide to physical and psychosocial disabilities caused by alcohol use.Publisher: Boca Raton, FL * CRC Press;Source: x + 193 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Alcohol drinking and coronary heart disease.Publisher: Washington * ILSI Press;Source: Pp. 81-123. In: Verschuren, P. M., ed. Health issues related to alcohol consumption. iii + 329 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Alcohol drinking and mortality among men enrolled in an American Cancer Society prospective study.Year: 1990Journal: Epidemiology 1: 342-348,
Title: Alcohol-drinking and mortality from diseases of circulation.Publisher: Edinburgh * Edinburgh University PressSource: Chap. 5, pp. 44-63. In: Duffy, J. C., ed. Alcohol and illness: the epidemiological viewpoint. vi + 154 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Alcohol feeding impedes early atherosclerosis in low-density lipoprotein receptor knockout mice: factors in addition to high-density lipoprotein-apolipoprotein Al are involved.Year: 1997Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 21: 11-18,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Alcohol, health, and the heart: implications for clinicians.Year: 1998Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism. 33(No. 6): 576-591,ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Alcohol, hypertension and the cardiovascular system: a critical appraisal.Year: 1997Journal: Addiction Biology 2: 159-170,ISSN: 1355-6215
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Title: Alcoholic beverage choice and risk of coronary artery disease mortality: do red wine drinkers fare best?Year: 1993Journal: American Journal of Cardiology 71: 467-469,
Title: Alcoholic beverages and lipid peroxidation: relevance to cardiovascular disease.Year: 1997Journal: Addiction Biology 2: 269-276,ISSN: 1355-6215
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Title: The alcoholic cardiomyopathies: genuine and pseudo.Publisher: London * Taylor and Francis;Source: Chap. 2, pp. 15-20. In: Watson, R. R. and Myers, A. K., eds. Alcohol and heart disease. xvii + 261 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Alcoholic cardiomyopathy.Year: 1994Journal: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 18: 111-114,ISSN: 0145-6008
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Title: Alcoholic cardiomyopathy.Publisher: London * Elsevier Academic PressSource: Chap. 51, pp. 647-657. In: Preedy, V.R. and Watson, R.R., eds. Comprehensive handbook of alcohol related pathology: vol. 2. xxi + pp. 556-1193.Year: 2005
Title: Alcoholic cardiomyopathy.Year: 1989Journal: N.J. Med. 86: 773-775,
Title: Alcoholic cardiomyopathy and sudden cardiac death.Year: 1986Journal: Journal of the American College of Cardiology 8: 3A-llA,ISSN: 0735-1097
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Title: Alcoholic cardiomyopathy: clinical and experimental pathological changesYear: 1996Journal: Herz 21 (4): 241-247
Title: Alcoholic heart disease: a review.Year: 1994Journal: Heart and Lung 23: 3-17,ISSN: 0147-9563
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Title: Alcoholic heart muscle disease: structural and neurohormonal changes in male ratsPublisher: University of Illinois at Chicago, Health Sciences CenterSource: 223 pp. Ph.D. dissertation,Year: 2000
Title: Alcoholic myopathy and cardiomyopathy. (Editorial.)Year: 1989Journal: New England Journal of Medicine 320: 458-460,ISSN: 0028-4793
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Title: Alcoholic myopathy: clinical aspects.Publisher: London * Elsevier Academic PressSource: Chap. 53, pp. 671-692. In: Preedy, V.R. and Watson, R.R., eds. Comprehensive handbook of alcohol related pathology: vol. 2. xxi + pp. 556-1193.Year: 2005
Title: Alcoholic registration and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality--a prospective study in middle aged Swedish men.Publisher: Stockholm, Sweden * Almqvist & WiksellSource: Pp. 87-92. In: Hillbom, M. E., ed. The Third International Magnus Huss Symposium: alcohol, brain damage and cardiovascular disease. 113 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Alcohol inflammation and coronary heart disease.Year: 2003Journal: Addiction Biology 8(3): 271-277ISSN: 1355-6215
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Title: Alcohol intake and mortality in middle aged men with diagnosed coronary heart diseaseYear: 2000Journal: Heart 83: 394-399
Title: Alcohol intake and nonfatal acute mycardial infarction in Japan.Year: 1991Journal: American Journal of Cardiology 68: 1011-1014,
Title: Alcohol intake and the risk of coronary heart disease mortality in persons with older-onset diabetes mellitusYear: 1999Journal: Journal of the American Medical Association 282(3): 239-246ISSN: 0098-7484
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Title: Alcohol intake and risk of myocardial infarction. (Letter.)Year: 1994Journal: New England Journal of Medicine 330: 1241,ISSN: 0028-4793
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Title: Alcohol intake and risk of myocardial infarction. [reply] (Letter.)Year: 1994Journal: New England Journal of Medicine 330: 1242,ISSN: 0028-4793
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Title: Alcohol intake and the U-shaped curve: do non-drinkers have a higher prevalence of cardiovascular-related disease?Year: 1993Journal: Journal of Public Health Policy 15: 61-68,
Title: Alcohol intake in middle age and risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality: accounting for intake variation over timeYear: 2005Journal: American Journal of Epidemiology 161(9): 856-863ISSN: 0002-9262
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Title: Alcohol intakes and deficiencies in thiamine and vitamin B in black patients with cardiac failure.Year: 1989Journal: S. Afr. med. J. 76: 299-302,
Title: Alcohol, ischaemic cardiopathies and strokes.Publisher: ParisSource: P. 30. In: France. Haut Comite d'Etude et d'Information sur l'Alcoolisme. Premiere Biennale HCEIA, Paris, 30 novembre-1er decembre 1989. Abstracts. (HCEIA First Biennial Conference.) 76 pp.Year: 1990
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Title: Patterns of drinking and mortality from different diseases - an overview.Year: 2006Journal: Contemporary Drug Problems 33(2): 205-235ISSN: 0091-4509
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Title: Per capita alcohol consumption and ischaemic heart disease mortalityYear: 2001Journal: Addiction 96 (Suppl. 1): S93-S112ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Physicians' handbook for medical management of alcohol- and drug-related problems.Publisher: Toronto * Addiction Research Foundation/Ontario Medical AssociationSource: vii + 75 pp.Year: 1986