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McCarthy Collection

The Raymond G. McCarthy Memorial Collection is currently housed in special, custom made, red archival cases in the Rutgers University Libraries Annex on Busch Campus. This collection contains the full text of any original documents abstracted by the Center staff (through 1982), along with recently indexed publications of significant research value.

All documents abstracted in Classified Abstract Archive of the Alcohol Literature (CAAAL) can be found in the Raymond G. McCarthy Memorial Collection. Additionally, the McCarthy Collection also contains the original texts of all items abstracted in the Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol and the Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 

The documents are filed by their CAAAL or McCarthy numbers (for items not included in CAAAL). Access is provided by author through the master catalog, by author or subject using the abstracts and indexes of the the Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol or Journal of Studies on Alcohol, or by subject searching of CAAAL. 

There are also topical bibliographies prepared by Center staff that include items from the McCarthy Collection.

  • Quantity: 428 file boxes
  • Annex location codes: B37A07 to B37N06; B37P07 to B37P06; B39A07 to B39N06; B39P07 to B39B06; B41A07 to B41L06

Recommended Reading

Bacon, S. D. (1971). The McCarthy Memorial Collection in 1971. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 32(2), 472–477.