Nursing in Alcoholism Treatment
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Title: 2005 addiction treatment professional career and salary survey: how's your job?Year: 2005Journal: Counselor 6(2): 27-32ISSN: 1047-7314
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Title: Action stat! Acute alcohol intoxication.Year: 1989Journal: Nursing 19: 33,ISSN: 0360-4039
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Title: Action Stat! Alcohol withdrawal syndrome.Year: 1990Journal: Nursing 20: 33,ISSN: 0360-4039
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Title: Acute methanol poisoning: a case study.Year: 1992Journal: Heart and Lung 21: 260-264,ISSN: 0147-9563
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Title: AdCare hospital's empty new wing: sign of nursing shortage.Year: 1988Journal: Addiction Letter 4 (No. 12): 7,ISSN: 8756-405X
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Title: Addiction: a concept analysis.Year: 1997Journal: J. Addictions Nursing 9: 168-172,ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: Addiction nursing: a new direction in prevention.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 18, pp. 161-169. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Addiction nursing--towards a new paradigm: the UK experience.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 2, pp. 6-21. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Addiction research in a clinical setting: implications for nurse managers.Year: 1993Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 5: 72-77,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Addictions and substance abuse: strategies for advanced practice nursingPublisher: Upper Saddle River, NJ * Prentice HallSource: xv + 400 pp.Year: 2001
Title: The addictions liaison nurse and substance abuse issues in medical-surgical nursing.Year: 1994Journal: Addictions Nursing 6 (No. 1): 13-18,ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: The addictions nurse as part of a Drug and Alcohol Liaison Team: pioneering new frontiers in EnglandYear: 2000Journal: Journal Addictions Nursing 12(2): 101-103ISSN: 1088-4602
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Title: Addictions nursing: an emerging and vital field.Year: 1989Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 1 (No. 1): 4-5,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Addiction treatment: a historical nursing perspective.Year: 1995Journal: Addictions Nursing 7 (No. 1): 2-7,ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: Addressing patient's alcohol and drug usePublisher: Sydney * Drug and Alcohol Dept.;Source: Pp. 47-64. In: Novak, H., Ritchie, B., Murphy, M., Bartu, A., Holmes, J. and Capus, C. Nursing care of drug and alcohol problems. 114pp.Year: 1997
Title: Adult children of alcoholics: implications for the nursing profession.Year: 1987Journal: Nursing Forum 23: 159-163,ISSN: 0029-6473
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Title: Alcohol abuse clinics.Year: 1991Journal: Practitioner 235: 922-927,ISSN: 0032-6518
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Title: Alcohol and alcohol problems: nursing interventions.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 6, pp. 57-66. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Alcohol and drug abuse.Year: 1993Journal: Annual Review of Nursing Research 11: 281-297,
Title: Alcohol and drug abuse handbook.Publisher: St. Louis, MO * Warren H. Green, Inc.,Source: xxv + 490 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Alcohol and drug education in schools of nursing.Year: 1997Journal: Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education 47 (No. 3): 54-69,ISSN: 0090-1482
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Title: Alcohol and head trauma.Year: 1991Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 3 (No. 2): 52-56,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Alcohol and health: a handbook for nurses, midwives and health visitors.Publisher: London * The Medical Council on AlcoholismSource: viii + 44 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Alcohol and other drug abuse in elders.Year: 1993Journal: J. ET Nurs. 20: 106-110,
Title: Alcohol and trauma: the critical link.Year: 1994Journal: Critical Care Nurse 14 (No. 2): 82-86,
Title: Alcohol: community detoxification and clinical carePublisher: Oxford * Blackwell Science LtdSource: Chap. 17, pp. 191-199. In: Rassool, G. H., ed. Substance use and misuse: nature, context and clinical interventions. xxi + 282 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Alcohol counseling in a general medicine clinic: a randomized controlled trial of strategies to improve referral and show rates.Year: 1991Journal: Med. Care (Suppl.) 29: JS49-JS56,
Title: Alcohol counselling in a general hospital.Year: 1994Journal: Nursing Standard 8 (No. 27): 25-29,
Title: Alcohol education as primary prevention in health care.Year: 1992Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 53: 101-105,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Alcohol education as primary prevention in health care: a replication study.Year: 1997Journal: Journal of Substance Misuse 2: 191-196,ISSN: 1357-5007
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Title: Alcohol home detoxification.Year: 1995Journal: Canad. Nurse 91 (No. 6): 35-39,
Title: Alcohol-induced upper GI hemorrhage: case studies and management.Year: 1987Journal: Critical Care Nurse 7 (No. 1): 58-63,
Title: Alcoholism and aging: an annotated bibliography and review.Publisher: Westport, CT * Greenwood Press;Source: (Bibliographies and Indexes in Gerontology, No. 24.) xi + 250 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Alcoholism and liver transplantation: ethical and nursing implications.Year: 1993Journal: Perspectives in Psychiatric Care 29: 7-12,ISSN: 0031-5990
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Title: Alcoholism: the illness. The occupational health nurse as a link to survival.Year: 1986Journal: AAOHN J. 34: 485-487,
Title: Alcoholism in the elderly: implications for hospital nurses.Year: 1993Journal: Medsurg. Nurs. 2: 453-458,
Title: Alcoholism nursing: toward a policy perspective.Year: 1987Journal: Journal of Nursing Education 26: 294-299,
Title: Alcoholism recovery in lesbian women: a theory in development.Year: 1990Journal: Sch. Inq. Nurs. Pract. 4 (No. 2): 109-125,
Title: Alcoholism services: back to the future?Year: 1995Journal: J. N.Y. State Nurs. Assoc. 26 (No. 1): 32-33,
Title: Alcohol-related problems: a critical review of the literature and directions in nurse educationYear: 1998Journal: Nurse Education Today 18: 477-487ISSN: 0260-6917
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Title: Alcohol withdrawal and related nursing care in older adults.Year: 1994Journal: J. Gerontol. Nurs. 20 (No. 10): 17-26,
Title: Alcohol withdrawal syndrome.Year: 1988Journal: American Journal of Nursing 88: 312-315,
Title: An all nurse model in the treatment of addictions.Publisher: Budapest, HungarySource: P. 187. In: International Council on Alcohol and Addictions. International Institute on the Prevention and Treatment of Alcoholism. 32nd. (Abstracts/Resumes.) 253 pp.Year: 1986
Title: The application of Orem's theory in the treatment of addictions.Publisher: Budapest, HungarySource: P. 188. In: International Council on Alcohol and Addictions. International Institute on the Prevention and Treatment of Alcoholism. 32nd. (Abstracts/Resumes.) 253 pp.Year: 1986
Title: Applying the "Model of Recovering Alcoholics' Behavior Stages and Goal Setting" to nursing practice.Year: 1993Journal: Arch. Psychiatr. Nurs. 7: 197-202,
Title: Assaultive behavior: know the risks.Year: 1991Journal: J. Psychosoc. Nurs. 29: 25-30,
Title: An assessment of substance abuse treatment training needs among nurses (part I): evaluating skill, knowledge and training characteristics.Year: 1997Journal: Journal of Substance Misuse 2: 150-157,ISSN: 1357-5007
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Title: An assessment of substance abuse treatment training needs among nurses (part II): applying an index of training needs.Year: 1997Journal: Journal of Substance Misuse 2: 184-190,ISSN: 1357-5007
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Title: The attitude of nurses towards alcoholism and alcoholics.Publisher: Lausanne, Switzerland * International Council on Alcohol and AddictionsSource: Pp. 220-222. In: Tongue, A. and Tongue E., eds. Proceedings of the 31st International Institute on the Prevention and Treatment of Alcoholism. Vol. 2. Rome, 2-7 June l985. 568 pp.Year: 1986
Title: Attitudes of registered nurses toward alcoholic patients in a general hospital population.Year: 1993Journal: International Journal of the Addictions 28: 923-930,ISSN: 0020-773X
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Title: Avoiding the pitfalls.Year: 1990Journal: Employee Assistance 3 (No. 4): 21-24,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: Brief intervention after alcohol-related injuries.Publisher: Philadelphia * W. B. Saunders. Co.;Source: Pp. 93-104. In: Bennett, G. and Thomas, S. P., eds. Substance abuse interventions in general nursing practice. Mental health nursing interventions for the generalist nurse. (Nursing Clinics of North America; vol. 33, no. 1) xii + 237pp.Year: 1998
Title: The care of clients with addictions: dimensions of nursing practice.Publisher: Kansas City, MO * American Nurses Association;Source: 32 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Certification and the specialty for addictions nursing.Year: 1989Journal: Alcohol Health and Research World 13: 57,ISSN: 0090-838X
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Title: The certification process: history and significance for addictions nursing practice.Publisher: Philadelphia * W. B. SaundersSource: Pp. 151-159. In: Zerwekh, J., ed. Nursing interventions for addicted patients. (Nursing Clinics of North America, Vol. 24, No. 1.) Pp. xiv + 159.Year: 1989
Title: The challenge of change: rethinking alcohol abuse.Year: 1995Journal: Addictions Nursing 7: 103-110,ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: The challenge of change: rethinking alcohol abuse.Year: 1994Journal: Arch. Psychiat. Nurs. 8: 373-380,
Title: Challenging practice opportunities in substance abuse nursing.Publisher: St. Louis * Mosby-Year Book;Source: Chap. 17, pp. 444-459. In: Sullivan, E. J. Nursing care of clients with substance abuse. xxviii + 484 pp.Year: 1995
Title: The change process in alcoholics: client motivation and denial in the treatment of alcoholism within the context of contemporary nursing.Year: 1992Journal: J. adv. Nurs. 17: 173-186,
Title: Chemical dependence: assessment and prevention of medical complications.Publisher: New York * Springer Publishing Co.;Source: Chap. 4, pp. 125-148. In: Burns, E. M., Thompson, A. and Ciccone, J. K., eds. An addictions curriculum for nurses and other helping professionals. Volume one. The undergraduate level: basic knowledge and practice. xii + 276 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Chemical dependence issues of school-age youth and adolescents.Publisher: New York * Springer Publishing Company;Source: Chap. 3, pp. 163-184. In: Burns, E. M., Thompson, A. and Ciccone, J. K., eds. An addictions curriculum for nurses and other helping professionals: volume two. The graduate level: advanced knowledge and practice. xii + 380 pp.Year: 1993
Title: The client who is an adolescent.Publisher: Skokie, IL * National Nurses Society on AddictionSource: Chap. 6, pp. 81-99. In: Jack, L., ed. Nursing care planning with the addicted client. Vol. 1. iv + 155 pp.Year: 1989
Title: The client who is an adult child of an alcoholic.Publisher: Skokie, IL * National Nurses Society on AddictionSource: Chap. 7, pp. 100-116. In: Jack, L., ed. Nursing care planning with the addicted client. Vol. I. iv + 155 pp.Year: 1989
Title: The client who is a healthcare professional.Publisher: Skokie, IL * National Nurses Society on AddictionSource: Chap. 8, pp. 117-132. In: Jack, L., ed. Nursing care planning with the addicted client. Vol. 1. iv + 155 pp.Year: 1989
Title: The client with physical complications from chronic alcoholism.Publisher: Skokie, IL * National Nurses Society on AddictionSource: Chap. 3, pp. 25-40. In: Jack, L., ed. Nursing care planning with the addicted client. Vol. 1. iv + 155 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Clinical experiences: treatment of chemical dependence (tertiary prevention).Publisher: New York * Springer Publishing Co.;Source: Chap. 6, pp. 163-195. In: Burns, E. M., Thompson, A. and Ciccone, J. K., eds. An addictions curriculum for nurses and other helping professionals. Volume one. The undergraduate level: basic knowledge and practice. xii + 276 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Clinical experiences with early detection of chemical dependence (secondary prevention).Publisher: New York * Springer Publishing Co.;Source: Chap. 5, pp. 149-161. In: Burns, E. M., Thompson, A. and Ciccone, J. K., eds. An addictions curriculum for nurses and other helping professionals. Volume one. The undergraduate level: basic knowledge and practice. xii + 276 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Clinical supervision.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 24, pp. 227-236. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Codependence as an interactive dynamic between client and therapist.Year: 1991Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 3 (No. 3): 82-84,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Codependency in nursing: healing wounds and changing patterns.Year: 1991Journal: J. Christ. Nurs. 8 (No. 2): 10-16,
Title: Cognitive impairments in early sobriety: nursing conventions.Year: 1991Journal: Arch. Psychiat. Nurs. 5: 105-112,
Title: Community mental health nurses' perceptions of their elderly client's health problems related to alcohol use/abuse.Publisher: D'Youville CollegeSource: 148 pp. MS dissertation,Year: 2003
Title: Community substance misuse team: management and practice.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 22, pp. 205-213. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: A comparative study between dynamic group psychotherapy and self-help support group treatment among adult children of alcoholics.Publisher: University of PittsburghSource: 223 pp. Ph.D. Dissertation,Year: 1993
Title: Complementary therapies in addiction nursing practice.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 9, pp. 89-95. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Conceptions of therapy: personalized nursing LIGHT model with chemically-dependent female offenders.Publisher: Boston * Allyn and Bacon;Source: Chap. 11, pp. 250-262. In: Mieczkowski, T., ed. Drugs, crime, and social policy: research, issues, and concerns. xiv + 322 pp.Year: 1992
Title: Contemporary issues in addiction nursingPublisher: Oxford * Blackwell Science LtdSource: Chap. 24, pp. 260-269. In: Rassool, G. H., ed. Substance use and misuse: nature, context and clinical interventions. xxi + 282 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Controlling the demon.Year: 1986Journal: Nurs. Times 82 (No. 27): 46-47,
Title: COSA: a family focused program within a substance abuse treatment program.Year: 1992Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 4 (No. 2): 45-47,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Counseling the chemically dependent: a nurse therapist's perspective.Publisher: Oslo * National Directorate for the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug ProblemsSource: Pp. 410-416. In: International Congress on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, 35th, Oslo, 1988. Proceedings. Vol. 3: papers. [xi] + 883 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Counseling women about childbearing and childbearing risks.Year: 1991Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 3 (No. 2): 34-44,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Crack/cocaine abusers in the general hospital: assessment and initiation of care.Year: 1992Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 4 (No. 4): 115-121,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Cracking up.Year: 1992Journal: Nurs. Times 88 (No. 9): 22-23,
Title: Creating opportunity from crisis.Year: 1994Journal: Addictions Nursing 6: 90-94,ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: Dealing with the elderly alcoholic patient.Year: 1989Journal: Home Healthcare Nurse 7 (No. 1): 12-13,
Title: The demon drink.Year: 1992Journal: Nurs. Elder. 4 (No. 4): 22-24,
Title: Denying alcoholism.Year: 1991Journal: Focus crit. Care 18: 469-473,
Title: Dependency problems: alcohol-induced head injury.Year: 1991Journal: Nursing Times 87 (No. 41): 29-31,
Title: Detoxification in the community.Year: 1997Journal: Journal of Substance Misuse 2: 62-63,ISSN: 1357-5007
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Title: Developing best practices of emergency care for the alcohol impaired patientYear: 2001Journal: Traffic Tech, No. 255, September
Title: Developing clinical expertise in the care of addicted patients in acute care settings.Year: 1992Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 4 (No. 4): 106-113,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Developing clinical expertise in the care of addicted patients in acute care settings [reply].Year: 1992Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 4 (No. 4): 113-114,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Development of an international partnership among nurses practising in the area of addictionsYear: 1999Journal: Journal of Substance Use 4(3): 188-189ISSN: 1465-9891
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Title: The diagnostic process.Publisher: Rockville, MD * National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and AlcoholismSource: Pp. 61-79. In: Hasselblad, J. Alcohol abuse curriculum guide for nurse practitioner faculty. (DHHS Publ. No. ADM 84-1313.) vii + 167 pp.Year: 1984
Title: Dilemmas in implementing alcohol-related secondary prevention in primary care using a behavioural method.Year: 1997Journal: European Addiction Research 3: 150-157,ISSN: 1022-6877
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Title: Dimensions of nursing care of clients with substance abuse.Publisher: St. Louis * Mosby-Year Book;Source: Chap. 6, pp. 117-134. In: Sullivan, E. J. Nursing care of clients with substance abuse. xxviii + 484 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Discovering a role for nurses in an addictions treatment facility for women and their childrenYear: 2000Journal: Journal of Nursing Education 39(9): 415-417
Title: Discovering the secret: nursing assessment of elderly alcoholics in the home.Year: 1990Journal: J. gerontol. Nurs. 16 (No. 11): 32-38,
Title: Distinguishing CNS disease from substance abuse effects.Year: 1991Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 3 (No. 4): 106-107,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Disturbances in sexual role performance of chronic alcoholics: an analysis using Roy's adaptation model.Year: 1990Journal: Issues in Mental Health Nursing 11: 243-254,
Title: Draft model curriculum in nursing education for alcohol and other drug abuse.Publisher: New York * New York University, Division of Nursing * and Columbus * Ohio State University, College of NursingSource: varying pages.Year: 1989
Title: Drink drive.Year: 1992Journal: Nurs. Times 88 (No. 38): 19,
Title: Drinkers be warned.Year: 1991Journal: Nurs. Times 87 (No. 14): 20,
Title: Drinkers respond to the CAT.Year: 1985Journal: Nurs. Times 81: 48-49,
Title: Drug and alcohol dependency nursing.Publisher: Oxford * Heinemann NursingSource: 188 pp.Year: 1989
Title: Drug and alcohol education in New South Wales: what do nurses want to learn.Year: 1994Journal: Drug and Alcohol Review 13: 185-193,ISSN: 0959-5236
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Title: Drug and alcohol liaison nursing service to a general medical ward: a six-month projectYear: 1999Journal: Journal of Substance Use 4(2): 109-116ISSN: 1465-9891
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Title: Drugs in pregnancyPublisher: Sydney * Drug and Alcohol Dept.;Source: Pp. 85-95. In: Novak, H., Ritchie, B., Murphy, M., Bartu, A., Holmes, J. and Capus, C. Nursing care of drug and alcohol problems. 114pp.Year: 1997
Title: Dual diagnosis: a challenge for mental health and substance abuse caregivers.Publisher: St. Louis * Mosby-Year Book;Source: Chap. 12, pp. 345-372. In: Sullivan, E. J. Nursing care of clients with substance abuse. xxviii + 484 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Early detection and intervention for hazardous ethanol use.Year: 1993Journal: Nurse Practitioner 18 (No. 7): 50, 53-55,ISSN: 0361-1817
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Title: Early detection and intervention for the hidden alcoholic: assessment guideline for the clinical nurse specialist.Year: 1994Journal: Clin. Nurse Specialist 8: 296-303,
Title: Early identification of infants at risk for institutional care.Year: 1986Journal: J. adv. Nurs. 11: 493-497,
Title: The educational and liaison roles of drug and alcohol nurses: a potential resource?Year: 1999Journal: Journal of Substance Use 4(2): 45-50ISSN: 1465-9891
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Title: Education on the rocks.Year: 1993Journal: Nurs. Times 89 (No. 21): 32-33,
Title: An education programme for professionals who specialize in substance misuse in St. Petersburg, Russia: part 1Year: 2001Journal: Nurse Education Today 21(8): 656-662ISSN: 0260-6917
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Title: Education, research, and theory development.Publisher: St. Louis * Mosby-Year Book;Source: Chap. 14, pp. 409-421. In: Sullivan, E. J. Nursing care of clients with substance abuse. xxviii + 484 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Effective peer responses to impaired nursing practice.Publisher: Philadelphia * W. B. Saunders Co.;Source: Pp. 105-118. In: Bennett, G. and Thomas, S. P., eds. Substance abuse interventions in general nursing practice. Mental health nursing interventions for the generalist nurse. (Nursing Clinics of North America; vol. 33, no. 1) xii + 237pp.Year: 1998
Title: Effect of community nurse follow-up when treating alcohol dependence with acamprosateYear: 2005Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism 40(4): 302-307ISSN: 0735-0414
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Title: Enabling behavior: the tender trap.Year: 1995Journal: American Journal of Nursing 95 (No. 1): 50-52,
Title: Enhancing nurse assessment of alcohol and drug dependency: a preliminary studyYear: 2004Journal: Journal of Addictions Nursing 15(2): 81-84ISSN: 1088-4602
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Title: Enhancing provider effectiveness in treating pregnant women with addictions.Year: 1995Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 12: 3-12,ISSN: 0740-5472
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Title: Essential concepts of addiction for general nursing practice.Publisher: Philadelphia * W. B. Saunders Co.;Source: Pp. 1-13. In: Bennett, G. and Thomas, S. P., eds. Substance abuse interventions in general nursing practice. Mental health nursing interventions for the generalist nurse. (Nursing Clinics of North America, vol. 33, no. 1) xii + 237pp.Year: 1998
Title: An ethical analysis of the detection, discipline, and treatment of the alcoholically impaired nurse in practice.Year: 1991Journal: Addictions Nursing Network. 3 (No. 1): 20-23,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Ethical issues in interviewing.Year: 1992Journal: J. adv. Nurs. 17: 98-103,
Title: Ethnicity and family factors in adolescent substance abuse.Year: 1992Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 4 (No. 2): 53-58,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Ethnic minorities and substance misuse.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 10, pp. 100-107. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: The European Alcohol Action Plan and nursing in Finland.Year: 1997Journal: Journal of Substance Misuse 2: 228-233,ISSN: 1357-5007
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Title: Evaluating spiritual well-being among drug- and alcohol-dependent patients: a pilot study examining the effects of supportive/educative nursing interventions.Year: 1991Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 3 (No. 3): 89-94,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Evaluation and triage.Publisher: New York * Pergamon PressSource: Chap. 1, pp. 7-17. In: Lerner, W. D. and Barr, M. A., eds. Handbook of hospital based substance abuse treatment. xi + 218 pp.Year: 1990
Title: Experience is the key to certification for chemical dependency nurses.Year: 1989Journal: Alcohol Health and Research World 13: 58-59,ISSN: 0090-838X
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Title: Facilitating change for problem drinkers: taking a broader viewYear: 1999Journal: J. Addictions Nursing 11(2): 43-53ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: Faculty and staff development: chemical dependence and nursing education.Publisher: New York * Springer Publishing Co.;Source: Chap. 8, pp. 219-248. In: Burns, E. M., Thompson, A. and Ciccone, J. K., eds. An addictions curriculum for nurses and other helping professionals. Volume one. The undergraduate level: basic knowledge and practice. xii + 276 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Faith community nurses and the prevention and management of addiction problemsYear: 2006Journal: Journal of Addictions Nursing 17(2): 115-120ISSN: 1088-4602
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Title: Family nurse practitioner clinical competencies in alcohol and substance use.Year: 1995Journal: Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practictioners 7: 57-63,ISSN: 1041-2972
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Title: First National Conference for Research and Study on Substance Abuse in Nursing. (Abstracts.)Publisher: Atlanta, GA * Emory University, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of NursingSource: iv + 43 pp.Year: 1988
Title: First nursing schools receive contracts for drug and alcohol curricula.Year: 1989Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 1 (No. 1): 21-22,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Frequency of nurse practitioner screening for substance use disorders.Year: 2005Journal: Journal of Addictions Nursing 16(3): 125-129ISSN: 1088-4602
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Title: From theory to practice: the planned treatment of drug users.Year: 1990Journal: International Journal of the Addictions 25: 709-734,ISSN: 0020-773X
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Title: Gay men, lesbians and substance misuse.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 13, pp. 125-132. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: General practice nurses' knowledge of alcohol use and misuse: a questionnaire surveyYear: 2000Journal: AlcoholAlcsm 35(3): 259-262
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Title: Healing addictions: the vulnerability model of recovery.Publisher: Albany, NY * Delmar PublishersSource: xviii + 300 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Health and alcohol use: educational innovationsYear: 2005Journal: Journal of Substance Use 10(4): 199-206ISSN: 1465-9891
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Title: Health care services for the alcohol and other drug dependent adult male homeless population: a nursing framework for social model programs.Year: 1997Journal: J. Addictions Nursing 9 (No. 1): 9-16,ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: Health education, prevention and harm-minimization.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 19, pp. 170-179. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Health implications of alcohol and other drug use: a teaching module.Year: 1994Journal: Addictions Nursing 6: 46-55,ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: Health practices of critical care nurses.Year: 1992Journal: Heart and Lung 21: 203-208,ISSN: 0147-9563
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Title: Helping the alcoholic patient recoverYear: 1995Journal: American Journal of Nursing 95(8): 22-29
Title: Helping in the home.Year: 1992Journal: Nursing Standard 28 (No. 7): 20-21,
Title: HIV/AIDS and substance misuse: health interventions.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 5, pp. 46-56. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Home care of the elderly alcoholic.Year: 1990Journal: Home Healthcare Nurse 8: 26-32,
Title: Homelessness and addictions.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 15, pp. 139-142. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Home management of alcohol withdrawalPublisher: Sydney * Drug and Alcohol Dept.;Source: Pp. 73-78. In: Novak, H., Ritchie, B., Murphy, M., Bartu, A., Holmes, J. and Capus, C. Nursing care of drug and alcohol problems. 114pp.Year: 1997
Title: A hospital-based program for recovering chemically dependent nurses.Year: 1990Journal: Nursing Management 21 (No. 10): 33-35,ISSN: 0744-6314
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Title: Hospital intervention for the chemically dependent patient.Year: 1990Journal: Professional Counselor 5 (No. 1): 29-32,ISSN: 1086-3397
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Title: How do we increase problem drinkers' self-efficacy? A nurse-led brief intervention putting theory into practice.Year: 2006Journal: Journal of Substance Use 11(6): 375-386ISSN: 1465-9891
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Title: How nurse therapists assess and contribute to the management of alcohol and sedative drug use among anxious patients.Year: 1986Journal: J. adv. Nurs. 11: 499-503,
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Title: The impaired nurse. (Development of curriculum and related teaching materials.)Publisher: Denville, NJ * Morris County Vocational Technical School DistrictSource: 110 pp.Year: 1984
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Title: Implementation of alcohol withdrawal program in a medical-surgical setting: improving patient outcomesYear: 1999Journal: J. Addictions Nursing 11(3): 102-106ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: Improving outcomes for patients experiencing alcohol withdrawal.Year: 1993Journal: Journal of Nursing Care Quality 7 (No. 3): 61-70,ISSN: 1057-3631
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Title: Inclusion of alcoholism and drug abuse content in curricula of varied health care professions.Year: 1991Journal: J. N.Y. St. Nurses Assoc. 22: 9-12,
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Title: The influence of selected variables on the experience of menstrual distress in alcoholic and nonalcoholic women.Year: 1986Journal: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Neonatal Nursing, pp. 484-491,ISSN: 0884-2175
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Title: Injury prevention: from outrage to action.Year: 1991Journal: J. Emerg. Nurs. 17: 178-180,
Title: Innovative roles: college health nursing and addictions.Year: 1990Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 1 (No. 4): 15-17,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Instructor's manual for alcohol screening and brief interventionPublisher: Storrs * Project NEADA, University of Connecticut School of NursingFormat: Manual. 4Source: 61 pp.Year: n.d.
Title: An integrated curriculum of substance abuse for nursing students.Year: 1990Journal: Substance Abuse 11 (No. 2): 108-110,ISSN: 0889-7077
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Title: Interdisciplinary collaboration in the treatment of addictions.Year: 1989Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 1 (No. 4): 7-9,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: International nurses' perceptions of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use and abuse among professional nurses in their countries.Year: 1994Journal: Addictions Nursing 6: 99-105,ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: Interprofessional collaboration in addiction nursing.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanlley Thornes;Source: Chap. 20, pp. 180-187. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Intervening in adolescent substance abuse.Publisher: Philadelphia * W. B. Saunders Co.;Source: Pp. 29-45. In: Bennett, G. and Thomas, S. P., eds. Substance abuse interventions in general nursing practice. Mental health nursing interventions for the generalist nurse. (Nursing Clinics of North America; vol. 33, no. 1) xii + 237pp.Year: 1998
Title: Intervening in premature termination of treatment in substance abuse programs.Year: 1991Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 3 (No. 4): 108-114,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Intervening with prenatal crack cocaine users.Publisher: Philadelphia * W. B. Saunders Co.;Source: Pp. 15-27. In: Bennett, G. and Thomas, S. P., eds. Substance abuse interventions in general nursing practice. Mental health nursing interventions for the generalist nurse. (Nursing Clinics of North America; vol. 33, no. 1) xii + 237pp.Year: 1998
Title: Intervention: a strategy to help chemically dependent students.Year: 1992Journal: Nurse Educator 17: 28-29,ISSN: 0363-3624
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Title: Interventions with alcoholics and their families.Year: 1986Journal: Nurs. Clin. N. Amer. 21 (No. 3): 493-504,
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Title: Introduction to alcohol and other drug use, abuse, and dependence: a focus on education and prevention.Publisher: New York * Springer Publishing Co.;Source: Chap. 2, pp. 49-96. In: Burns, E. M., Thompson, A. and Ciccone, J. K., eds. An addictions curriculum for nurses and other helping professionals. Volume one. The undergraduate level: basic knowledge and practice. xii + 276 pp.Year: 1993
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Title: The long-term implications of caring for a ventilator-dependent child at home.Year: 1992Journal: Home Healthcare Nurse 6: 10-11, 57,
Title: Looking ahead to the 90's: C.D. nursing.Year: 1989Journal: Professional Counselor 4 (No. 1): 56-57,ISSN: 1086-3397
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Title: MA: drunken patient admitted to E. R.: failure to monitor patient--death results.Year: 1993Journal: Regan Rep. nurs. Law 34 (No. 5): 3,
Title: Managing the patient with cirrhosis.Year: 1991Journal: Nursing 91: 106-108,ISSN: 0360-4039
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Title: A model approach to care of a patient with alcohol problemsYear: 1997Journal: Nurs. Time 93(3): 34-35
Title: My colleague, my friend: the impaired nurse.Year: 1990Journal: Nursing Management 21 (No. 8): 48I, 48L, 48N, 48P,ISSN: 0744-6314
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Title: The National Nurses Society on Addictions of the USAYear: 1999Journal: Journal of Substance Use 4(3): 186-187ISSN: 1465-9891
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Title: Necessary leaps for addictions nursing education and practice. (Editorial.)Year: 2005Journal: Journal of Addictions Nursing 16(4): 161-162ISSN: 1088-4602
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Title: The need for alcohol abuse-related education in nursing curricula.Year: 1994Journal: Alcohol Health and Research World 18: 154-157,ISSN: 0090-838X
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Title: Needs assessment and policy development.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 21, pp. 191-204. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: New South Wales nurse education project.Year: 1987Journal: Australian Drug and Alcohol Review Suppl. No. 1, pp. 31,ISSN: 0726-4550
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Title: Not just a drunk.Year: 1992Journal: Nursing 21 (No. 7): 96,ISSN: 0360-4039
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Title: Nurse delays reporting sexual assault on patient.Year: 1995Journal: Regan Rep. Nurs. Law 35: 4,
Title: Nurse educators look at alcohol education for the profession.Year: 1989Journal: Alcohol Health and Research World 13: 48-51,ISSN: 0090-838X
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Title: Nurse-identified problems in the management of alcoholic patients.Year: 1988Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 49: 62-70,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Nurse prescribing and in-patient alcohol detoxificationYear: 1999Journal: Journal of Substance Use 4(3): 133-141ISSN: 1465-9891
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Title: Nurses' attitudes toward substance misusers. II. Experiments and studies comparing nurses to other groupsYear: 2000Journal: Substance Use and Misuse 35(4): 503-532ISSN: 1082-6084
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Title: Nurses' beliefs about the etiology and treatment of alcohol abuse: a national study.Year: 1987Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 48: 456-460,ISSN: 0096-882X
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Title: Nurses blow whistle on Dr.: qualified privilege.Year: 1991Journal: Regan Rep. Nurs. Law 31 (No. 12): 1,
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Title: Nurses' knowledge of and attitudes toward perinatal substance abuse.Year: 1991Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 3 (No. 3): 73-75,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Nursing activities in the treatment of alcoholics in the community and mental health facilitiesYear: 2000Journal: Alcoholism 36 (1): 61-71ISSN: 0002-502X
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Title: Nursing and the voluntary association: origin, development and collaboration.Year: 1986Journal: Nurs. Clin. N. Amer. 21 (No. 3): 515-525,
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Title: Nursing care in chemical dependency treatment settings.Publisher: St. Louis, MO * Mosby-Year Book;Source: Chap. 11, pp. 305-344. In: Sullivan, E. J. Nursing care of clients with substance abuse. xxviii + 484 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Nursing care of clients with substance abuse.Publisher: St. Louis * Mosby-Year Book;Source: xxviii + 484 pp.Year: 1995
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Title: Nursing care of clients with substance abuse in the hospital.Publisher: St. Louis * Mosby-Year Book;Source: Chap. 7, pp. 135-190. In: Sullivan, E. J. Nursing care of clients with substance abuse. xxviii + 484 pp.Year: 1995
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Title: Nursing care of hospitalized medical patients with addictionsYear: 2004Journal: Journal of Addictions Nursing 15(4): 177-182ISSN: 1088-4602
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Title: Nursing care of special populations.Publisher: St. Louis * Mosby-Year Book;Source: Chap. 13, pp. 373-406. In: Sullivan, E. J. Nursing care of clients with substance abuse. xxviii + 484 pp.Year: 1995
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Title: Nursing diagnoses and management of the alcoholic patient.Publisher: Budapest, HungarySource: P. 190. In: International Council on Alcohol and Addictions. International Institute on the Prevention and Treatment of Alcoholism. 32nd. (Abstracts/Resumes.) 253 pp.Year: 1986
Title: Nursing education in the prevention and treatment of SUDYear: 2002Journal: Substance Abuse 23(No. 3, suppl.): 247-261ISSN: 0889-7077
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Title: Nursing faculty attitudes about substance abuse.Year: 1991Journal: Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 9 (No. 1): 85-91,ISSN: 0734-7324
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Title: Nursing interventions in the care of dually diagnosed clients.Publisher: Oxford * Blackwell ScienceSource: Chap. 11, pp. 148-157. In: Rassool, G. H., ed., ed. Dual diagnosis: substance misuse and psychiatric disorders. ix + 230 pp.Year: 2002
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Title: The nursing manager and quality of improvement of alcohol withdrawal management in medical-surgical settings: an interview with Linda RyanYear: 1998Journal: J. Addictions Nursing 10(4): 202-203ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: Nursing students' stress levels, attitude toward drugs, and drug use.Year: 1992Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 4 (No. 3): 80-87,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Occupational health nurses.Year: 1990Journal: Employee Assistance 2 (No. 9): 20-21,ISSN: 1042-1963
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Title: Offenders and addiction nursing.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 16, pp. 143-151. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: One week intensive educational experience in substance abuse for nursing students.Year: 1990Journal: Substance Abuse 11 (No. 2): 102-104,ISSN: 0889-7077
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Title: An overview of intervention strategiesPublisher: Oxford * Blackwell Science LtdSource: Chap. 9, pp. 106-115. In: Rassool, G. H., ed. Substance use and misuse: nature, context and clinical interventions. xxi + 282 pp.Year: 1998
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Title: Pain managementPublisher: Sydney * Drug and Alcohol Dept.;Source: Pp. 79-84. In: Novak, H., Ritchie, B., Murphy, M., Bartu, A., Holmes, J. and Capus, C. Nursing care of drug and alcohol problems. 114pp.Year: 1997
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Title: Polydrug users and nursing interventions.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 4, pp. 36-45. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Practical approaches in treating adolescent chemical dependency: a guide to clinical assessment and intervention.Publisher: New York * Haworth PressSource: 284 pp.Year: 1989
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Title: Preception of addiction nurses towards clinical supervision: an exploratory studyYear: 2000Journal: J. Addictions Nursing 12 (1): 23-29ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: Pregnancy and chemical dependency.Publisher: North Branch, MN * Sunrise River Press;Source: Chap. 3, pp. 57-77. In: Lewis, K. D., ed. Infants and children with prenatal alcohol and drug exposure: a guide to identification and intervention. xix + 367 pp.Year: 1995
Title: A preliminary survey of codependency traits and family of origin status of nursing students.Year: 1994Journal: Addictions Nursing 6: 76-80,ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: Prescription for change: perspectives on prescribing authority for addiction nurses in the United KingdomYear: 2004Journal: Journal of Addictions Nursing 15(4): 193-197ISSN: 1088-4602
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Title: Prevention and health educationPublisher: Oxford * Blackwell Science LtdSource: Chap. 7, pp. 83-95. In: Rassool, G. H., ed. Substance use and misuse: nature, context and clinical interventions. xxi + 282 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Prevention of adolescent substance abuse: choosing and implementing a program.Year: 1997Journal: J. Addictions Nursing 9: 173-181,ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: Prevention specialist: National Institute on Alcoholics (Japan): an interview with Nobuko Hisatomi, R.N.Year: 1994Journal: Addictions Nursing 6: 129-134,ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: The previous training and present training needs of nurses in charge of alcohol treatment units and community alcohol teams.Year: 1986Journal: J. adv. Nurs. 11: 283-288,
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Title: Professional education and training.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 23, pp. 217-226. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Professional education in co-occurring disorders: some considerations towards practice development.Year: 2006Journal: Journal of Addictions Nursing 17(3): 187-191ISSN: 1088-4602
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Title: Professional in residence.Year: 1992Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 4 (No. 3): 88-91,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Professional, legal, and ethical issues related to chemical dependence: an integrative seminar.Publisher: New York * Springer Publishing Co.;Source: Chap. 7, pp. 197-217. In: Burns, E. M., Thompson, A. and Ciccone, J. K., eds. An addictions curriculum for nurses and other helping professionals. Volume one. The undergraduate level: basic knowledge and practice. xii + 276 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Profile of the nurse participating in a substance abuse program of a board of registration in nursing in a New England state.Year: 1997Journal: J. Addictions Nursing 9 (No. 1): 22-29,ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: Projects and research: an agenda for action.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 25, pp. 237-246. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: The psychosocial effects of chemical abuse and dependence.Publisher: New York * Springer Publishing Co.;Source: Chap. 3, pp. 97-124. In: Burns, E. M., Thompson, A. and Ciccone, J. K., eds. An addictions curriculum for nurses and other helping professionals. Volume one. The undergraduate level: basic knowledge and practice. xii + 276 pp.Year: 1993
Title: Public and community health nurse's consultant: a health promotion guide.Publisher: St. Louis * Mosby-Year Book;Source: xvi + 895pp.Year: 1997
Title: Quality assurance.Year: 1988Journal: Journal of Psychosocial Nursing in Mental Health Services 26 (No. 1): 28-31,
Title: Recognizing alcohol and other drug related problemsPublisher: Sydney * Drug and Alcohol Dept.;Source: Pp. 1-6. In: Novak, H., Ritchie, B., Murphy, M., Bartu, A., Holmes, J. and Capus, C. Nursing care of drug and alcohol problems. 114pp.Year: 1997
Title: Recovering from alcoholism--one shift at a time.Year: 1988Journal: American Journal of Nursing 88: 1618,
Title: Recovery and relapse.Publisher: St. Louis * Mosby-Year Book;Source: Chap. 5, pp. 102-113. In: Sullivan, E. J. Nursing care of clients with substance abuse. xxviii + 484 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Recreational drugs: societal and professional issues.Year: 1992Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 4 (No. 1): 2-8,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Recreational drugs: societal and professional issues.Year: 1991Journal: Nurs. Clin. N. Amer. 26 (2): 499-509,
Title: Reducing alcohol consumption.Year: 1992Journal: Practitioner 235: 612-614,ISSN: 0032-6518
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Title: Relapse prevention and nursing interventions.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 7, pp. 67-79. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Reproductive risks of alcohol and illicit drugs: an overview.Year: 2006Journal: Journal of Addictions Nursing 17(4): 211-213ISSN: 1088-4602
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Title: Request for medical evaluation.Year: 1993Journal: AAOHN Journal 41: 241-244,
Title: Research in a clinical setting.Year: 1993Journal: Nursing Management 24 (No. 2): 82-83,ISSN: 0744-6314
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Title: Residential alcohol detoxification: new role for mental health nursesYear: 1997Journal: British Journal of Nursing 6(5): 280-284
Title: A residential health care program for chemically dependent adolescents and adults: opportunity for education, research and practice.Year: 1992Journal: Substance Abuse 13 (No. 2): 82-87,ISSN: 0889-7077
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Title: The results of a survey on counseling at public health centers in Tokyo.Publisher: New York * Brunner/Mazel;Source: Chap. 8, pp. 117-126. In: Saitoh, S., Steinglass, P. and Schuckit, M. A. Alcoholism and the family. (The 4th International Symposium of the Psychiatric Research Institute of Tokyo.) xii + 310 pp.Year: 1992
Title: The role of the addictions nurse specialist in a general hospital setting.Publisher: Philadelphia * W. B. SaundersSource: Pp. 137-149. In: Zerwekh, J., ed. Nursing interventions for addicted patients. (The Nursing Clinics of North America, Vol. 24, No. 1.) Pp. xiv + 159.Year: 1989
Title: The role of the community psychiatric nurse in improving treatment compliance in alcoholics.Year: 1987Journal: J. Adv. Nurs. 12: 707-711,
Title: The role of the nurse case manager in substance abuse treatment.Year: 1998Journal: J. Addictions Nursing 10: 136-141,ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: The role of the nurse in treatment of alcohol dependent legal offenders.Publisher: Budapest, HungarySource: P. 199. In: International Council on Alcohol and Addictions. International Institute on the Prevention and Treatment of Alcoholism. 32nd. (Abstracts/Resumes.) 253 pp.Year: 1986
Title: The role of nurses in primary care: managing alcohol-abusing patients.Year: 1994Journal: Alcohol Health and Research World 18: 158-161,ISSN: 0090-838X
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Title: Role of nursing managementYear: 1995Journal: Nurs. J. India 86(3): 57-64
Title: The role of the pediatric nurse practitioner: primary prevention for adolescents who have an addicted parentYear: 2000Journal: Journal Addictions Nursing 12(2): 91-94ISSN: 1088-4602
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Title: The role of the psychiatric clinical nurses specialist in primary mental health alcohol detoxification programs.Year: 1999Journal: J. Addcit. Nurs. 11(1): 35-36,ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: The role of the psychiatric nurse in a community substance abuse prevention program.Publisher: Philadelphia * W. B. SaundersSource: Pp. 121-136. In: Zerwekh, J., ed. Nursing interventions for addicted patients. (The Nursing Clinics of North America, Vol. 24, No. 1.) Pp. xiv + 159.Year: 1989
Title: The role of the psychiatric nurse in the prevention and treatment of alcoholism at the Avalon Treatment Centre, Cape Town.Year: 1989Journal: Med. Law 8: 439-444,
Title: Roundtable on medical education about addiction.Year: 1990Journal: Addiction and Recovery 10 (No. 4): 12-16, 25-28,ISSN: 1052-4614
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Title: Safe withdrawal from acute alcohol abuse in the aged.Year: 1992Journal: Geriatric Nursing NY 13: 281-283,ISSN: 0197-4572
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Title: Salutogenesis: an organizing structure for addictions nursing.Year: 1994Journal: Perspec. Addictions Nursing 5: 3-7,ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: School nursing and substance misusePublisher: Oxford * Blackwell Science LtdSource: Chap. 14, pp. 159-167. In: Rassool, G. H., ed. Substance use and misuse: nature, context and clinical interventions. xxi + 282 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Scope and standards of addictions nursing practice.Publisher: Washington * American Nurses AssociationSource: ix + 96 pp.Year: 2004
Title: Screening and brief intervention for alcohol problems in the emergency room: is there a role for nursing? (Editorial.)Year: 2006Journal: Journal of Addictions Nursing 17(2): 79-82ISSN: 1088-4602
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Title: A second chance for KirkYear: 1995Journal: Nursing 25(11): 40-51ISSN: 0360-4039
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Title: Self-efficacy, change, and optimal client stability.Year: 1993Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 5 (No. 2): 48-51,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Shedding light on alcohol abuse by the elderly.Year: 1990Journal: Perspectives, pp. 10-16, Winter
Title: Small steps to progress.Year: 1990Journal: Nurs. Times 86 (No. 42): 28-30,
Title: A sobering issue.Year: 1992Journal: Nurs. Times 88 (No. 4): 14-15,
Title: Sobriety, friends and gay men.Year: 1991Journal: Arch. Psychiat. Nurs. 5: 171-177,
Title: Sophia Heathcote vindicated.Year: 1991Journal: Aust. Nurses J. 21 (No. 1): 10-15,
Title: Specialist assessment in addiction.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 3, pp. 25-35. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Standards of addictions nursing practice with selected diagnoses and criteria.Publisher: Kansas City, MO * American Nurses AssociationSource: iii + 58 pp.Year: 1988
Title: Strategies for intervention.Publisher: Philadelphia * W. B. SaundersSource: Pp. 95-107. In: Zerwekh, J., ed. Nursing interventions for addicted patients. (The Nursing Clinics of North America, Vol. 24, No. 1.) Pp. xiv + 159.Year: 1989
Title: Strategies for promotion of avoiding harmful substances.Year: 1991Journal: Nurs. Clin. North Am. 26: 915-927,
Title: Substance abuse and obligations to colleagues.Year: 1990Journal: Nursing Management 21 (No. 8): 40-41,ISSN: 0744-6314
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Title: Substance abuse education for nurse practitioners in primary careYear: 2002Journal: Substance Abuse 23(No. 3, suppl.): 235-246ISSN: 0889-7077
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Title: Substance abuse education for nurses: a pilot project.Year: 1993Journal: Substance Abuse 14 (No. 1): 9-15,ISSN: 0889-7077
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Title: Substance abuse education in nursing.Publisher: New York * National League for Nursing Press;Source: Volume I: curriculum modules. xii + 602 pp.Year: 1991
Title: Substance abuse, existentialism, and anger.Year: 1993Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 5: 78-83,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Substance abuse in families, children, and adolescents.Publisher: St. Louis * Mosby-Year Book;Source: Chap. 9, pp. 234-269. In: Sullivan, E. J. Nursing care of clients with substance abuse. xxviii + 484 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Substance abuse in the homebound elderly: a casefinding approach.Year: 1992Journal: Home Healthcare Nurse 10 (No. 1): 19-23,
Title: Substance abuse in Latin American countries: priorities, challenges, and actionsYear: 2004Journal: Journal of Addictions Nursing 15(3): 145-147ISSN: 1088-4602
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Title: Substance abuse in perinatal care.Publisher: St. Louis * Mosby-Year Book;Source: Chap. 8, pp. 191-233. In: Sullivan, E. J. Nursing care of clients with substance abuse. xxviii + 484 pp.Year: 1995
Title: Substance abuse in the Vietnam veteran.Year: 1987Journal: AAOHN J. 35: 74-76,
Title: Substance misuse and mental health.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 17, pp. 152-158. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Substance misuse in the accident and emergency departmentPublisher: Oxford * Blackwell Science LtdSource: Chap. 15, pp. 168-175. In: Rassool, G. H., ed. Substance use and misuse: nature, context and clinical interventions. xxi + 282 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Substance misuse in the elderly population.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 12, pp. 119-124. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Substance use and misuse: nature, context and clinical interventionsPublisher: Oxford * Blackwell Science LtdFormat: Manual. 4.Source: xxi + 282 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Supervisor suspects staff nurse to have alcohol problem.Year: 1993Journal: Pa. Nurse 48 (No. 3): 8,
Title: A synthesis of addiction and mental health nursing: an approach to community interventionsPublisher: Oxford * Blackwell ScienceSource: Chap. 8, pp. 108-120. In: Rassool, G. H., ed. Dual diagnosis: substance misuse and psychiatric disorders. ix + 230 pp.Year: 2002
Title: Tackling alcohol problems in a general hospital.Year: 1993Journal: Aust. Nurs. J. 1 (No. 2): 18-23,
Title: Targets for change in alcohol and drug education for nursing roles.Year: 1989Journal: Alcohol Health and Research World 13: 52-55,ISSN: 0090-838X
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Title: Teaching nursing students and clinicians family intervention for substance abuse.Year: 1990Journal: Substance Abuse 11 (No. 1): 8-16,ISSN: 0889-7077
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Title: A team approach for impaired student nurses.Year: 1993Journal: EAP Digest 14 (No. 1): 28-30,ISSN: 0273-8910
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Title: To hell and back.Year: 1990Journal: Nurs. Times. 18 (No. 42): 26-27,
Title: Treating acute withdrawal from alcohol and other drugs.Publisher: Philadelphia * W. B. Saunders Co.;Source: Pp. 75-92. In: Bennett, G. and Thomas, S. P., eds. Substance abuse interventions in general nursing practice. Mental health nursing interventions for the generalist nurse. (Nursing Clinics of North America; vol. 33, no. 1) xii + 237pp.Year: 1998
Title: Treating recovering alcoholics.Year: 1988Journal: J. Gerontol. Nurs. 14 (No. 5): 18-22,
Title: Treatment of the addicted client utilizing Rogerian theory.Year: 1993Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 5: 107-114,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: The Twelve Steps for Addictions Therapists.Year: 1991Journal: Addictions Nursing Network 4 (No. 3): 122-123,ISSN: 0899-9112
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Title: Two reports, one disease.Year: 1988Journal: American Journal of Nursing 88 (No. 5): 660-661,
Title: Under what circumstances are nurses willing to engage in brief alcohol interventions? A qualitative study from primary care in SwedenYear: 2005Journal: Addictive Behaviors 30(5): 1049-1053ISSN: 0306-4603
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Title: Use of milieu as a problem-solving strategy in addiction treatment.Publisher: Philadelphia * W. B. SaundersSource: Pp. 69-80. In: Zerwekh, J., ed. Nursing interventions for addicted patients. (The Nursing Clinics of North America, Vol. 24, No. 1.) Pp. xiv + 159.Year: 1989
Title: The use of psychoactive substances in young people.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 14, pp. 133-138. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Using open Alcoholics Anonymous meetings as a teaching strategy for undergraduate nursing studentsYear: 1999Journal: J. Addictions Nursing 11(1): 19-24ISSN: 1073-886X
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Title: Validation of addictions nursing diagnoses in a sample of alcohol abstainers 1 year post-treatment.Year: 1992Journal: Arch. Psychiat. Nurs. 6: 340-346,
Title: What really worked: a case analysis and discussion of confrontational intervention for substance abuse in marginalized women.Year: 1993Journal: Arch. Psych. Nurs. 7: 322-327,
Title: When the patient causes the problem: the effect of patient responsibility on the nurse-patient relationshipYear: 1997Journal: Journal Adv. Nurs. 26: 515-522
Title: When you face the chemically dependent patient: a practical guide for nurses.Publisher: St. Louis, MO * Ishiyaku EuroAmericaSource: 207 pp.Year: 1987
Title: Where treatment and prevention merge: the need for a broader approach.Year: 1997Journal: Addiction 92 (Suppl. 1): S133-S136,ISSN: 0965-2140
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Title: Why is this patient unconscious?Year: 1986Journal: RN 49: 49-50,
Title: WithdrawalPublisher: Sydney * Drug and Alcohol Dept.;Source: Pp. 22-46. In: Novak, H., Ritchie, B., Murphy, M., Bartu, A., Holmes, J. and Capus, C. Nursing care of drug and alcohol problems. 114pp.Year: 1997
Title: Withdrawing gracefully: detoxification.Year: 1993Journal: Nurs. Times 89 (No. 17): 43-44,
Title: Women and alcoholism: gender-related medical complications: treatment considerationsYear: 2006Journal: Journal of Addictions Nursing 17(1): 33-45ISSN: 1088-4602
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Title: Women and substance misuse.Publisher: Cheltenham, UK * Stanley Thornes;Source: Chap. 11, pp. 108-118. In: Rassool, G. H. and Gafoor, M., eds. Addiction nursing: perspectives on professional and clinical practice. xv + 268 pp.Year: 1997
Title: Working with diverse special populationsPublisher: Oxford * Blackwell Science LtdSource: Chap. 22, pp. 236-248. In: Rassool, G. H., ed. Substance use and misuse: nature, context and clinical interventions. xxi + 282 pp.Year: 1998
Title: Working with dual diagnosis clientsPublisher: Oxford * Blackwell Science LtdSource: Chap. 23, pp. 249-259. In: Rassool, G. H., ed. Substance use and misuse: nature, context and clinical interventions. xxi + 282 pp.Year: 1998